Sieze the Day

First Date

***********Ashlyn's POV************

There was a knock on the door. I stood and answered it. Brian looked hot, to say the least. Well, he always looks good.

"Well, m'lady, are you ready to go?"

I smiled, "Why yes good sir, I am." We laughed as I closed and locked the door. "So, what are we doing?"

"Not telling, it's a surprise."

"I'm scared."

"Oh, haha. I think you'll like it." We got into the car. We pulled up to this building, it looked like one of those old Victorian castles. Brian got out of his side and ran to mine. HE opened the door and held a hand out to help me through the car door.

"Well, aren't you a certified gentleman?"

"Yes. Yes I am." We laughed.

I was in utter shock when we entered the place. It was amazingly beautiful. It had the whole medieval thing going on. The colors were rich and dark and the waiters dressed in corset dresses and those flowy man-shirts. "Wow. Brian, this place is amazing."

"I know, I love it here."

The lady at the hostess desk looked up. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I have a reservation for two."

"Mr. Haner?"


"Well, follow me, we have your favorite table set for you." She said walking up a small flight of stairs. The two of us followed her. We came to a landing with a single table set. It looked over the whole restaurant, you could see the other diners and the waiters scurrying around the floor. There was a string quartet in the center of it all, playing background music softly. "OK Mr. Haner, here is a beverage list and two menus, the waiter should be up soon." The hostess said before descending the steps.

"What do you want to drink?" Brian asked.

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"Well, how about the '69 Chardonnay? It was good the last time I was here."

"You drink wine?"

"Well, if you want we can order Jack Daniels."

"No, the wine is fine, but I never posted you as a wine man."

"On occasion. Like when I'm on a date with an amazingly beautiful woman."

"Oh, stop. I'm not that good looking."

"Well, obviously you are not looking at the same person I am when you look in the mirror."

"If you say so Brian." The waitress appeared.

"Did you decide what you'd like to drink?" she asked.

"Um, is the '69 Chardonnay still good, or is there something better?" Brian asked her.

"Well, that year is the best for our Chardonnay. It's still the best on the list."

"Well, get us a bottle of that."

"OK, I'll be right back with that. Are you ready to order now, or when I come back?"

"When you come back, we haven't really looked at the menu yet."

She laughed, "OK, well, I'll be right back with your wine." She left and Brian looked at me.

"Well, I guess we should figure out what to order. Huh?"

"Yeah." I looked at the menu and picked out what sounded best just in time for the waiter to arrive with our wine.

"Are you ready?" She asked. Brian looked at me and I nodded. We ordered and the waitress left. Dinner was filled with conversation, us getting to know one-another.

We left the restaurant and got back in his car. It was still light outside, considering it was summer time. Brian pulled up to the beach parking lot and got out, running to my side once again to let me out. "I hope you don't mind coming here, I want to do something with you."

"Hey buddy not on the first date!"

"Not that! Just follow me." We walked for sometime until we came to this beautiful cove. There were rocks surrounding it and a small tide-pool in the center of them. "You may want to take off your shoes." Brian said as he took his off and set them in the sand. I did the same and looked for him. He was climbing up to the tallest rock, he reached the top and looked at me. He extended a hand and pulled me up. There wasn't much room on the rock, so he had me sit inbetween his legs. "Look at the sky." He whispered softly in my ear. It caused a chill to run down my spine, but I don't think he noticed.

I looked at the sky and gasped in awe. It was like a painting done by the most talented painter in the universe. "Wow. I've never seen anything like this."

"I figured. There is nothing like a California sunset." He said resting his chin on my shoulder. "Ashlyn. I want to tell you something, but I'm afraid you'll think I'm crazy."

"I already think you're crazy."


"Because you like me."

"It would make me crazy if I didn't. Ashlyn, is it bad that I can talk to Emma in my head?"

"Is it bad that I can talk to Danny in mine?"


"Yeah, He's guided me ever since he died. He keeps telling me that you're good for me."

"That's funny, Emma tells me the same thing about you. You don't think that they like met in heaven, do you?"

"Who knows. Anything is possible."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Emma tells me thing about you, she says she has a source."

"Yeah, Danny said he met Emma, but I thought he was joking. Hey, maybe they're a couple up there."

"Yeah, maybe."

************Emma's POV**********

We watched as Brian and Ashlyn sat watching the sunset. I looked at Danny. We weren't listening to what they were saying, we thought that would be rude, I mean, it is their first date. They look so happy, I'm glad we were able to get this sunset so beautiful today. I don't know if angels are allowed to fall in love with eachother, but I have a secret. I like Danny, I'm going to talk to a friend of mine, see if she knows how it works. But, I may even love him.

*********Danny's POV************

Ashlyn looks so happy. I'm glad she found love again. I think I have too. I don't know if angels are allowed to love eachother, I've never heard of it before, but I also never thought I'd guide Ashlyn to a man like Brian who has a woman like Emma up here watching him.


"Yeah Danny?"

"Do you think angels can love again?"

"I don't know Danny, I just don't know." She answered shaking her head. "Well, I'm gonna call it a night. I think the date went well, and I don't see it taking a turn for the worst." Emma left. I looked down at Ashlyn and Brain. If she's allowed to love again, shouldn't I be able to, too?
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Loves y'all readers!