Monster and Reese's Pieces Do Not Mix

A Teenage Vow

Ray woke up and Andy was the first to notice, “Hey honey, how are you?”

Ray looked at him, “Well my ankle hurts, what happened?”

“You fell,” Stephen looked at her.

“Yes, thank you, Stephen. Duh…”

Kris seemed really mad, “I guess I’m going to tell her!?” They both looked at her, then at their shoes.

She sighed and moved closer to Ray, “You lost the baby, Ray.”

“I… fuck…” Ray looked like she was going to break into tears. “I wanted this baby…”

“Yeah… sorry,” Stephen walked up to Ray.

Kris burst, “How are you not mad?!” She ran out of the room and into the waiting room. Stephen put a hand up to Andy, hoping he could bring Kris back.

He walked out, “Alright, what’s your deal?”

“I don’t even know. I don’t understand why I’m mad. I mean… I guess because Joe’s been really busy lately. We haven’t been able to do anything, and… I just don’t even know.”

“Kris… you gotta calm down.” He moved closer as if he were to hug her.

“What?” She turned around, “Why are you so-” He cut her off with a small kiss on her lips. Kris put both her hands up, and backed away.

“Stephen, What the hell?”

“Shit… sorry.”

“You’re not sorry, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Yeah… that’s logical. It would have been awkward.”

“Yeah, and its not now?”

“I don’t know. Well, hey your problems were gone for a minute.”

“Yeah, and now I have another problem.”


She hugged him, “It’s alright.” Truth was, Kris never said she didn’t like him. She loved Joe, but she wasn’t sure.

Stephen pointed his hand, “I’m gonna go back…”

He walked away just as Joe came up. “What was that?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“My eyes saw different”

“Your eyes hardly see me anymore, I’m surprised they did this time.” She walked away, to the room, where Stephen was.