Sieze the Day

I Cannot Forgive

I walked hand-in-hand with Brian into the mall. We were on our way to meet up with my father. I have been in deep thought since the last time I spoke to him, and I know what I have to do, for myself. Brian and I made our way to the food court. We spotted my father immediately, sitting with three coffees at a table. Brian and I took the seats right next to each other. Silence engulfed the table, no one really knew what to say. I was the first to speak.

"What made you come find me?"

"Well, I've been looking for a while. I guess I regret what I did."

"You guess you regret what you did, or you do regret what you did? There is a difference."

"I can't answer that question."

"Then I know I'm done here." I said standing up. In my peripheral vision, I saw a flash of blue. "But, I think you are going to have a long time to think."

"What do you..." He was cut off.

"Mr. Danniels, you are under arrest for the accused murder of a Danny Brown. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you don't have an attorney, one will be appointed to you..." The officer continued to read off my father's rights. My father's eyes locked with mine.

"I can't forgive you." I mouthed as the officer pushed him out the door.

"Wh-what just happened here?" Brian asked in confusion. He had no clue that I had this planned out.

"I just had my father arrested." I said bluntly, ignoring the stares of passer-byes.


"Yeah, I just couldn't forgive him. Brian?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Can we make a stop somewhere?"

"Of course, where?"

"A tattoo parlor."

"Um, alright." Brian said as he stood up, probably confused at my sudden want to go to a tattoo parlor.

We walked into the parlor which was surprisingly empty. I was taken right in and asked what I wanted. It was an elaborate picture. I wanted a picture of Elizabeth, a picture of Dylan, Danny's name and years of life in a cross, Brian and Matt's picture, and finally I wanted my two names, Ashlynn Rose Giordano, and Hayley Isabella Sanders. It was to be a sleeve on my arm.

"Ma'am, you do know this is gonna take a while, right?"

"Yeah, I do." I said as I gave him the pictures.

"Alright, come back in a half hour, I should have the whole thing drawn out by then." He said with a smile.

"Thank-you." I waved as we left the building.

"Are you sure about all that?" Brian asked.

"Bri, it's my life in a nutshell."

"If that's what you want, then I won't stop you."

"Good, Brian, because you weren't gonna stop me anyway."

He laughed. "Well, we have a half hour, and I got a text from Zacky while we were at the tattoo place."


"He's got sketches for us to look at. Wanna do that now?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We pulled up to Zack's place a little while later. We walked right in and up the stairs to his 'study'. Like that man ever studied anything but guitar for his whole life. We entered the room and Zack looked up at us.

"Hey guys. I have the sketches right here. I think you'll love 'em. I tried my best to capture you guys in it." Zack said handing over a manila folder.

I opened it and Brian and I looked in it, the tuxes were a definite yes for us. The guys were all in pinstripe tuxes with fedora and bandannas adorning their heads. Brian's was an all black tux, he was pictured with a red fedora on his head. I then looked at the bride's maid's dresses, they were a strapless violet and black a-line tea-length dress, simple, yet elegant.I then looked at my dress and felt tears prick my eyes. This was really happening. I was finally going to be able to marry the man I love. The dress was beautiful. It was white with purple lace detailing and a black sash going around around the waist with beading at its center.

The tears that were brimming my eyes finally begin to fall. I felt both of the men's eyes on me and a hand placed on my back.

"Are tears a good thing?" I heard Zacky ask. I ran over to him and hugged him tight.

"Thank you! Thank-you so much Zacky! It's all so gorgeous! I can't wait to see the finished design!" I yelled as I backed away, kissing his cheek.

Zacky laughed. "Hey I was just helping my best friend and his lovely fiance`." He said with a shrug.

"Hey man, thanks." Brian said doing a man hug thing with Zack.

"Anytime man, anytime."

"Oh! Brian I think we have to go back now."

"Yeah, bye Zack and thanks again."

We entered the parlor and I was sat in the chair. I sat for hours and felt slight pain every now and again, but Brian was there and all I had to do was take one look at him and all pain went away. A few hours later, the work was done and I was looking in the mirror at it. Tears poured out of my face. Brian's arms wrapped around my waist.

"It's beautiful babe, but not as beautiful as you."

"I love you Brian."

"I love you Hayley, now what do you say we go and see our kids, there's a lot they need to know."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, there may be a few more chapters left then I thought, but this story is going to come to an end soon. I still love it as much as when it started, but I have my focus on a couple other stories that I want to write and am currently writting, so please don't be upset with me. OK?