When Fate Tries to Screw You Over

Chapter Nine

"I brought you some homework from school, babe." I smile, placing a small pile of books and papers onto Lucas' bedside table that I had gotten when I went to his school to tell them the situation.

"Thanks." Lucas mumbles, not looking at me. It has been a week and he still hates me for bringing him here. Although, he has already gone up to 39kilo's but he was still refusing to eat. I sigh, tired of being the bad guy. It wasn't my job, it was his mum's job but she was incapable of taking responsiblity, obviously.

"Have you eaten anything today?" I ask, hoping he said yes. He can't live off a tube forever.

"Why do you want me to gain so much weight? Do you like fat kids, do you Matt? Get a kick out of it?" He sneers coldly at me. I feel a pang of hurt and I look down at my hands in my lap.

"I just want you to stop trying to kill yourself, to be healthy, don't you want that Lucas?" I ask. He glares at me and doesnt answer.

"Please don't be like this..." I whimper, reaching for his hand but he pulls it away quickly.

"I don't think this relationship is going to work out Matt. I think you should go." He says shortly and I starely at him in shocked disbelief. He was breaking up with me for caring about him?!?!


"Go Matt. I really don't want to see you right now. I hate you." He cuts me off. Tears spring to my eyes as I stare at him in hurt.

"Lucas..." I whisper into thin air before standing up and walking towards the door. I stop just before closing it behind me and gulp down tears, looking at Lucas sitting there with a blank expression on his face, "Get better Lucas. For yourself." With that, I close the door behind me and rush out of the hospital trying desperately not to cry. Matt Gooding doesn't cry. Especially not over a guy.

"Who am I kidding?!" I slam the car door and I place my face in my hands and let tears slip. Lucas was different to any other boyfriend I've had. He was sweet, caring, funny and now he hates me.

I had begun to fall for him...

After a little while I force myself to calm down before turning the car on and driving home.

"Hey Matt, how's Lu- what's wrong?" Brandon leaps up off the couch where he was sitting with Logan, watching TV. I shrug and move to my bedroom. I really wasn't in the mood for talking about it.

I kick my shoes off miserably and slide in under the bedcovers before picking up my CD player remote and turning From First To Last on really loudly, then closing my eyes. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to think about it, or him.

Suddenly the music stops and a weight sits on the bed.

"What happened Matt?" It was Brandon. I open my eyes and turn to face him.

"I don't want to talk about it Bran." I say wearily, my heart tugging as I feel it continue to break.

"Tough, we're talking about it." That's Brandon for you, forward and to the point. I cringe and sigh deeply.

"He broke up with me." I choke out. Tears begin to fall again and Brandon pulls me into a hug but you could tell he was feeling awkward. He usually ended up passing a crying Matt onto his girlfriend of three years, Logan.

"I'll get Logan." And this time was no different.

"No don't, I don't want to talk about it, seriously." I bg as he gets up to get her. He doesn't say anything, he just walks out and comes back briefly to push a raven haired, blue eyed 23 year old woman, named logan through the door. She lays down next to me and push's my hair out of my face and smiles sympathetically at me. I cringe as I remember Lucas always doing that to me.

"He said he hated me" I whisper, breaking the silence that had developed around us.

"He is going though some major problems, he didn't mean it." She says just as quietly. This is part of the reason why Brandon and Logan have been together for so long. Brandon would tell me to snap out of it and get even by rebounding or something. Logan would listen and advise. He was loud, she was quiet. They complete opposites yet they fitted together perfectly.

"He wouldn't have said that, would he?" I choke out, letting tears fall down the side of my face. I' such a girl. "I was just trying to help him."

"You did the right thing, he would have died if you hadn't done what you did." I nod slowly.

"I just wish he would want to get better. I wish he was here right now." I cry, covering my face with my hands. Logan pulls me into a warm hug and I sob into her shoulder until I couldn't cry anymore ad I fall asleep.
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