I'll Swim The Ocean For You.

So...Moving's Not So Bad

Why now? Why there? Is moving even an option? My dad got a job offer all the way in Long Beach, California. This didn't excite me at all. Most girls here would love to go to the beach. But I love our little farm down here in good ol' Madison, Mississippi. And I hate the idea of us getting rid of all our animals. But that was only one of my worries. Having the beach as our back yard, living in what they call a "Beach House". That makes no sense! Why can't it be just a regular house? And will I even fit in there?

"Hunnie?" Before I responded there was a long pause.

"Yeah?" I finally got out. I was sitting in my bedroom floor.

"Ready yet?" My mom asked peeking around the corner.

"As I'll ever be..." I was trying to keep the crack in my voice down.

"Let’s go then. All the stuff is in the car." She looked at me for awhile. I got up following her out of the house.

We got in the car and began our journey. I was with my mom in our Escalade, and my little sister and dad in a Budget truck towing my car and our belongings. My mom told me it wasn't safe to drive all by myself all this way. So I had to sit back and watch my dad pull it the whole way.

We had gotten rid of all of our animals except for our two dogs Madonna and Mike (Madonna is a miniature Dachshund and Mike is a Great Dane). I was holding Madonna in my lap, while Mike looked dead sprawled out on the first back seat.

I slept as much as I could, but I had to let my mom get some rest too. So I drove some of the way. But when I did I couldn't get my mind off of my friends... and of course Adam. He was my boyfriend, but sense we were moving we had to break up.
My mom took back over when we were on the border of California. So I took as long of a nap as I could.

"Hun... Emily?"

"Huh?" I jumped as I woke up.

"We're here," My mom looked around as she started to get out.
I took along stretch as did Madonna. "Uhh, okay." I grabbed Madonna got out. I opened the back door letting an eager Mike jump out. My little sister ran around like a crazy person on road rage. You could tell she was happy to be here. Well she was happy to be anywhere but the uncomfortable seat in the Budget truck.

I looked around and it was pretty but it wasn't home. I looked over to a huge house. It was like a house you would see a celebrity walk out of... well kind of. But our neighbors were really close; they were about twenty feet away in all directions, except for the back. The back of the house was surrounded by the beach. I looked as far as I could out at the ocean, but it stopped at the light and delicate sunset.

I took some boxes out of the truck and walked up to my new house. My dad had already gotten our furniture and appliances moved in about a week ago. He knew it would be easier to make an earlier trip and get that stuff out of the way.

We were almost done and I was getting the bags that we had our clothes in, out of the back of our Escalade. I put my duffle bag strap over my neck and carried two in my right hand and one in my left.

I started to walk up my driveway and my phone vibrated in my back pocket. It scared me so bad that I jumped and the bags that were in my right hand fell to the ground. I reached down to grab them and so did someone else.

I looked up and it was a gift sent from god. He was holding one of my bags and slightly laughed. He was tall, he didn't have a shirt on but he had on shorts. His arm was wrapped around a surf board, and his body was amazing! He smiled at me with a beautiful smile (they were so white that he could be in a crest commercial).

"I think you dropped this," he said to me still smiling. I could barely see his eyebrows because they were hidden under his dark brown hair that just came over them. His eyes were so dreamy, I couldn't stop staring at the color they were. They were the most beautiful brown I had ever seen, they matched his hair. But the brown in his eyes were a little lighter but had gold running through them like the natural looking golden highlights ran through his hair.

"Uhh... Yeah..." Ok snap out of it. "Th-thanks." I couldn't pull myself together, and I'm not usually shy.

"So you just moved in here, huh?" He smirked at me knowing my answer.

"Yep." I pointed up to my house. He knew that why did you point? Oh god I was going to have to pull it together.

"Well I'm Bailey Andrew... er I mean Andrew Bailey.." He looked down when he corrected himself. I wasn't the only one messing up right now.

"I'm Emily Davidson." I tried not to laugh when I said my name.

"Em hurry with those bags!" My dad called to me from the house.

"Oh here." He handed me the one he was holding, then reached down to pick up the other and handed it to me gently making sure I had it under control.


"Maybe if you go down to the water we might meet again." He told me as he winked at me. I just smiled and left him starring at me as I walked back up to my house. When I got to the door I turned and looked at him still watching me. I smiled and he did the same, I shut the door and got weird stares from my parents.

"You ok?" My dad said cocking his eyebrow.

"You know I don't think its going to be so bad here...maybe." I had to make it sound like I wasn't too sure. If I didn't they would have freaked out with the I told you so's. "Well I'm going to bed."

I sat the bags down that weren't mine and headed upstairs to my room. The good about my room being upstairs was the only other person that would be up there was my little sister. And it gets better; we don't have to share a bathroom. I had one attached to my room, and so did she.

I opened my door and sat my bags down on the floor next to my bed. I opened one and got lucky because I found my pajamas and pulled them out and sat them on my bed. I didn't sleep in matching pajama outfits; they were just boxers and most of my band shirts. Tonight I would be sleeping in my favorite black boxers and my Heart T-shirt.

When I got those on for some reason I was really tired and got into bed. I don't know how I was so tired because I slept most of the day.
I was cut off in my thoughts as I fell asleep.
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Let me know what you think!!