The Two Of Us

Just take a chance

Ray walked to the bottom of the bus where Sara laid sleeping. He laughed at his cousin’s expression and she started to move on the couch. Ray approached to her and shook her shoulder.

“Hey, you. Wake up” Ray said and didn’t have more response than a growl. “WAKE UP!” He shouted making Sara jump awake.

“You damn asshole! You never do that again! I hate you!” She started punching him as hard as she could, but it only made him laugh harder. “Stop laughing! You damn bastard! Get off me!” He was now straddling her. “I’m gonna scream so hard…”

“Uuuuhh! I’m scared!” Ray looked at her in a mocking way.

“HELP! HELP MEEEEEEEEE!” She shouted out loud. Just then Frankie came in running.

“What the…?” Frankie said with a twisted look on his face. “C’mon Ray, I don’t think raping your cousin in here is a good idea.” Ray busted out laughing and Sara looked at Frankie.

“I hate you both. Now get off me!” She gained enough strength and pushed Ray to the floor. “Thanks for the help.” She mumbled as she stormed out of the room.

“See ya, cute thing.” Frankie whispered staring at her. Ray smiled and placed an arm around his friend’s shoulder.

“You know, I just don’t get why you haven’t done a move. I know she wants you.” Frankie looked at Ray in shock.

“What? How… why…?” Frankie did have a crush on her: they had so much in common that it was obvious for the rest of the guys that they would end up together sooner or later. There was nothing wrong with them. But Frankie hadn’t told her anything yet. He loved her since the first time Ray brought her and everyone knew, except for her.

“I’m not blind, Frank. And she’s my cousin, don’t you think I know her?” Ray patted Frankie’s back and walked to the front of the bus gathering his stuff since they already where on the stadium they were supposed to perform that night.

After the show, Sara was backstage waiting for the boys to come. One by one they were showing up. Frankie came up the last one, he spent the whole show thinking bout what Ray told him.

“You guys kicked ass once again.” Sara said as all the guys, except for Frankie, were in a circle around her.

“I don’t know how you don’t get tired of watching this every night.” Gerard said.

“Do you think I actually watch it? I just say the things to make you think that! After 2 weeks it’s always the same.” She laughed and all the guys made offended faces. Sara looked and realized Frankie wasn’t there. “Where is Frankie?” Everyone oohed and she turned red.

“He’s right there.” Gerard pointed without stop laughing. Sara headed to him and all the guys watched them talk.

“Why don’t they hook up once and for all? They would make a cute couple.” Mikey stated and the rest agreed.

“Hey guys, come here.” Ray said moving his hands making them get closer. “I have a plan.” He told his thoughts to the guys and everything was set up. Frankie and Sara came back and the 5 guys headed to their dressing rooms, Ray making sure she’d wait for them right there and not on the bus. She was starting to suspect something, but her mind was glued on Frankie. A weird feeling came over her as she roamed the corridors waiting for the guys to come out, all she could do was thinking bout Frankie: there’s no need to tell why she had such a crush on him. Just look at the boy! She stared day dreaming but him when a finger snap woke her up.

“C’mon, they’re ready.” No other that Frankie said to her. Sara felt herself blush, but she walked fast to the door. Then all the guys ran out and closed the door leaving her and Frankie inside. She blushed even more already getting the idea of what the guys were trying to do.

“C’mon, boys, open the damn door!” Sara screamed hitting the piece of wood. Frankie stared at her swallowing hard.

“Sara… I’ve got something to tell you…” He said no louder than a whisper. She turned to him. “I… I guess we both know why the guys are doing this and…”

“Yeah, I guess I know why, but…”

“I know this is weird, but I’ve got to… I mean, I…” Frankie was obviously nervous and Sara smiled at his shyness. “I like you a lot.” He finally blurted out. “The guys told me they would force me to say it if I didn’t do it soon. But I swear I didn’t ask them to lock us in here…” Frankie kept talking, but Sara was lost on a daze after hearing his words.

“Stop, stop… What did you just say?”

“That I’m probably making a fool of myself.”

“No, the other part. At the beginning.”

“That I like you a lot.”

Sara couldn’t believe her ears and just smiled. Frankie was starting to talk again, but her mouth on his didn’t let him. She kissed him passionately and fire works flew everywhere. The kiss was absolutely amazing and left both breathless.

“Does that mean that you like me too?” Frankie asked gasping for air.

“Want me to repeat it?” Sara looked straight into his eyes and Frankie nodded. Now both held each other and the kiss was even deeper, they needed to breathe, but they couldn’t get enough of each other yet. The kiss was longer this time and again they were gasping for air after it. “Feel.” She took his hand and placed it above her heart. Frankie felt the fast pace of her heartbeats, but he was getting aroused with the fact that his hand was so close to her breast. He gave her a ‘can I?’ look and she blushed.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I mean… I don’t know… I really want you to, but…” Sara was mumbling and Frankie calmed her with a kiss. She took his hand on her chest and slid it so he could touch her. Even with surprise, Frankie started to massage it as his other hands roamed her back under her shirt. Sara started to freak out a bit, but his kiss was transmitting so many feelings that she wasn’t able to stop him. Anyway, she was trembling and Frankie felt it.

“Don’t be scared.” He whispered on her mouth. “If you don’t want this just tell me.” Frankie pulled apart and stared into her eyes.

“Say it.” Sara said returning the glance.

“What?” He asked.

“What you’re thinking.” Frankie smiled.

“I love you.”

And that’s all she needed to know. Kissing him again, she led him to his dressing room and laid on the couch with him on top. His hands went to caress her stomach and soon pulled her shirt out. His mouth went from her mouth to her neck while his hands kneaded her breasts through her bra. Suddenly, he stopped.

“Sara, we can’t do this here…” He sat up straddling her.

“Frankie, I want to.” She pulled his shirt up and got it off him.

“I want you too, but not here… I want it to be romantic, in some place more comfortable…” A kiss from her shut him up. “And you’re not making things any easier.” He whispered taking her head between his hands and kissing her again.

“I want you now, Frankie. I’ve been waiting so much for this that I can’t wait any longer.”

“Are you completely sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She pulled apart from the kiss and looked at him. They kissed again and his hands went back to her breast slipping under the bra. Sara reached her back and tossed it away. His kisses lowered to her neck and then to her breast. She moaned at the feeling of his lips attached to her nipple. “Holy shit…” He smiled and switched giving the other the same attention. Sara entangled her fingers on his long locks as his head traveled down planting butterfly kisses on her belly and around her navel. His hands worked on her pants and slid them down taking her shoes and socks off along. He kissed all his way up till he reached her panties once more and licked the band, caressing her sides and taking them off at a painful low speed. All she could do was to moan his name each time louder. “Please, don’t tease me…”

“I want you to enjoy, baby, relax…” Frankie finally took her panties off and again kissed his way up her legs, massaging her tights getting closer to her already wet center. He blew on it and she shuddered. He smiled. Opening her legs a little further, he licked her slit and she almost screamed out, but held in fearing the guys would hear them. His mouth found her clit and started playing with it, Sara pushed his head towards her and moved her hips trying to make him go faster. Her orgasm was building up quickly, but she needed him in other way. Gathering all her will, she stopped him. “What?”

With not even a word she slid off underneath him and made him stood up. She unzipped his pants and he took off his shoes. Soon enough his pants and boxers where on the floor and they were back on the couch. He was again on top kissing her while their bare bodies mingled. He ran his hands along her frame, stopping at her tights.

“I love you so much, Sara…” He whispered.

“I love you too, Frankie.” Slowly she gave into him and he slid in slowly. She whimpered.

“Am I hurting you?”

“No… just keep going! Please…” Sara looked at him and he kept going in. Frankie gave her a while to adjust. “Ok…” She smiled to him and he smiled back. Frankie started moving, thrusting into her softy. “Go faster Frankie …” Sara pleaded and he happily obliged. His movements got fasted reaching deeper into her. Her legs were wrapped around his hips allowing him better access. They rocked their hips together. Frankie caressed her skin kissing paths on her neck and then going back to devour her mouth as his hands worshipped her body. He was claiming her and that moment she knew no one ever could make her feel what Frankie was making her feel.

“I love you… Jesus! I’m absolutely crazy for you, Sara…” He repeated over and over again, while she was reaching unexpected highs where words were unnecessary. Sara kissed him and with that he understood. Like a volcano, all their feelings exploded in exhausted happiness. “Ugh…” Was all Frankie could say after experiencing the most powerful thing in all his life.

“I love you, baby…” She whispered getting down of her own heaven. “Thank you.” They just stayed mingled there for a while, till they remembered bout the guys. “We have to go, Frankie.”

“I know but I don’t want to.”

“Me neither, but we have to go back to the hotel--” She was interrupted.

“Yes! Let’s go to the hotel!” Frankie pulled her up and gave her the clothes. She looked at him puzzled. “C’mon. I can’t wait to get to the hotel.”

“We’re not going out with the guys?”

“Nope. Tonight it’s gonna be just the two of us.” He said with a smile.