‹ Prequel: Inside My Arms

Loving You From The Past


I turned around.
And walked myself home.
Grasping myself against the cold wind.

Summer days were always better.

When I opened my door,
Sam was there watching T.V.

he greeted me.


He looked at me with curious eyes.

"What's wrong?"

I just shrugged.

"Come here, baby."

I walked to Sam's lap.
And he cradled me.

I was small enough to lay there with complete comfort.

I listened to Sam's heartbeat.
And tried to get the rhythm of it.

Sam combed my hair.
And hummed a lullaby.

Just like Frank used to do with me.

"You should come out to dinner with me. I'm meeting my old friends, I know you'll like them."

I nodded,
I needed to escape from these cold empty walls.
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