‹ Prequel: Inside My Arms

Loving You From The Past


Visions flashing before my eyes.
Tears streaming down my face.
My voice caught between my throat.

Run faster! Run faster! Run faster, Polly!

It was just tire tracks.
A honk so loud.
Her scream...


Elena! Elena! Elena!
No, please no.
Please just
give me
toothy smile .

I didn't even see it.
I was just so wrapped up.
My hands blocking my sight.

I didn't even see her.
She was opening the door.
Running towards the street.
Yelling her for Sam to come.
But so naive of cars zooming.
She just screamed so high.

I just stood so numbed to the floor.
When the metal made contact with her.
I just stood so damn numbed to the floor.

Until it hit me.
To run. To run. To run.
Just keep running.

When I reached her.
Just blood pouring down
her fragile little body.

My little girl.
My little girl.
My child!

I yelled at the now surrounding crowd.

I put my face next to hers.
Howling my broken heart.
Please don't die.

One heart beat.
Slipping away.
From earth.


"Miss, we need to get the child some medical attention. Please back away!"

Just arms.
Pulling me away.
Pulling me so far away.
So deathly far from her...

She's my child.
My love for Gerard created her.
My love for Gerard killed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
The writing style is kind of different.

Why Amy and Frank is not in Polly life:
Frank moved back to New Jersey.
Amy died of old age. :)

Only six more chapters till this finished.
I have no idea how this is going to end.