Monster and Reese's Pieces Do Not Mix

I love you in the same way...

“Well… for the baby!”

“Wentz, this is what you woke me up for?!” Ray looked ready to charge.

“No, no, see. You woke up on your own!”

Kris entered with the bus with Patrick, Alex, Joe, and Stephen. The rest were somewhere doing something no one really cared about. Joe had his arm around Kris’s waist.

Andy smiled, “So Ray. I was thinking. I could introduce you and me publicly. Tonight?”

She smiled, “Yeah… but if Wentz gets anywhere near me… he’s as good as dead. He’ll fuck something up and we all know it.” They laughed.


By the time they were playing their last song Patrick spat into the microphone, “We have a special guest today!” He waved his arm towards Ray, coming up the stairs. She walked up with ease. She smiled and waved her hands as the crowd cheered. They had no idea who they were cheering for, but as long as it was a friend of Fall Out Boy, they were going to scream their lungs out.

Andy came up to the microphone, “I have a big announcement to make. This is my new fiancé! Ray!” They all cheered. “Isn’t she beautiful?! Give her a round of applause.”

Ray blushed a tad and hurried off the stairs. She was looking back at Andy and just as her foot hit the first step, he ankle twisted in abnormal ways and sent her flying down the stairs. There was a collective ‘ooh’ from the audience and Andy, Patrick, Joe, and Pete came rushing over to her assistance.


They came bursting through the hospital doors, Pete yelling out, “Pregnant lady! Fell down stairs! We need help!” Two doctors came rushing towards her immediately putting her in a wheelchair. She was taken into a room where no one was allowed in, but he doctors.

After what was only 3 hours but seemed like forever, the doctor came out.

“Uh… family?”

Kris generally was there, “Uh sister.” She pointed to Andy, “Husband.” So she lied. Both of them were close enough.

He shook his head slightly, “She broke her ankle, she’ll be fine.” Andy sighed in relief, “And… I’m afraid we lost the baby.”