When Fate Tries to Screw You Over

Chapter Seven

||~LUCAS' POV~||

Monday equals school which equals having to put up with Reese 'n' co, which equals pain. In other words I wish I was staying here, in Matt's lap, amost asleep from comfort, all day. But that's just wishful thinking remember.

"Come on babe, let's get you to school." Matt was shaking me lightly to bring me out of my thoughts. I yawn and slide off his lap, not letting his hand go until we were sitting in the car.

"Are you going home this arvo?" He asks, starting up the car.

"Yeah, I should, I've only briefly seen Mum over the weekend. I should spend some time with her." I answer.

"Ok, do you want me to pick you up so you don't have to catch the bus?"

"Oh, you don't have to, I don't want to be a burden." I shrug and his hand rests on my knee.

"You're never a burden. I'll see you at 3:30" Matt smiles as we get to the front of th school. I look out the window and see Reese and his friends watching me. I immediately feel myself tensing and I look back down at my lap.

"Kiss?" Matt grins, pointing to his lips. I smile quickly and peck his lips chastly before mumbling a 'bye' and getting out. I walk onto the school grounds with my head down and don't notice that Matt was still there, watching as Reese 'n' co stop me before I could get through the front doors.

"Heya Lukey buddy. How are ya doin'?" Reese asks, smirking down at me.

"What do you want Reese?" I snap, stepping back only to bump into a guy name Chris who snarls at me and pushes me away.

"That your fuck buddy in the car Luke?" He smirks, referring to Matt.

"My name is Lucas, not Luke and don't talk about him like that." I spit, glaring at him.

"I think Luke here wants to go somewhere else with us, don't you agree boys?" Reese states loudly and they all laugh and agree.

"No, I'll be right." I say quickly, trying to get out of the circle they had made around me, but before I can do anything two of the guys, Chris and Tyson grab my arms and pick me up easily as I struggle to get free.

"Let me go stupid fucks!" I yell, trying to kick them away.

"Take him around the back." Reese orders, smirking at me.

"Hey! Let go of him!" My attention is taken by Matt who was jogging over to the group who were all chuckling, not letting my feet touch the ground.

"I said to let him go." Matt sneers threateningly.

"What are you going to do about it if we don't?" Reese taunts but looks regretful when Matt shoves him against the wall roughly.

"You really don't want to know" He spits, shrugging off any of the others that try to pull him off Reese. Fear grips me even more.

"Matt, don't." I whimper, not wanting him to get hurt.

"Now, are you going to let him go or am I going to have to smash all your faces in?" He snarls, shoving him again.

"You wouldn't be able to, unless you want to go to jail for assualting and trespassing." Reese threatens, trying not to look scared.

"I've already been there once, I'm not afraid to go back. So, what's it going to be?" Matt asks, getting angry.

"Let him go." Reese says grudgingly and I am put down and shoved away roughly but I quickly regain my balance.

"Good choice." Matt says before letting him go and reaching for my hand. I take it and stand close to his side.

"Think twice before you go harrassing Lucas next time, I wont be so nice about it." Matt glares coldly and he leads me away from them as I tremble slightly against him.

Matt was still fuming, mumbling threats and curses under his breath and it kind of scared me, but I was grateful he was there.

"Where the hell were the teachers?! I can't believe he had the nerve, when he knew I was right there! What a bunch of dickheads." He rants, his grip on my hand so tight it was beginning to ache.

"M-matt, it's okay." I say quietly, trying to loosen his grip.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you? I should have got out quicker, I'm sorr-" I cut him off with a soft kiss which he immediately responds to, letting go of my hand and pulling me closer, his arms around my waist and mine around his.

"School started 15 minutes ago Lucas! Get to class!" I turn to see Miss Habot walking past quickly to her car, her hair flying about.

"Yes miss" I sigh and rest my head on Matt's chest.

"Will you be ok? Do you think they'll bother you again?" He asks worriedly. I bite my lip in thought and shake my head uncertainly. They probably would, but I didn't want to worry him.

"Ok. Call me if you need me. See you at 3:30 babe." He murmurs, kissing me before letting me go. I nod, thank him and hurry into the school again, Reese and his friends had already run off.

"Sorry I'm late Miss" I apologise as I walk into English. The teacher rolls her eyes and continues to write on the whiteboard as I take my seat and begin to copy down what was already on the board. I was good at English. I was good at lots of things, except maths. Anything to do with maths, I couldn't do. I hated it with a passion.


"You think getting your fuckbuddy to protect you once is gonna protect you forever aye?" Reese had found me at lunchtime by himself and felt compelled to warn me in his own special way and I was scared and sick and tired of it all. Nothing is going to make him leave me alone. I don't even know why he hates me so much in the first place.

"N-no I-i -- just lay off Reese." I stammer, trying to push past him but he just moves in my way even more.

"That was such a bad move,this morning Luke. You should know by now." He shoves me roughly and I lose my balance and fall to the ground. "Tisk tisk." He taunts coldly, kicking me violently in the stomach, making all the air in my body escape and I gasp for breath through the pain.

"Get up, fag." He spits, grabbing me by my hair and pulling me to my feet, only to punch me in the stomach over and over again. Then something snaps inside of me and I suck in and charge at him, tackling him to the ground, sitting on top of him, then i start swinging me fist's into his face over and over again, just like he had done to me so many times before.

Reese was so shocked that I had started fighting back that it took him a few moments to react but before he could regain the power he had momentarily lost, someone had grabbed me around the waist and completely pulled me off him.

"JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE REESE!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!?" I scream, struggling to get back at him but the person who had a hold of me wouldn't give. It was only then that I realised I had tears falling silently down my cheeks. I wipe them away quickly and stop struggling, the adrenaline wearing off to be replaced with an aching pain on my torso.

"Let me go." I grunt to, who I now recognised as Mr Zane. He had me around the stomach and it was hurting but frankly, I've given up on caring.

"Not until you've calmed down." He says in that teacher voice I know so well. I finally notice that we had moved far away from where Reese was with Miss Habot, examining his now broken nose. I smirk at this, pleased I did some damage.

"I am calm." I reassure and he cautiously lets me go. I try to walk off but he stops me quickly.

"What the hell was that about Lucas?! That was so unlike you." He asks, hands on hips.

"I was sick of him." I shrug, not wanting to go into details, knowing it will only cause more trouble than it's worth.

"That doesn't give you a reason to assault him Lucas, you should know that." He frowns.

"But, me being gay gives him one?" I mumble under my breath but he doesn't hear as Reese walks past with Miss Habot. He sneers at me, making a shiver go down my spine.

"You're nothing but a worthless, fat fairy Luke!" He spits. My face pales considerably and I run off when Mr Zane turns his back to me to tell Reese to shut up.

He was right, you know. I am worthless and fat. I should never have believed Matt when he said otherwise, he's my boyfriend, he's meant to say it isn't true. I run out off the school ground and don't stop until I was 5 minutes away from home, my lungs bursting.

I unlock the front door, knowing Mum was still at work for a few more hours and I drop my bag on th floor before going into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. The mirror catches my attention and I look at myself, cringing at the tearstained, ugly monster looking back. My hair was limp and oilly, my eyes bloodshot and puffy. I was fat and disgusting. I couldn't handle looking at myself anymore and I rush into my bathroom.

I make myself vomit three times before laying on the tiled floor and letting myself slip out a choked sob. I suddenly feel so tired and I let myself drop into a deep sleep, not bothering to move away from the bathroom floor to the bed.
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please comment! Sorry it's been a while since I updated. xoxo