We Keep Ourselves A Secret


Without hesitation, Saturday afternoon I called Evan up and asked him if he wanted to show me around. I liked the way I felt with him, even though we had only talked for 10 minutes. It proved to me that I wasn't afraid to talk to guys, like I thought might have been happening ever since gorgeous boy. I figured that was just a fluke, and that I was back to my old self. And since Evan was cute, I was going to make sure I did as much flirting as possible. Well, after I made sure he was at least bi of course.

The wind was blowing harshly, swirling bits of snow up off the ground and making them twirl all around me. I watched them fly past me in little formations that made them look as if they were jumping as I waited for Evan to show up. I was standing outside Berkeley High, the school that would soon be my own for another year and a half. From the outside, it looked pretty decent. The building was tall, 2 stories it looked like, and was made with what just about every other school was built with; brick. The building went on to the end of the street, and then curved in and outwards, leaving space for the parking lot in the back. Large glass windows covered just about every inch of the school, giving it a no privacy policy kind of look. That didn't bother me though, what the hell would I need privacy for?

Just as I was about to think Evan wasn't showing up, a red chevy convertible pulled up in front of the school, pounding with the rhythm of the blaring music. I smiled as Evan turned off the car and stepped outside. He was wearing another pair of blue skinny jeans, with a tight Bring me the Horizon t-shirt. I had to stop myself from drooling as he made his way towards me, his face reflecting my smile.

"Sorry I'm late." He rolled his eyes, "my brother needed a ride to some book store."
I giggled a little shrugging, "It's no big deal. Could we just get inside now? It's freezing."
"Oh, right, sorry." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a ring of dulled keys. As we both made our way to the big glass doors, Evan searched through the different keys, trying to find the right one.

"Damn." Wrong one.

"Damn it!" Wrong one again.

"Jesus Christ." Do I have to say it again?

"Ahh, this is it." A tight smile crept across his face as he pushed the key into the hole, turned it, and pushed the door open. I rushed inside, happy to be out of the cold, and finally have a chance to really talk to Evan. Never mind touring the school.

Evan looked both ways as he entered behind me, and then clicked the lock shut. He titled his head to the side as he mused over which way to lead me first. He bit his bottom lip ever so slightly, making the urge to kiss him growing inside me even worse. Okay, so I'm sounding like a complete slut here, but I have a good reason. I didn't care what it took; I wanted to get that gorgeous boy off my mind.
"I do say we'll take this-" He twirled his finger in a circle motion as a smirk stretched across his face, and he pointed to the left, "way."

I smirked back as we started walking in the direction he had pointed to, passing a few doors as we traveled. I liked the way he carried himself. I could definitely tell that he was carefree just by the few things he had done so far. He seemed like a genuinely happy person, and that was something I definitely liked. Even after all the shit I had grown up with, a frown never graced my lips once.

"Feeling so clear, its crazy up here, LIFE IS AMAZING WITH YOU— He stopped his loud singing that was making me giggle, and put on a serious face. "That would be the gym, where the oh so fantastic actives occur."

I nodded my head as he threw me a glance to let him know I was paying attention. When he turned his head forward again I asked, "What was that song you were singing?"

"The OH SO fabulous Aly and AJ of course!" He exclaimed, "If you don't like them, might as well stop this tour now." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and a oh-no-you-didn't look already preparing itself.

"Like them?" I questioned. "Of course I like them; I'm surprised you like them!" I seriously was surprised. I had never in all my years met another guy that liked them, or at least admitted it. I couldn't believe he was so open to it; I was starting to really like him.

"Well, dear dear dear. You are certainly my new best friend." He pursed his lips and threw me another glance from the corner of his eyes.

"Does this mean we get to do each others hair and nails?" I smirked, and he started to laugh. "Duh, every night!"

We turned from the first hallway and down into the second where rows of big brown doors lined the walls. At the far end, I could just make out the cafeteria.

"Algebra." He nodded his head towards the door that housed that subject, and then continued in the same manner for all the rest. "Algebra 2, Geometry, History, Physics, Bio, Chemistry, Teachers Lounge." He stopped walking and threw himself up against the wall, "You know, where all the kinky kids like me have sex at." He pushed his body up against the wall pulling his hair down into his face, and made a girly moan. Then continued as if nothing had happened, "Art, bathrooms and some random locked door that-" He shoved hard on the door, twisting and turning the knob frantically, and out of breath said "no one can…seem…to… get into." He stopped pushing and pulling on the door, gave me a shrug and continued walking into the cafeteria.

The rest of the next hour we spent in the same manner, this time both of us singing loudly, moaning, and roaming through unlocked classrooms. By the time my 'tour' was over, I was out of breathe, but never happier. Evan was the kind of guy I had been looking for for a while; he was my exact clone. He wasn't afraid to express his love for weird music, or be random at the most random times. He made me feel comfortable around him, as if I had known him for years. I just had one thing to find out before I knew I could make my move.

Operation: Seek Evan's Orientation, activated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, so. I really really love Evan.
This chapter was made so you could really get a taste of Evan's personality. He's pretty much my favorite character. Don't worry though, things aren't over with Jake and gorgeous boy just yet :D

Tell me what you think?

Ohh, and YES Evan likes Aly and AJ. You'll soon learn how much he really does. Gotta problem with them, gotta problem with Evan [;