Forever... I Gave My Heart Away

Bitch please!

The Berry’s decided to keep me up during the entire night so I would sleep on the plane instead of freaking out.

To be honest, it worked.

When we arrived at the airport, Zacky was the only one there.

He hugged Val and Michelle and his parents.

He gave the handshake to Thor, the Berry’s and a few other friends.

Then he looked at me and makes a small smile.

I smiled back.

“Hey,” he said.


“I’m sorry My,” he says as he hugs me tightly and kisses my neck.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry I yelled.”

“No you had a right to.”

I got out of the hug and looked him in the eyes,

“No more fighting while I’m here?”

“No,” he said as he kissed me on the lips.

For the rest of the week, it was pretty hectic.

The wedding was last night and it was beyond beautiful.

Erin looked beautiful as always and Ville looked handsome.

I was beyond happy for my best friend.

They said they’ll live in California for spring and summer and for winter and fall they would live in Finland.

As for Zacky and I, we’re okay. We haven’t talk a lot; we just sit or lay next to each other in silence.

To be completely honest, it’s really awkward sometimes.

All of us leave to return to California tomorrow night while Erin and Ville leave the night after for their honeymoon.

Come to think of it, they never told anyone where they’re going.

I bet they’re just staying in Finland and telling everyone they’re going somewhere.

“Babe you coming to bed,” asked Zacky from the bedroom while I was on the balcony looking at the Finland night sky.

“Yeah soon.”

I didn’t hear him reply so I figured he heard me anyway.

“What are you even doing,” he whispered as he wraps his arms around my waist.

“I don’t know just clearing my head and looking at the stars.”

“It is a nice night.”

I nodded.

He kissed my neck a few times, which caused me to get goose bumps.

“C’mon, let’s go back inside,” he whispered into my ear.

I turned around in his arms and faced him.

We simply stared into each other’s eyes.

He leaned down to kiss me until we heard, “Hey would you look at that? It seems like everyone in this place is getting laid.”

“Thanks a lot Jimmy! You ruined the mood,” Zacky shouted back.

I giggled and buried my face into his neck.

“Goodnight love birds,” said Jimmy and Leana.

“Goodnight,” said Zacky and I.

Zacky led me inside our bedroom and shut the doors behind us.

Zacky turned around and flashed his infamous smirk.

–Use your imagination for the rest of that night. -

The flight home wasn’t that bad.

I actually slept for the entire flight.

Zacky decided to come home with me tonight instead of going back to his place.

As we were walking up the stairs to my house I heard, “What the fuck are you two doing here,” Zacky asking the Berry’s.

“Uh we live here now,” said Matt with the most serious face ever.

“Really,” Zacky asked then look at me.

“Yes honey they do because they didn’t know the difference between my sarcasm and honest tone.”


As soon as I entered the living room Wolfie tackled me.

“Baby,” I shouted.

Wolfie kept licking my face, wagging his tail constantly, howled at everyone, and pranced around the living room.

“Someone’s excited to see us,” said Zacky.

“Bitch please! He’s excited to see his mommy,” I said to Zacky as I continued to give Wolfie more attention.

After a few minutes went by and with Wolfie calmed down I looked around the living room and noticed the Berry’s were missing.

“Where’s the Berry boys,” I asked Zacky.

“They went to bed like any other human being would at 3am.” “Oh then let’s go sleepies.”
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I know....FINALLY! lol. Let me know what you think.
Maid of Honor