Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

First Encounter

Today was the day we officially started Warped Tour. I decided to kick it with The Confession for their period of time on the tour. I would have gone on the Avenged bus but I wanted to give everyone their space (especially Zacky’s). Unfortunately Erin couldn’t make Warped Tour. Ville surprised her and told her they’re going on trip to meet that main guy from that Twilight movie and the rest of the cast. I’m not the only chick though thankfully. Val, Michelle and Leana are here for a certain amount of time as well. Rule number one about touring with a whole bunch of guys, pack febreeze. I forgot my case of them at home and I regret it already.

As time flew by, it was already week three of the tour. We were somewhere on the east coast. It’s been so hot that we’re all losing our minds and forgetting where we are and what day it is, seriously. Tonight I decided to go to the barbeque that is put on just about every night of the tour. Since the tour began I didn’t really go, well technically stayed. I didn’t want to run into Zack any time soon. It’s not that we’re on bad terms it’s just I’m not quite ready to face him yet. According to Val, he’s been hanging out with this chick whose from our neighborhood back home. I think her name is Gena. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy that he’s moving on. It’s just hard to explain I guess.

I started walking towards where the barbeque was set up then I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and saw Zacky jogging up to me. When he was close enough, he stopped jogging and began to walk slowly up to me. I smiled at him first; he also returned one.

“Hey,” he said.


“How you been?”

“Good and yourself?”


“So I barely seen you since the tour started.”

“Yeah. I’ve been busy or just keeping to myself.”


I sighed, “Because I wanted to give us space.”

“Why? It’s not like we broke up because we hated each other.”

“I know. I just thought, I don’t know.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing you everyday. When I heard you were riding with The Confession for the tour I was a bit shocked.”

I chuckled, “I just didn’t want us to hate each other and be enemies.”

“We could never be enemies My,” he said with a soft smile.

I smiled back.

“So are we good?”

I nodded and said ‘yeah.’

“C’mon let’s go fucking party.”

I laughed and walked next to him towards the party. I wonder what will tonight hold.
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Wow. I finally updated after a bazillion months of not. Sorry it's short. I hope you all enjoy it. Let me know. =)