‹ Prequel: Inside My Arms

Loving You From The Past


Beep beep beep
Shuffle shuffle shuffle.
Thump thump thump.
Sigh sigh sigh.

What's going on?

I opened my eyes.
My throat was dry and burning.
My stomach hurting so badly.
I had to cringe.

My vision was blurred.
I blinked a few times.
Trying to bring a hand to rub them.
But no, my hands were tied.

Shut to the bed.
I couldn't bring them up.

I started to cry.
All these emotions filling me up.

A couple of ssh, baby surrounded the room.
I turned to see Gerard's face.
Rubbing my cheek.

I wanted to speak.
I needed some water.
It was so deathly dry.

Gerard turned around.
To bring me a glass of lukewarm clear water.

He brought my head up.
I opened my mouth.
He put the glass to my lips.

The water tasted so good.
I just kept drinking and drinking.
Closing my eyes to its nice touch.
Smoothing down my throat.

Until I finished it.
And all there were,
were bubble waters left inside the glass.

"How are you feeling, Polly?"
He asked me gently.

He pulled the glass from my lips.
Putting it to the wooden drawer next to me.

I looked around.
There were some flowers around.
A humongous teddy bear holding a balloon with the letters,

The walls were white.
A machine next to me.
Tubes of whatever going inside of me.
Connecting to some other pole.

It made me sick.
So sick to my mind.
I wanted to puke.

"How am I still living?"
I uttered the rhetorical question.

Gerard just held my hands.
Squeezing it.
Kissing it.

"Please just listen to what I have to say,"
he quietly said to me.
♠ ♠ ♠

3 more chapters left!