Monster and Reese's Pieces Do Not Mix

21 Guns

Kris watched Rae’s figure disappear. “Thanks, Rae. You’re a great friend.” Kris plopped down on the sidewalk she was standing. She stared at the cars crossing in front of her eyes. The lights against the faded white lines burned her eyes. Kris’s vision wasn’t even blurry. She hadn’t cried.

An hour or so later, Kris stood up and walked slowly to find Rae. She visited the McDonald’s Rae went in. She sat in a booth before the same guy that talked to Rae was near Kris, handing her a water.

“You look like um… the girl who was dating Joe,” he said in a sad tone.

“I am,” Kris whispered.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah… You seem to know a lot… Would you happen to know where Andy is staying?”

“Yeah. When you leave here go right two lights over, take a left and go for five lights and you'll be at the hospital.”

“Thanks,” Kris whispered again. She walked out, taking the water with her and walked to the hospital. After what seemed like forever, she arrived at the hospital.

“Can you tell me which room Andy Hurley is staying?”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t. Unless you’re immediate family or Mr. Wentz gives you permission, we cannot let you in.”

“I’m a close friend. I need to see if-”

“Kris!” She heard Pete’s voice. “She’s okay,” Pete said to the lady. Pete had a hold on Kris’s arm before she smacked his hand.

Another whisper was in her throat, ”Don’t touch me.” She followed Pete back into the room. Andy was awake.

“Kris,” Andy smiled. He had bandages along his forehead and a cast on his arm.

“You’re okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” his smiled vanished. “Are you…?”

She turned and walked out of the room. Ray sighed. “I need to take care of this.”

“Kris,” Ray sighed. “I just freaked. I know it was rude of me, but, my Andy’s in the hospital and-”

“And my Joe is dead!” She screamed. “Andy will be fine and Joe is GONE! What about the band, huh? What about ME? But, no. All you do is think of yourself. All you do is ditch me. You’ve done it since we were fourteen and I’m done with it, Rae. I’m done with you. I thought you were my best friend. But you care about me as much as the hobo down the street.”

“No, Kris-”

“Just go away, Rae. I know all you’re gonna do after this is shrug it off, smoke, eat ice cream and laugh with the three of them.” Kris walked away with tears in her eyes. She’d lost the love of her life and her best friend all in one night.