Sieze the Day

Cousin Matt

*****************Brian's POV****************

Matt led me downstairs and into his basement recording studio. He turned and faced me when we reached the bottom. He pushed me down onto the couch that was beside me.

"Brian, listen and listen well. Got it?"

I nodded, afraid to speak. If Matt wanted to he could kick my ass all the way to China.

"Ashlynn is my cousin and I love her. And Elizabeth is her daughter. If you hurt either of them, God help you. Actually God wouldn't even be able to save you because I'd be such a force that nothing would want to mess with me. Brian, you're my best friend, but Ashlynn is my family. She is one of my top priorities now that she is back in my life. I know you're a good guy Bri, but if I hear anything, and I mean anything, bad . I swear to God you will wish you were never born! Do you understand?"

I looked at Matt. He had a mix of rage and compassion in his eyes. Rage from the thought of anyone hurting Ashlynn and Elizabeth and compassion because he loves them so much.

"Matt, now you listen to me." I looked at him, amusement danced across his face. "I would never, NEVER dream of hurting Ashlynn or Elizabeth in any way, shape, or form. They are both amazing and have been through so much. I don't ever want to see them in pain, and I will be the first to kill then person that ever does try to cause them pain. Matt you would have to wait on the side lines, because I will have first dibs on kicking their ass. Matt," I said looking at him and calming down. "I think I love your cousin and I know I love her daughter. I may even want to marry Ashlynn, one day."

Matt looked at me and nodded. "Why do you love them?"

"God! There's too much! Ashlynn, I've never met another woman like her. She's beautiful and caring. There's just so much love in her, after what she's been through one would never expect that from her, but it's there. The way she is with Dylan. God, that would be reason enough to love her. She's just amazing, an angel that shouldn't even think of being with me. And then there's Elizabeth. She's such a sweet little girl. I want to just give her the world, and if I could, I would. The innocence that radiates off her I want to protect that, forever and always." During my rant I had looked away from Matt and began to pace the room, throwing my arms around me in outrage at myself for not being able to explain the reason I love them in words.

I finally looked back at Matt. He had a smile on his face, which scared me, because that can be both good and bad when it comes to Matt. "You really love them." It was more a statement than a question.

I scoffed, "Love probably isn't even a strong enough word to describe my feelings for them."


"What? What does that mean?"

"It means, I approve."

"You approve. Of what?"

"You and Ashlynn. And I'll add of you ever decide you do want to marry Ashlynn, you have my permission for that too." He began to laugh and I joined him.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and both of our heads snapped in that direction.

"Brian? Are you OK? Uncle Mattie didn't hurt you did he?" I heard Elizabeth ask in concern from the last two steps.

I chuckled. "No sweetheart. Uncle Mattie and Brian were just having a little," I paused, "heart-to-heart." I said picking her up.

"Heart-to-heart? What does that mean?"

"It means we were talking."

"Oh, OK then. Mommy was worried."

Matt and I broke out into laughter again. We made our way up the stairs, me carrying Elizabeth.

"Matthew Charles Sanders! If you hurt one hair on his head I swear I'll, um, sick Val on you!" I heard Ashlynn yell from the kitchen.

"Actually, he'll just end up missing out on something for a very long time!" Val yelled after Ashlynn's voice broke off.

Matt looked at me with pleading eyes. I chuckled lightly. "I'm fine! We just had a little chat!" I said as we entered the room.

Ashlynn came over to me and hugged me. "Good, I'd rather my cousin and boyfriend not fight." She said kissing Matt and I's cheek and taking Elizabeth.

"Who wants to watch a movie?" Val asked.

The kids ran into the living room. The four of us followed. I could get used to us being family.
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Well, hear ya go. I know it's short again, but it's a lot of dialogue! ^__^