Forever... I Gave My Heart Away


Brian’s Point of View

We were all chilling downstairs and Zacky and Erin ran off somewhere then we heard this high-pitched scream.

“What the fuck was that,” said Johnny in a concerned voice.

“I don’t know,” I said.

Then we see Zacky and Erin running down the stairs. A few seconds later, Mikey ran down the stairs chasing after them. Boy, she did not look happy AT ALL.

“My, what happened?”

“What happened was I was enjoying my sleep when all of a sudden 2 people were HUMPING ME,” she yelled and looked over at Erin and Zacky who were hiding behind Matt and Jimmy.

“My, you can’t be mad at them, you were knocked out for so long.”

She calmed down and no longer looked angry.

“I know.”


She ran over to Erin and they hugged each other. Then Mikey squealed.


My Point of View

Everyone smiled even though they heard the news already.

“Aw I’m so happy for you,” I said as I hugged her more.

They were finally getting married after dating each other for 5 years. Then again they’re not like Val and Matt.

“I say we go out to dinner once Ville comes back!”


“Hey Mikey.”


“Let’s go cannon-ballin’.”


We ran up to our rooms, changed, and snuck out of the house and ran to the pool.

“C’mon Mikey, let’s go visit Ariel!”


Basically swimming around for an hour and no one bothered looking for us.



“So when did Ville propose,” I asked as I go out of the pool and sat on the edge but I had my feet in the water.

“Um, like the first week when I left with him.”


She chuckled.

“How are you and Zack doing?”

“Good. He humped me! Then he said Matt would probably do it too!”

She laughed hysterically then said,

“Yeah Matt probably would.”

I made an icky face. We were having a great conversation when all of a sudden we hear some yell,

“Bonsai,” followed by a big splash.

The person came surfaced finally and it was Johnny.

“How did you find us,” asked Erin.

“Uh, the living room, where you left us which has a view of the pool.”

“Oh yeah.”

I stood up and was about to turn around when I was lifted over someone’s shoulder. My only reaction was screaming and trying to wiggle out of this person’s arms. However, I came into contact with the water. As I resurfaced I looked around and saw everyone laughing, and I did mean everyone except the one who tackled me into the pool; Zackary Baker.


“Uh oh,” he said as he tried to swim away from me.

However I caught him by attaching myself to his waist.

“I surrender,” he shouted as he raised his arms above his head.

“Good, cause you’re gonna get it later.”

“OH! Is something good or bad?”

“Not good that’s for sure you horny hippo!”

“WHAT ABOUT HIPPOS,” shouted Erin.

I released my grip of Zacky and started to swim towards the stairs.

“Where are you going My?”

“I’m gonna nap.”

“Didn’t you sleep enough from the sleeping pill your boyfriend slipped you,” asked Jimmy.

“Kinda, but I need more sleep.”

I walked into my room, took a quick shower, and was ready for a much needed nap.

Some time later, I felt someone licking my neck and I automatically frowned.

“Zackary Baker if you’re trying to have sex with me while I’m disappointed with you then you better remove your tongue from my neck unless you want me to seal your mouth shut.”

“I’m not licking you babes, what the hell are you talking about,” I heard Zacky say.

I opened my eyes fearing for the worst then I saw what was licking me.

“Cupcake,” I shouted.

Zacky practically jumped.


“No doofus, Cupcake as in Erin’s kitten."

“Oh,” he simply said.

I sat up and just petted Cupcake; she was still small considering Ville got her almost a month ago.



“Are you mad at me,” he asked with concern in his voice.

I put Cupcake down and move closer to Zack.

“No, I’m not. I was just joking around with you.”

“You sure?”


“Phew I do not want you to be pissed at me like when the time you were extremely pissed at Mick.”

“I had a right to be. He kidnapped Wolfie from me without permission!”

“I know, I know.”

We just looked at each other for a few moments until he broke the silence.

“Are you glad we came?”

“Duh! Of course I am.”

He smiled, “Good.”

Then he leaned in to kiss.

“Is Ville back yet?”

“No not that I know of.”

“How long was I napping?”

“About two hours. I came in around an hour-ish.”

“Ah okay,” I said before I kissed him.

I lay on my back and Zacky placed an arm around my waist. I shut my eyes wanting to nap more then I felt something touching my boobs.



“What’s touching my boobs?”

I heard him chuckle and say, “Cupcake, she’s sleeping on them.”

“Oh okay.”
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Swim suit