‹ Prequel: Inside My Arms

Loving You From The Past

Foolish Girl.

"Um, congratulation...?"

He looked confused.
I was starting to get angry.


He sighed.
Rubbed his eyes.
And took a step forward towards me.

"Look, do you need money? I can give you money,"
he said.

My right hand shot up.
My fingers curled inside.
I put my hardest force.
To punch him right in the nose.

He stumbled back a little.
And looked at me in shocked.

I was fuming red.

Why would he think that?
When did he get to be such a bastard?
Wait, he was always a bastard.

"No, Gerard, I do not need your filthy money,"
I spat at him.

With little drops of spit landing on his face.

"What the fuck was that for?"
He yelled.

His eyes brows furrowed.
His eyes narrowed.
His nose flaring.

"That's for you being a dick head."

"What? I just asked you if you needed money. What does your fucking pregnancy have to do with me?"

I can easily hear his New Jersey accent.

"You have everything to do with my fucking pregnancy. You're the one who got me pregnant,"
I started screaming at him.

His jaw was dropping down.
His mouth gaining to an O.

He stuttered.

"You're having a baby girl, Gerard."

There were footsteps coming towards us.
I looked behind Gerard.
To see a girl.

"Everything alright, sweetie?"
She asked Gerard.

My chest started to tighten.

She looked young.
She looked beautiful.
And most importantly,
she was half naked.

I glared at Gerard for a few seconds.
Then turned around to walk to Sam's car.
Drove off at the fastest speed.
To enter a deserted parking lot.
So I could cry without anybody looking at me.

Because I was just that much of a foolish girl.
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