Sequel: Faithfully Yours

Lots of Love, Mike

Sweet Children Tape

Dear Stella

I do not believe that I missed your call. It is all Billie goes on about and I'm jealous. He loved listening to your English accent. I wish I could hear it. He keeps talking about Jessie even though he's been out with Steph a couple of times. I'm sure she's stringing him along, as he's hot on the guitar. He's really not her type at all. Its just because he's a little cool at the moment. He told me he touched her tits but not sure if I believe him. He only comes up to her tits!

There is no one I like at the moment, I'm spending most of my spare time at the diner and then what with the band, there seems to be hardly any time for girls. Is there anyone special in your life Stella? The band is really taking off and we have a small fan base of about 20 kids. They come and listen to us sometimes in the basement and we play at houses and get a bit of money. Its great fun and I've enclosed a tape recording that someone made of us. I hope you enjoy.

I have to admit I like your hair but prefer it longer in the old style. Billie thinks its great though. We had a vote in the house which hair was the best and your old hair won I'm afraid! Nose stud is cool. Billie hasn't had his done but he says he's getting it done for when Jessie comes out. It's a shame you can't come but having Jess here will sort of be like you being here.

I felt sad when you told me you no longer play the keyboard. How can you not enjoy playing an instrument? Still as long as you are listening to music that's fine. Do you like the Ramones? They are an American punk band and are fucking awesome. Sorry to swear but they are. They rock big time.

Hey photographer lady, yes, when we are rich and famous, we will sign you up to be our official photographer. Enjoy taking loads of pictures and don't forget to send me some.

Lots of Love

Mike x

Oh Mike I wish I was coming to America and I'm so jealous of Jessie.

Stella opened the envelope that contained the tape of Sweet Children, put it into her tape deck, lay back onto the bed and listened.

20 minutes later...

"Jessie" said Stella into the phone. "Get yourself round here now. I have a tape of Mike and Billie's band. You must get round here now and listen to it with me."

Jessie was there within 10 minutes. Stella let her in and they went running up to Stella's bedroom.

Stella played the tape and the girls sat on the bed listening. There were three different songs and at the end they could hear laughing and chatting from the guys in the band.

"Oh my fucking god" said Jessie.

"Yeah I know. How awesome is that. They fucking rock." Said Stella.

"They fucking do," said Jessie. She stood up and started pacing about the room.

"I can't believe it. They sound like nothing I've ever heard before. I feel strange," she said

"So do I" said Stella. "How good are THEY? I mean I had a feeling they would be good, but that good? She said. "I feel weird. Who can we play now to follow them?" Said Stella.

"Play them again," said Jess

Stella rewound the tape and the girls listened again in silence.

"Fuck". They said when the song ended.

"I love them." Said Stella.

"What's their name?" said Jessie.

"Sweet Children" said Stella.

"Fucking sweet" said Jessie. "Children, no. They're men". And they laughed together.

They played the tape three more times then decided to do a couple of copies. Jess took one home ad Stella sealed the other one in an envelope. She wanted a spare copy in case the other one got ruined.

That night Stella fell asleep with the songs playing in her mind. The words to them were awesome. Were these Billie Joe's words? They were amazing words. Words she could relate to about relationships and being alone. So true.

May be Billie was right. He had a right to dream about fame when he could write stuff like that. He was so talented. Lucky Jessie she was going to get to meet these talented guys in a few months and hear them talk and play. I'm so jealous I could throw up she thought. I don't think I'm ever going to get to see them, ever.

Dear Mike

I just had to write and say that Jessie and I are now your number one fans. We listened to your tape over and over. We've taken copies in case the original one ruins. WE LOVE SWEET CHILDREN!! No seriously we didn't realise how good you were. We think Billie is right, we think you've got something too and that you could go places. Just one thing - remember us when you are rich and famous!

Some sad news. Fatso died. She was so old and getting frail and ill. We had to take her to the vets and the vet put her to sleep as she was in dreadful pain. Poor Fatso she has always been around for me. I loved her to bits. I don't think I shall get another dog though. Fatso was the only one for me.

I now have to agree that my hair probably was better the old way. It is slowly growing out and I have died it back to brown. Mum is pleased and so is Jessie. I am too really.

I saw my dad and his new family. They have this little girl who is four. I can't believe I have a half sister. She doesn't feel like a half sister, as I never see her. Dad was OK but I don't know when I'm going to get to see him again. I'm not too bothered about him though. He seems happier with his new family than he was with us.

Yes the Ramones do rock. I have their music and listen to them quite often. Have you seen them? Do they live near you?

I have to go now Mike as I'm getting tired and its late here - its nearly midnight and my eyes are getting sore.

Love from

Stella xx

When Mike read this letter he felt sad for Stella. He could see that she was more upset about losing her dog than seeing her father. My god he wished he could just hug her and say everything will be alright. He wanted to be there fore Stella but he was hundreds of miles away from her.