When Fate Tries to Screw You Over

Chapter Five

"Can I call you Lu?" I ask, smiling as I played with Lucas' hair.

"Only if you want to be stabbed." He answers simply.

"What about Cas?" I say, making him laugh.

"Uhhh... no."

"What about babe?" I purr into his ear. "Or sexy? Or sugar? Honeybuns?"

"You may call me Oh Mighty One" He announces seriously, his lips twitching. I grin and place my leg over him, straddling his waist and placing my hands beside his head.

"Oh? But I thought Oh Mighty Ones weren't ticklish and I happen to know you're extremely ticklish." I smirk, sliding my hands down his chest slowly.

"Dont you da- AHHHH! S-AHHA-STOPPPP-"He screams and laughs as my fingers dance lightly on his squirming sides.

"What are you going to do for me if I stop?" I smirk, still tickling him.

"HAHA-an-ha-anythinggg!HAHA!" He laughs, gasping.

"Anything?!" I squeal girlishly. He nods, tears of laughter sliding down the side of his face. I stop, grinning and let him catch his breath. As soon as he does, I get off him and pull him out of bed with me.

"What are we doing?" He asks, letting himself be dragged along.

"We are going to Zone 3! Gah!" I squeal, letting his hand go and rummaging in my drawers, wiggling my ass playfully. He laughs and opens his bag, pulling out his clothes and toiletries.

I pull out clean boxers, dark blue jeans and a black From First To Last shirt and face Lucas, grinning like a maniac. He smiles uncertainly and pulls his red shirt over his head, letting me have a full view of the ribs I could count easily. I pull him closer by his jeans belt loops and hold him close. He snuggles his face into my chest as I stroke his hair affectionately.

"Come on, lets go and let me kick your arse at zone 3!" I shout happily, jumping us both up and down.

"You'd never guess you were 20." Lucas giggles and pulls away from me gently.

"Nice" I scoff jokingly and grab his hand once he has picked up his toiletrise and race into the bathroom.

We brush our teeth, lightly bumping into each other playfully, wanting the sink to ourselves.

"Victory!" I grin when I pick Lucas up and place him on the counter. He pouts and I smirk smugly at him and style my hair quickly with some gel. When I finish, Lucas is still pouting and I kiss him lightly before wrapping my arms around his waist and sliding him off the counter and placing him on his feet again.

"You're so cute when you do that." I whisper in his ear as I watch him pout in concentration. I mean, who pouts in concentration?!

"Do what?" He asks, blushing slightly as he applies a thin layer of eyeliner around his eyes.

"You pout when you concentrate. It's really cute." I state, kissing him lightly on his bottom lip.

"Really? I didn't realise." He blushes, finishing his stuff.

"Yup. Let's go" I say quietly, pulling him out of the bathroom only to stop abruptly; "Oh, your pills. And breakfast. Can't forget that stuff. Important you know."

"Oh, right. I'll go take them and you start breakfast." He says quickly.

"I'll just go with you." I shrug, secretly wanting to make sure he took the pills.

"O-okay" He mutters, uncomfortable as we walk into my bedroom again.

He pulls out the jars and I hand him the bottle of water that I always have on my bedside table. He takes them with difficulty.

"Alright, now lets have breakfast." I smile and we walk into the kitchen together and I pull out two bowls and cereal and milk.

After I had finished my bowl, I looked over to find Lucas had only had one or two spoonfuls. I frown in worry.

"Aren't you going to finish it?" I ask softly.

"N-no, I'm not hungry. Let's just go" He shrugs, taking his bowl to the sink.

"Come on, have a few mouthfuls, then we'll go." I urge softly, hugging him from behind.

"But I'm not hungry." He states. This is an obvious lie when I feel his stomach rumble underneath my hands.

"Yes you are. Your stomach says so. Come on, just a few more mouthfuls. I know what you're doing to yourself Lucas. It's not right, why wont you eat?" I ask as softly as I could.

"I do eat! I'm just not hungry! Okay? Can we just drop it now?" He yells angrily, pushing me away from his deathly thin frame. I put my hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry! I'm just worried about you." I mutter, looking at him tentatively.

"Well don't, there's nothing to worry about, so don't." He snaps, turning his back to me, washing his bowl in the sink. Silence washes over us for a few minutes as he angrily washes, slamming things down.

"Don't be angry..." I whisper, touching his shoulder lightly. He relaxes slightly, turning towards me again.

"I'm not." He assures, smiling softly. I open my arms and he steps into the hug, nuzzling his face into my chest. It will have to wait, I think. I tighten my grip on him, kissing the top of his head.

"Come on, let's get going." I say, pulling away. He nods, biting his bottom lip. I offer my hand and he takes it and we walk out together after getting our wallets and mobile phones.


Flashing lights and Fluro colours were everywhere in this dark maze that I was running around in, snickering as I hide behind a black and pink box when I see Lucas sneak past me, his play gun at the ready. Once he goes past me, I stand behind him.

"Psst" I whisper, trying not to laugh. Lucas turns around quickly and squeals before we start shooting at each other.

"Prepare to die! Mwahahahahaha!!!" I cackle as I see on the pack strapped to his chest that he was losing and was about to run out of 'ammo'.

"Neverr!!" He yells back dramatically just before his 'ammo' runs out. I grin when he realises and squeals again and turns to run away.

"Hey! Where do you think your going?!" I tease, running after him.

"You'll never catch me!" He yells, laughing as he runs behind a pillar and box that was flashing different coloured lights.

"Oh really?! I think I will!" I yell, gaining on him and eventually grabbing him around his waist, making him squeal and squirm in my arms. I spin him around, laughing together and eventually falling to the floor, him landing on top of me. We laugh and stare into each others eyes, wrinkled with happiness.

Once our laughter dies down, I smile up at him and he leans down, kissing me gently. We pull away eventually, not wanting to move.

"Thank you." He says softly, resting his head against my chest.

"What for?" I ask, frowning in confusion.

"For making me laugh. I haven't had this much fun in a very long time." He says honestly, looking back at me. I smile at him and reach up to brush his hair out of his eyes.

"Be my boyfriend?" I ask timidly.

"W-what?" He asks, takenaback.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I repeat more confidently.

"Wha-yes!" He grins, kissing me again. I smile against his lips and deepen the kiss, licking his bottom lip. He opens his mouth slightly, letting our tongues explore each others mouths. I slip us over so I was on top of him now, stroking his cheek. We eventually break away, breathless. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him up so we were both sitting, and he nuzzles into my chest.

"Yay " I clap, acting like a child. He laughs and claps aswell and I kiss him again before picking up my toy gun again and shooting him, using up his last life line.

"Mwahahahaha!!" I cackle, laughing as he screams dramatically and pretends to die.

"Oh no! Not my beautiful Lucas!" I sob, obviously faking and I pull his limp body into my chest, watching his lips twitch.

"Alright, let's go. I'm hungry" I say, waiting for him to stop pretending. When he doesn't I shake him a bit, chuckling, but he still doesn't move.

"Lucas..." I chuckle nervously, shaking him a bit again. Just as I was about to worry he comes to life again, screaming. This freaks me out and I scramble away with wide eyes, but relax when he starts laughing.

"Ner!" I poke my tongue out at him,"Not funny! You scared me!" I pout, crossing my arms.

"Nawww, I'm sowwy" He cooes, kissing me lightly, grinning.

"Alright, come on, let's get outta here!" I state, getting up, offering my hand to him which he takes and we walk out together.


"What can I get you boys?" A friendly mid-fifties waitress asks us once we were seated in a booth in the corner of the diner.

"I'll have a water and a burger with the lot. What do you want Lucas?" I ask casually, looking at him, waiting to see what he would do. He mumbles something incoherent, looking down at his fiddling fingers.

"Sorry honey? I didn't catch that." The waitress asks politely. He glances up, blushing.

"A water is all thanks." He says louder.

"And a small fries aswell." I say quickly, smiling at the lady. She nods, smiles cheerfully and walks off to get the order.

"Why did you do that?" He whispers furiously at me.

"Look, I don't know why you're doing this to yourself and I'm not going to pressure you into telling me. But I'm not going to sit back and watch you get any thinner than you already are. I know you say you don't have a problem but I also know that's a lie and I think you know that aswell." I say firmly, trying to say it all as softly as I could "I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore. I want you to stop and I'll help you. I promise." I whisper, reaching to hold onto his hand.

"You make it sounds like there is something wrong with me when there isn't." He says shortly, pulling his hand out of my reach.

"Then prove it." I whisper as the waitress comes back, placing the small bowl of fries in front of him and the burger in front of me. "Prove me wrong Lucas, cause I so badly want to be wrong."

When he just stares down at the greasy food, not being able to bring himself to take one, I know I'm right.

"Just have a few. We'll take this one step at a time" I say gently, tears brimming in his eyes. He nods in defeat. I sigh in worry and move to his side of the booth, pulling him close, kissing the top of his head gently as a few tears fall onto my shirt subtly.
"Why?" I ask sadly.

"I thought that if I was invisible, people would stop hurting me." He shrugs. My grip tightens on him in my sadness for him.

"No ones going to hurt you anymore. You have me. I wont let anything happen to you." I reassure, kissing his tear-stained cheeks, ignoring the glares we were getting from other customers.

"You promise?"

"I promise." I smile warmly at him which he returns. I push his plate a little closer to him and he gulps before picking a chip up and putting it in his mouth, chewing slowly and swallowing with difficulty.
"Thank you." I whisper in his ear after his fourth chip. He smiles faintly at me. "Boyfriend." This makes us both grin at each other, the tension dissappearing for now.
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Thanks so much for the comments so far! please keep it up, i love to know what people are thinking. Also, don't forget to check out my other original slash, see how you like that one.