Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

Surprise Surprise

Five seconds later, the doorbell rang. Great, there are more surprises? As soon as I opened the door, I
see a bouquet of roses covering the person’s face. I smirked knowing who exactly it is.

“You know Mr. Baker that sweet side of you is a plus.”

“Really,” he asked happily and handed the roses to me.

I walked into the kitchen with Zacky close behind. I opened the cabinets to get a vase, and then I filled it with water and placed it on the island. I looked up to see Zacky smiling at me.


“You look really pretty today.”

“Ugh, no I don’t. I have no make up on.”

“But I like it when you have no make up on.”

“Thanks. Did you hear what your sister did?”

“Yeah, I tried to stop her but it didn’t work. So here I am to keep you company.”

I raised my eyebrows at him.

“What are you up to Zacky?”

“Please Mikey go out on a date with me.”

He gave me the most adorable puppy eyes ever.



Zacky ran to me and picked me up.

I screamed, “Zacky put me down! You know I’m scared of heights.”

“But babes I’m not that tall.”

“But still it scares me.”

He kisses me on the forehead.

“I’m sorry. Dress up okay?”

“Where in the world are you taking me?”

“You have to be patient my dear.”

“Ugh, fine.”

“Be ready by 8 love.”

“Okay bye.”

Once Zacky left I immediately called Erin.

“President of Finland how may I help you?”

“Erin I need help.”

“Yeah you do! You do have some issues.”

“No you moron I need help picking something out cause I agreed to go on a date with your brother!”

“Really? SCORE!!!! I mean do you know where he’s taking you?”

“No he said just dress up.”

“Sounds fancy.”

“Yeah I guess.”

“Wear your bat country outfit.”


“Fine. Um what about that red dress you got for that party we went to. Remember I got a matching one but in purple or was it black?”

“Perfect! If you were here I would give you a big smoochie.”

“Oh la la.”

“Bye Erin thank you I love you!”

“Love you too.”

Hours passed and 8 O’ clock rolled in. As I finished putting last minute touches on myself the doorbell rings.

“Come in,” I shouted.

“Hey it’s Zacky.”

“Have a seat in the living room I’ll be there in a minute.”


Before I walked out of the bathroom I fixed my red dress and made sure my hair and make up looked decent.

“I’m all ready to go,” I said as I walked into the living room.

“Okay, let’s WOAH.”

I turned around to see what happened.

“What,” I asked Zacky.

“You look beautiful.”

“Aw thank you.”

“Shall we go,” Zacky said as he opened his arm out.


“Zacky where are we going.”

He gave me his infamous smirk.

“We’re almost there babe.”


“No buts you’ll love this place.”

We pulled up in front of the Olive Garden.

“I love this place!”

“I know that’s why I took you here.”


We got out the car and I hooked my arm with Zackys. We walked to the host and Zacky gave his name. We were seated at a booth with the view of the restaurant.

“Zacky this is really sweet of you, thank you.”

He simply smiled. We were there for about an hour or so. We were talking about a lot of stuff then he was about to say something as a few teenagers came over to us.

“Holy shit! It’s Zacky Vengeance,” shouted the dark hair boy.

“Yeah it is but look it’s Mikey Haner,” shouted the one with blonde hair.

“Would you boys like a picture?”

“YES! But can we have a picture with each of you individually?”

“Sure,” said Zacky.

We took picture with the teenager boys and gave them autographs. As they were about to walk away, the blonde one stopped, turned around, and looked at me.

“Um, Mikey do you mind if hug you.”

“No not at all love.” I hugged the blonde one.

After I hugged him I looked at Zacky.


“Nothing, wanna go?”

“Sure wanna go back to my place since your sister is in a beautiful country?”

“Yeah why not.”

He paid for the bill and we drove back to my house. Zacky was quiet the entire drive back which isn't like him at all.

“Home sweet home.”


“What’s wrong Zacky?”

“Huh? It’s nothing.”

I raised my eyebrow.

“Yeah okay and my boobs are fake.”

Zacky’s eyes almost popped out of his head.


“No! They’re natural! Seriously, what wrong? You’ve been quiet since those boys came up to us.”

“It’s nothing I swear.”

“Don’t make me tickle you.”

“I’m not ticklish.”

“Okay fine.”

When Zacky least expected it, I tackled him and starting tickling him.

“NO! STOP! PLEASE! C’MON! OKAY, okay, I’ll tell you.”


I remained sitting on his lower stomach as he sat up a little bit. He bit his lip and grabbed my hands.

“My, I’m going to be 100% honest with you. I really do have some feelings for you. I wish I noticed them a long time ago when you use to like me. It took me 2-3 years to finally notice it. I’m not trying to pressure you or anything but would you like to be my girlfriend?”

I just sat there (on him still) looking at him. His facial expression became sad. Should I or should I not?
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Outfit for date