Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

And so we begin

“Ouch,” I shouted as I enter my best friend and mine house.

I rubbed my arm where I hit it.


A grown black-white Alaskan malamute ran towards me. The dog greeted me with kisses and barks.

“I miss you too.”

I walked into the kitchen and noticed the answer machine blinking. I pressed the button to start playing my messages.

“You have 4 voice mails,” said the answering machine.

“First Message."

“MIKEY! It’s your old friend Kevin. You know the tall blonde sexy guy you know! Call me. Oh P.S HI ERIN! I MISS YOU TOO!”

Uh okay.

"Second Message."

"Erin it’s Zee, (Zacky for those who don’t know) call me as soon as possible. Please! Now Mikey, stop ignoring me you know we should go on a date sometime so stop hiding from me! Bye babes.”

"Third Message."

"Hey My, it’s Val I just wanted to remind you that we have that appointment with that company we like on Monday, talk to you later, love you.”

"Fourth Message."

“Wait no I’m scared to tell her. I think the beep went off. Michael I love you and please don’t hurt me. I love you more than I love your boobies! Well you see today Ville decided to go to Finland and I-went-with-him-and-I-moved-in-with-him. Okay I LOVE YOU BYE!”

“End of Messages.”

She couldn't’t have, could she?

“I love you,” I heard someone say on the other line.

“Erin you have got to be shitting me! You left me all alone here in Cali! You could’t invite me for some vacation time at least! WHAT THE HELL!”

“You’re not alone you have your brother, my brother, the rest of the boys, Val and Leana, Wolfie, and plenty more people!”

“Well my best friend just flew out of the country without letting me say goodbye to her!”

“I’m sorry Mikey Doo it’s just I didn’t want it to be an emotional moment.”

I sighed and said, “It’s okay Erin just make sure you visit once a month and I’ll try to go out there as well.”


“By the way, you’re brother keeps asking me out and it’s getting annoying. I never thought I would say that but I’m being honest.”

“I guess he really likes you Mikey.”

“I know it’s just I don’t wanna ruin the great friendship we have.”

“I know I’ll see if I can knock any sense into that empty brain of his, even though I wish you two would have babies together but I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Thank you Flowa I love you and miss you and Wolfie is gonna miss you, Ville, and Cupcake (kitten).”

“We miss and love the both of you. Bye Bambi.”


I sat at the kitchen counter and thought, now what?