Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

It's President of Finland & I'm declaring war

As the weeks flew by it was now June.

It hasn’t been a good start off of the month either since Zacky and I are fighting…again.

I guess we’re not clicking anymore.

We last talked to each other June 5th and it is now June 20th.

My phone rang indicating I got a text.

I looked at my phone and speaking of the devil, it was Zacky.

He said, “I think we need to talk. Meet me at the café by your house in thirty minutes.”

I replied back simply saying, “Fine.”

I think we already know what this talk is.

Either way I got ready and started walking to the café.

When I got there I didn’t see his car so I went inside to save a table for us.

He had five minutes left or I’m getting up and leaving.

As soon as I said that, he walks in.

He looks around the medium size café looking for me.

His eyes met mine.

He walked over to where I was sitting and gave me a small grin.

He sat down and sighed.

We sat in silence for only a minute till I broke the silence.


“Hey. You didn’t get yourself anything?”

“No, I’m full,” I said.


“If you’re hungry or thirsty go ahead and get yourself something.”

“I’m good.”

The silence returned but lasted a bit longer.

“So you wanted to talk,” I asked.


“About what,” I asked even though I already knew what this was about.


“Well what about us?”

“You know.”

“No Zacky I don’t know. Please do tell me what about us you want to talk about.”

“We’ve been fighting a lot more now since we returned from Finland. And we’re both frustrated. I think-.”

“You think we should end?”

“Well…yeah, don’t you?”

“I don’t know. Why should we just because we’re fighting more now?”

“Yeah and we don’t speak to each other for like a day or so.”

“Well Zack, if you feel this way then we’ll end here and pretend this never happened,” I said as I stood up and put my hand out for him to shake.

He looked confused and unsure.

He looked at my hand and shook it.

“See you around I guess?”

“We’ll each other next week for Warped dummy.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Bye Zack.”

“Bye My.”

I walked out of the café before he could say anything else.

I walked really fast home and went straight to the comfort of my bed.

Wolfie was the only male allowed in my room.

I just lay in my bed staring at various things at different times for the rest of the day.

My phone started ringing.

I looked at the screen to see Erin text me.

“What happened?”

“We’re over,” I sent back.

“Come online.”

I did as she said knowing I would get an earful from her if I didn’t.

As soon I signed onto aim, she instant messages me, and I go on invisible.

She requested to video chat with me and I accepted it.

“What’s wrong princess?”

I told her what went on at the café.

“What a cocksucker.”

I nodded.

“I got an idea that will put a smile on that pretty wittle face.”

“What’s that?”

She puts me on mute and holds one finger indicting to wait on moment.

I see her pulling out her phone and dialing someone’s number.

She puts the other line on speaker.

The phone kept ringing and went into voicemail.

“Hey this is Zee, leave a message.”


Erin clears her throat and says, “This is the President of Finland and I am declaring war on you.”

I started laughing hysterically.

She went on and on about how she’s going to attack him as if she really is going to war.

This whole charade lasted for about 20 minutes, which is when she filled up his voicemail box.

“Did that cheer you up princess?”

“Yes that certainly did and thank you.”

“No problem anything for my lady. Now go out and find a hawt guy and make me proud!”

I saluted and said, “Yes Ma’am!”
♠ ♠ ♠
two chapters in one night.
feedback please.