Sieze the Day


****************Ashlyn's POV****************

When we finally pulled away, our eyes locked, never leaving the others gaze for what felt like an eternity. A peaceful silence fell over us, neither of us breaking it.

I finally broke the silence a few minutes later. "Are we official?"

"Do you want to be official?"

I didn't even need to think on that one, it was a no brainer. "Yeah. You know, Elizabeth will be ecstatic."

"Dylan will be too. He never connected with my girlfriends like he connects with you."

"Same with Elizabeth. Though, I never really let them get involved with her. Dylan's told me about your exes before."

"Really? What did he say?"

"Well he really only talked about one, Michelle, I think was her name. He told me about how she didn't want to be a mother and how she told you it was her or him. He felt like it was his fault."

"He heard that? God I didn't even know. Of course there was no choice, Dylan comes before any woman. Sorry if that offends you."

"It doesn't, Elizabeth comes before any man for me also. God, we're so alike that it’s scary."

"Yeah, we kind of are."

We sat together for hours, in silence on my couch, just enjoying each other's company. I can see me spending the rest of my life like this. I would love to marry this man, as crazy as it sounds. I want to share Elizabeth with him and him share Dylan with me. I want to have one of his children one day. I want to live with him....and die with him. I know they say fools rush in, and I guess I'm a fool.

***************Brian's POV***********

Ashlyn eventually fell asleep as we sat on the couch. I stared at her sleeping form for some time, before I was interrupted by her home phone ringing. I slipped out from underneath her and ran to the phone, so it wouldn't wake her up.

I didn't even say hello, because the voice on the other line bet me to it. "Ashlyn! Why the hell are you ignoring me! I'm your best friend and I haven't seen you since we went to the mall! Hell! I haven't talked to you since we went to the mall! What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Um, this isn't Ashlyn, she's sick. Who is this?" I asked timidly.

"Holly! Who is this?"


"Oh, if she's sick, then what are you doing there?"

"Taking care of her."

"What about Elizabeth?"

"At her cousin Matt's house with Dylan."

"Oh, well when she gets better, tell her to call me."


"Oh, and Brian?"

"Yeah Holly."

"Don't break her heart." She hung up the phone and the line went dead.

"I'd never think of it." I said aloud to myself. I sat back down with Ashlyn and fell asleep myself. I could see myself spending the rest of my life like this, with Ashlyn in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, kinda fillerish, but i also kinda like it.

sorry it took so long to update this, but with school and all, it's hard to get it all in harmony with eachother.

comment please.