Monster and Reese's Pieces Do Not Mix


Kris felt terrible for yelling at her like that, but what was she gonna do? Did she want to be someone who would do that to Ray? What about to Stephen and Joe? Ray had taught her something, run. Just run. Kris glanced at Joe and looked down. She took off running, faster than she wanted and fast enough for Joe to no be able to catch up.

She ran, not really knowing how long. She bent over, out of breath. She looked up, breathing hard, to see Ray bent down maybe a yard away.

She walked to her, “Ray, what are you doing here?”

Ray looked up at her and plopped down to the ground. “Running.”

“Kris, I gave Andy his ring back, I’m giving you your life. Forget about me.”

Kris scoffed, then chuckled. “Ray, that was one of the stupidest things you asked of me.”

Ray looked at her and laughed, “Yeah. Agony.” She grinned.

They both sang, randomly, knowing they’d got it wrong, “High up in a tower, like yours only higher. AGONY!” They laughed hysterically.

“Ray. Go back to Andy, I’ll run with you, but go and get the ring back, tell him you fucked up.”

“Yeah… I’m so beating you there.” Ray took off running.

Kris gasped and ran after, “Oh! So not fair!”