Sequel: Faithfully Yours

Lots of Love, Mike


It was Stella's last night and they were back in the motel and this time they were in the same bed.

"Yeah I knew it, you couldn't resist letting me in here," said Tre.

"Don't" said Stella suddenly feeling guilty.

"Why the guilty voice?" said Tre.

"You know," said Stella fiddling with her bracelet.

"Oh, Mike. You haven't mentioned him in a few days." Said Tre. Why couldn't she get over Mike? It was as though there were three of them in bed together.

"I feel awful."

"Why Stella? You like Mike but nothing has happened between you, you're acting like you're cheating on him and you've not even kissed."

"Actually we did kiss," said Stella.

Tre sat up. "When?" What was he doing questioning her. He hadn't realised they'd kissed. He was jealous suddenly. He didn't do the jealous thing very well.

"On our last day", said Stella remembering it so well.

"Oh, good," said Tre. He didn't know what to say.

Stella turned to look at Tre. This guy was so lovely and she just loved his company. She realised over the last few days that he had real feelings for her but she couldn't return them. What was she doing? Was she leading him on? Why was she sleeping with him then? Fuck I'm a selfish bitch.

She got up out of the bed then and went and locked herself in the bathroom.

What was I thinking sleeping with Tre again when it was Mike I wanted? Because you just couldn't resist him could you, you selfish bitch. Poor Tre, you're playing bad games with him.

"Are you OK Stella?" said Tre at the bathroom door.

"Fine," said Stella sniffing then going over to splash her face with water. "Yes I'm fine Tre, I'll be out in a second," she shouted.

When she opened the door he was right there and he took her directly into his arms.

"I have to apologise to you Tre," she said. "I hope I've not let you think there will be something between us. Well...there is something between us...its just that I don't think we'd make a good couple..."

"You don't have to explain," said Tre. "I understand, I'm just fucked off that you act like you're actually an item with Mike and you say you have strong feelings between you but it's obvious that nothing is going on between you at all. Anyway, he's been dating Anastasia, I thought he'd have written THAT in one of his letters." Said Tre. He hated being cruel but he really wanted Stella for himself. He knew they would be good together, he knew it. Well.. SHE was good enough for him anyway.

"Has he? I knew that they had one date," said Stella.

"They've been on quite a few, she's always hanging round him. She adores him," Said Tre hating himself as he realised he'd caused the hurt look on Stella's face.

"Is he happy with her?" said Stella feeling sick with jealousy.

"I think so," said Tre. He knew Mike liked Anastasia but he also knew that he liked Stella even more. May be if I lay it on thick about the two of them I could stand a chance he thinks. "Yeah, he seems real happy with her."

"Does he talk about me at all?" she says. Please say he does.

"Now and again," Only all the time thinks Tre, which was one of the reasons he liked to hang out with the guys, he got information about Stella.

"Tre, I don't know what to do. I'm back home tomorrow and this has got me nowhere again."

"I know, may be you should just get on with your own life," said Tre. "I don't think it's going to happen with you and Mike do you?"

"You're right," she sighed. "It's a hopeless case. Who knows when we'll get to meet up again? I need to get a life back home and get on with it," she said looking up at his blue eyes.

Tre felt guilty then, he'd steered Stella away from Mike but somehow he knew that he wasn't going to be the winner in all this. Stella didn't really want him either, that was obvious.


They hugged tight at the airport.

"Thanks for a wonderful time," said Stella hugging Tre close.

"See I knew you'd come back for more of my body," said Tre

Stella laughed into his chest.

"You'll never change," she said to him.

"If I changed a little would you stay?" he said.

"Hey, I don't want you to change," said Stella. "Stay as you are. You're talented and handsome and fun. Never change. Promise me?" said Stella.

"I promise but the girls don't like a clown."

"Believe me. Girls love a clown," she said. "They'll love a clown like you and one day they'll be flocking round you, just you wait and see"

He bent and kissed her on her nose.

Her flight was called then and she pecked his cheek and said, "hope I get to see you again Cool" she said. "Take care, keep drumming, may be you'll be famous one day, who knows."

"Yeah who knows?"

"Hey and anyway, that green hair has grown on me," she shouted over

"Yeah but I think I need to try out a few different shades of green," shouted Tre but he wasn't sure if Stella had heard him.


Stella dumped her suitcase in the hall.

"Hi sweetheart," said her Mum coming out from the kitchen and giving her a hug.

"Hi Mum. What a trip. Would you believe it I didn't get to see Mike, he was away touring."

"Actually I guessed as much," said Stella's mum. "These came for you while you were away." Her mother opened the drawer of the hall table and took out a handful of postcards. "I've put them in date order for you," she said handing them over.

"Thanks," said Stella

"You want a cup of tea?" said her Mum.

"Please," said Stella heading upstairs. "I'll be back in a minute," she said.

She opened her bedroom door and flung herself on the bed and read the postcards.

The first one was from San Francisco

Stella it's amazing here. We're on tour and Billie, John and I love it. This is a fabulous city and we have some fans here. We've signed autographs and chatted to the fans for ages. They really like our music Stella. Billie says hi. He's doing OK by the way.

Love Mike x

The second was from New Jersey

Oh my god they love us Stella, we can't believe the reception we're getting. Some have even got our EP all the way over here, can you believe it? The only downer is that Billie and John keep arguing. John is threatening to leave when we get back to California. Don't know what we'll do then.

Hope you are well Stella

Love Mike x

The third was from New York

I can't stop telling you how awesome it is touring but it is. We're so tired; we hardly get any sleep at all but its great. Billie is still having his panic attacks before he goes on stage but he's fine really. He still wears those chains from Jessie but has never mentioned them. John saw them and just thought that the B was for Billie and J for Joe. Stupid ass. He's pissing ME off now.

Love from Mike x

The fourth was from Minnesota

Oh my god Billie likes this girl. He has met this girl called Adrienne. She is so beautiful and cute and they look good together. She is so like Jessie in nature but she is totally different in looks but she is as beautiful as Jessie was. She is very dark haired and has dark eyes. She has a beautiful smile and I think Billie really likes her. Why does he pick women that live so far away from him?

Love from Mike x

The last one was from Florida

This is our last gig tonight and we are sort of glad but sad at the same time. We are exhausted and could do with getting back home for a well-earned rest. Billie is missing Adrienne like crazy and has vowed that he'll get her flown out to California as soon as possible to be with him. It sort of reminds me of him and Jessie. He really likes her so much (I think he's in love but he wont admit it) and I think after what happened to Jess he doesn't want to lose anyone again. I hope it works out for him. I shall write as soon as we get back with any more information. He still wears the chains.

Lots of Love, Mike x

Oh Mike. You sound in your element and I'm glad for you but I hope that John doesn't go and spoil things by letting you down when you get back and leaving you in the lurch and Billie, I'm so glad you have found someone else. Glad, but a little sad at the same time. It had to happen eventually. Jess has gone, you're young and you can't pine for her forever but knowing that you wear her chains still, that's so sweet. I hope if you like Adrienne that much she comes to be with you.

Stella gathered the postcards and put them into the scrapbook then went to share tea with her mother and to tell her about her trip.


10th March 1990

Dear Stella

You are not going to believe this but so much has happened. John has left the band. We had an idea that he would do it when we got back from that little tour. He's going back to college to do some studying. But wait for it.. guess who has agreed to be our drummer? Tre. We are so pleased it's untrue. He's an awesome drummer and we work so well together. We make a great team Stella. Billie's so pleased its like he knew it wouldn't work with John. We are now recording a proper album. Lookout records have signed us and we can't wait. Once that's done we may even get to tour England. Who knows? If we come over to England we must meet up.

Billie is in love and its official. He has asked Adrienne to be with him and she is giving up her life in Minnesota to be with him. We rent our own apartment at the moment and I suppose she'll come and live with us there.

Anastasia and I are officially an item. We've been going out for a while now Stella and it seems to be going good. She's so excited for us and all that is happening with the band.

Tre is wonderful and I'm glad that he was around for you when you came out. I still can't believe that you came out to surprise me. How sweet, but so expensive for you Stella. Tre is a good guy and he said he showed you a few things.

Anyway, we're rehearsing a few songs that Billie has written so I'm going to go. Write back soon Stella.

Lots of Love
Mike x

Oh you so deserve it thought Stella but I'm jealous, jealous of Anastasia and the fact that you're together. Still it wasn't meant to be with us was it? And Billie has found someone that he loves. Good on you Billie. I want it to work for you so much. They were getting on with their lives fine. I just needed now to get on with mine.


May 4th 1990

Dear Mike

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Mike, Happy birthday to you.. (You have to imagine me singing this).

I can't believe we are now 18. My god. Where has the time gone Mike?

I'm dying to hear this new album that you have coming out. Please send me one as soon as possible and as soon as you get over here to England to promote yes we'll definitely meet up. How amazing that Tre has joined your band, it was inevitable really don't you think. You were all three meant to be in a band together. Does he still have that green hair?

I'm glad Billie has got Adrienne. She sounds so sweet but she also sounds like Jessie but you say she is nothing like her to look at.

I'm glad that you and Anastasia have finally got your act together. I saw that one coming ages ago!!

I am going on a date tomorrow with a guy called Matt from work. He likes punk but he's never heard of you guys. He's friendly and we share a lot of interests. I hope it goes OK.

Anyway good luck with the recording and SEND ME A COPY!!

Lots of Love

Stella x

"Aww how sweet" said Anastasia rolling over next to Mike. They were in the apartment that he and Billie rented and Anastasia had stayed over the previous night. It had been their first time together and she was all loved up. Then when she got up to make coffee and toast there had been a letter on the doormat. It was a letter from Stella. Anastasia had insisted that Mike open it straight away and then she had read it too.

"I can't believe you still write to each other, it's so sweet and I'm so glad you told her about us and she thinks she knew about us all along. I like Stella, please don't stop writing to her." Said Anastasia.

I like Stella too thought Mike. Damn. Why did she have to remind him, today of all days after he had spent his first night with Ana. My god she had come back to haunt me with a vengeance. He still had feelings for Stella but what was the use. He had Ana now and the band was going good. He still lit up when he received letters from her though and he hoped they would still keep writing. Anastasia didn't seem to mind.


1st May 1991

"Hi Michelle its me," said Stella

"Hi baby, you OK?"

"Sort of," said Stella.

"What do you mean sort of?" said Michelle.

"Its Matt," she said whispering.

"What about him?" said Michelle.

"We...we had an argument last night," said Stella.

"Oh Stella, are you OK?" said Michelle. "You want me to come over?" she said.

"No...its just that...he hates me writing to Mike and...he said...look Michelle he's real jealous of the letters and all that I share with Mike so I said I wouldn't write to Mike anymore."

"Stella, no," said Michelle shocked, "I don't believe you gave in to him" she said.

"I know but...I didn't know what to do...we're getting married next year and... oh Michelle I have to try and keep things on an even keel, you know what his temper is like," she said.

Michelle knew full well what Matt's temper was like, especially when he had a drink in him. She herself had no time for him and she believed that Matt was second best for Stella; she couldn't believe that she loved him at all. They were getting married next year and Michelle thought that Stella was making a huge mistake.

"Listen Stella, don't do this, please, you and Mike have shared so much together, don't stop writing to him," she said.

"I know Michelle life is with Matt now and I have to think about him."

"I have an idea," said Michelle.

"What's that?" said Stella.

"Why not write to him in secret?" said Michelle.

"How?" she said.

"His letters and stuff could come here and you can write your letters and I'll send them off to him."

"I'm not sure," said Stella.

"Oh Stella. Trust me on this one. If it doesn't work out then stop writing but please, I think you should still write to Mike."

"OK, I'll give it a go"

"Actually Stella I'm going to speak out of turn here but to be quite honest you should just tell Matt that you're writing to Mike and that's that. How can he be jealous of Mike?"

"Yeah I know, I should stick up for myself a bit more. Anyway, I'll write straight to Mike now and give him your address, explain a little about what's happened and to send his stuff here. Thanks Michelle, you're a good friend"

"Are you sure that's it Stella, you sound real down," said Michelle.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired. So many wedding arrangements to sort" she said. "I'll see you at work tomorrow," she said. "And thanks again"

"OK. Bye Baby," said Michelle

"Bye," said Stella.

Actually Stella wasn't all right. She had broached the subject with Matt and told him last night that she still wanted to write to Mike but Matt got into such a rage, he'd drunk loads of beers and she wished now she hadn't mentioned it. Matt had hit her across the face, caused her lip to split and there was blood everywhere. Stella couldn't believe it, she was so scared. Of course Matt had said sorry afterwards but it was too late, the damage had been done and Stella agreed to stop writing to Mike. Matt really scared her just lately and she didn't know what to do about it.