Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

Party Poopers




“It’s okay love.”

“Um can I-.”

His phone started going off and interrupted him.

“Ugh hold on,” he said as he got off me and off the floor.

He walked out of the room to talk to whoever was on the phone. Wolfie came over to me and lay down next to me. I started to pet him as he was starting to fall asleep. About five minutes later Zacky enters the room.

“Here, someone wants to talk to you.”

I looked at him weird and he smirked. I took the green sidekick away from him.



“Uh okay Erin. That’s nice to hear. Talk to you tomorrow. I love you.”

I hung up on her before she can protest.

“What did you do that for?”

“Cause I’m tired and I’m going to bed.”

“Oh yeah it’s like 4AM.”

“Do you want to spend the night?”

“If you want me to.”

“…Yeah why not.”

“You can sleep here in the living room with Wolfie, your sister’s room or with me in my room.”

“Uh I definitely don’t wanna stay in my sister’s bedroom, living room no thanks, so I guess that leaves me with you.”

I laughed,

“Nice choice Mr. Baker.”

Zacky and I walked up the stairs to my room.

“Alright no funny business mister.”

“Yes ma’am,” Zacky said as he stood up straight and saluted.

I laughed and shook my head.

“You’re one interesting cookie Zee.”

“And you’re one sexy milkshake.”

We burst into hysterical laughs.


“What, it’s a nice one.”

“Uh huh.”

“Can the cookie kiss the milkshake?”


I leaned forward the same time Zacky was and shared a wonderful kiss.

“Alright Vengeance, that’s enough for you.”


I went to the bathroom and changed into my PJ's. When I reentered my room Zacky was stripped down to his boxers. When Zacky saw me he opened his arms out real wide signaling me to hug him; I laughed. All of sudden he started humping me.

“OH MY GOD ZACKY STOP IT! What is it with Baker’s humping me!”

He stopped and started laughing hysterically.

“Cause you’re smokin’ hot!”

“This must run in the family or something cause Erin does it do me all the time!”

“I bet Matt will hump you too.”

“I haven’t seen Matt in like six years!”

“Well there’s a good reason to see him.”

“How about no.”

“Yeah okay.”

“Whatever I’m going to bed you sick thing.”

“I’m not sick, I’m normal.”

“Just go to bed already.”

“Fine, party Pooper.”

Before I fell into a deep sleep I felt Zacky wrap his arm around my waist. I woke up to sound of two snoring sounds. Who else is in my room? I open my eyes slowly and saw the one and only my brother.

“Elmo,” I whispered. Brian’s eyes opened slowly.

“Hi My.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to visit my favorite awesome sister.”

“Aw you’re the best brother.”

“So what’s going on between you two,” he asked pointing to Zacky’s sleeping figure.

“Um, we’re dating but he just asked me last night.”

He smiled,


I simply chuckled. He looked at me and said,

“You know you need more tattoos.”


“Cause you’re a Haner.”

“Wow, what a great reason.”

“It is, and you should go on tour with us more.”

“I’ll only go if Erin is there.”



“What about Mikey and tattoos and tour,” asked a tired Zacky.

“Nothing dumb ass go back to sleep you ruined a nice conversation between brother and sister.”

“Shut up Brian! She’s my girlfriend and I have a right to ask or say anything that is referring to her!”

“Boys calm down, I am right here.”

I just heard mutters coming from the both of them.

“But I agree with Brian, you should get more tattoos.”

I rolled my eyes.

“We’ll see.”

“I should call my brother over,” said Zacky with a smirk on his face.

“No you should not!”

“I think I am,” he said as he got out of bed.

“Why shouldn't’t he call Matt?”

“Cause he’s going to hump me too! Zacky did it to me last night. And it’s bad enough Erin does it to me all the time!”

“Zack don’t torture my sister more. It’s better if it’s just you and Erin.”