We Keep Ourselves A Secret


When I woke up Monday morning, it was to a loud knock on my bedroom door. My mom's soft voice was calling from outside, telling me to wake up. Waking up was the last thing I wanted to do at this point. I had just been dreaming of, well, Evan, and I honestly liked where the dream was headed to.
I glanced at the clock sleepily, and gave a startled yell of surprise to see that it was already 3 o' clock. Now unlike most teenagers, I was not one to sleep in late. I liked getting up early, and watching Regis and Kelly while having my bowl of beloved Captain Crunch. Waking up at 3 o clock was a first for me.

"Up!" I shouted as I jumped out of my warm bed. The chilling coldness of my room sent chills up and down my bare back as I searched for a decent shirt to put on.

"Think you'll be ready in 10 minutes?" My mother asked as she opened up my bedroom door.

I gave her a puzzled glance as I threw on my shirt. "Ready for where?"

"We have to sign you up for school today!" She said enthusiastically. "I'm surprised you forget after Romeo gave you that tour the other day."

I blushed a bit, unaware that my small crush on Evan was already evident to my mom. "You know?" I asked.

"Mom's know everything," She laughed a bit. "You'll learn that eventually. Now finish getting ready, I have a surprise waiting for you before we go." She gave me another smile and shut the door before I had a chance to ask what it was.

Call me a child, but I was more than excited when I heard the word surprise. My dad had never really bought me anything, besides the few gifts on my birthday and Christmas. Even then they were usually things I had no interest in, footballs, jerseys and baggy pants? (come on, was he serious?), but he tried his hardest to steer me away from the 'horrible' path I was headed.

It took me more than the 10 minutes to finish getting ready, but I had a good excuse. I wanted to look presentable just in case I so happened to bump into gorgeous boy again. Hey, you can't blame me, he really was amazing looking. After I had finished the lunch my mom prepared for me, she finally was ready to give me my surprise.

"I wasn't exactly sure what kind you would want." She explained with a smile, as she headed towards the front door. "But I saw this, and I just knew it was made for you." She pulled open the front door, letting me step outside into the freezing weather before she followed behind. There parked on the side of the street in front of my house, was a 2007 Honda Civic SI.

"Mine?" I questioned, as my mouth hung open, and excitement started to erupt inside me.

My mom nodded her head. "Its all yours, honey."

I tried to contain myself; I really really did, but come on! I had a seriously amazing car sitting right in front of me. And it was all mine!

"Mom! I love you!" I said jumping up and down and throwing my arms around her.

"I love you too, baby. What do you say, wanna take it for a spin?" Her eyes glittered and a big smile crossed her lips. It felt for a moment, as if I had stepped into the 80's, before I was even born. My mom, dressed in tight black pants and a bright pink top, had her hair done almost as if she herself had just stepped into the 80's with me. She looked like she was thinking back to those times too, when she was a free spirit that liked getting in trouble, and causing mischief, much like me now. I knew right then and there that I had taken after my mom, and I was damn proud.

"Hell yeah!" I cried, as she smacked the keys into my open palm and we made our way into the car.

Before I started it up and took off, I looked around excitedly. The inside was made of pleather, but it wasn't the uncomfortable kind that made you stick. The seats even had a special button on the side that warmed up the bottom of the seats. There was a radio, and a newly installed cd system that I immediately fell in love with. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small, my mom was right. This car was made for me.

After my mother made sure we were both buckled, (so it wasn't technically the 80s anymore, but hey, she wanted to be safe!) I started the car and took off. I had driven before, not much, but it was enough for me to realize how smooth the car ran. It seemed to turn in every direction without a problem. The steering wheel I was sure was made especially to fit my small hands. We circled the block a few times before deciding to finally stop at the school. I pulled up blasting 'Barbie Girl" by Aqua, my mother laughing hysterically as we stepped out and people stared.

"That was the time of my life!" My mother cried happily as we made our way to the front doors.

I nodded my head happily, laughing with her.

We laughed a bit more before finally calming down enough to ring the small buzzer to be let in. After a few moments, a tall balding man with thick eyelashes greeted us at the door and let us in.

My mom smiled at him politely. "I'm here to sign my son up to start tomorrow." She gestured towards me and her smiled warmed.

"Wonderful!" The man exclaimed loudly. "We're always happy to welcome new students here at Berkeley High." He sounded like he had practiced that line one too many times. "I'm the Principal here," He paused as he gestured for us to follow him down the opposite hall Evan had started with yesterday. "My name is Mr. Ringwald; I'll take you to Ms. Nethers so you can begin your paperwork."

My mother and I nodded our heads in unison as we entered a large room filled with metal desks, counselors and instructors situated behind them.

Mr. Ringwald turned away from us as he spoke to the lady behind the nearest desk. "Ms. Nethers, we have a new student!" He announced happily. "Will you get them started on the paper work, please?"

She nodded her head and gave him a shy smile. Ms. Nethers was a small petite lady. She was young, I guessed mid 20's or so. She wore her hair up in a tight bun that gave the feeling that she was older, but it was obvious she wasn't. Her movements were clumsy and nervous, but her smile was warm and friendly. We took a seat next to her desk, and so began the next 2 long boring hours. By the time we were done, I was almost sure this lady knew more about me than I knew myself. She asked us for my previous school records, health records, birth certificate, identification, social security number, and just about everything else that had the title 'record' in it. I knew none of the stuff, but luckily my mom did. Without my knowledge, she had visited my last school and my doctor to get the information we needed. I was more than thankful.

By the time we left the school it was 4:30, but with my new car I had no intentions of going home yet. Instead I dropped my mom off at the house so she could begin dinner, and headed back to the cafe.

I entered the sweet smelling book store cautiously, incase gorgeous boy happened to be there too. After a few glances around, I confirmed that he wasn't and headed up to the counter. After I ordered my latte, I situated myself in the back with a large pile of books I wanted to check out. The first was the 5th book to the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, Memnoch the Devil. I opened up the first page and soon found myself captivated in the book. By the time I stopped to refill my latte, I was already on page 67. I decided then to put the rest of the books back, and instead purchase this and make my way back home. Of course though, just as I made my way to the small register in the front, gorgeous boy stepped next in line. At first I didn't know what to do, I was debating on whether to wait, or face him like a man, when he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. I knew then that it was too late to run, so instead I turned my head down, and shyly made my way to the register. I had no choice but to stand behind him, and unfortantely the line was at least 5 people long.

It was then when I was standing there, my thoughts pretending to be in the book, that he turned around and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Riley. I've seen you around before, haven't I?" His voice was intoxicating. It wasn't high pitched and loud like Evan's, it was quiet and smooth, and made my insides melt.

I didn't want to, but with no choice left, I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. They were still that shocking emerald green I remembered from the day I first saw him. And a big smile was placed amongst his lips as he waited for me to respond. Realizing I was starring I quickly stopped myself.

"I'm Jake, and uh, yeah I think we might have bumped into each other once before." So it was more than once, but I didn't want him to think I was some crazy stalker that remembered his every move.

"Twice actually." He corrected with a smile. His eyes glimmered as they skimmed over mine. "Once at the library, and once just a few days ago in the bathroom here."

My mouth opened slightly automatically, amazed that he remembered. Then again, it probably was obvious since both times I had acted completely stupid.

"Ohh, uh yeah, I remember now." I tried to smile at him but his amazing beauty captivated me more than Anne Rice could.

His smile deepened as he saw the effect he had over me. At this, I quickly turned my glance away from him. Luckily the line had moved up quite a bit, and it was his turn in line.

The girl behind the counter seemed to be just as captivated as I had as he spoke to her sweetly. She blushed numerous times and smiled at him shyly as she rung up his books. I could see out of the corner of my eye the flirty looks her gave her, which surprisingly sent a volt of jealousy rush through me. I shook it off, reminding myself I had no idea who this boy was, and no right to be jealous. But when the girl gave him half price off for no apparent reason, the jealousy overpowered itself. I had the sudden urge to yell at the girl for falling for his tricks so easily. I didn't though, but only because I didn't want to sound ridiculous in front of Riley. Man, it felt nice to finally know his name.

As Riley stepped away from the register, I placed my single book on the counter and waited for the girl to ring me up. When I got a good look at her, I was shocked to find that Riley even flirted with her at all. She had on thick nerdy glasses, and her hair was a horrible frizzy pigtail mess. Okay, that sounded really shallow, but what did it matter? I don't like girls, remember.

I didn't say a word to the girl, instead I focused my attention on Riley, who was apparently waiting for me to finish. Once I had my book safely in the green bag, I paid the girl and quickly rushed outside before he got a chance to say a word. I pulled out my Marlboro's and lit one up. Inhaling deeply, I started to relax the slightest bit. But when Riley stepped outside, my nerves shot right back up.

"You always seem to be running away from me." He pouted a bit, "Why is that?"

Shit. He noticed. I tried to think of an excuse, anything but the truth. What could I say? 'Oh, it's just that you're the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen, and your every move makes me catch my breath'? As I pondered his question, I bought myself time by taking a long drag from my cigarette.

"You know you really shouldn't smoke its bad for your health."

Wow, who knew my Marlboros would come in handy. I stopped thinking of an excuse and removed the cigarette from my lips. "Bad habit, I guess." I mumbled.

He shook his head a bit, and then stepped forward, so that he was only centimeters away from my face. He was a bit taller then me, so I had to just slightly look up to see his eyes. I froze as he slowly ran his finger up my side while gently taking the cigarette out of my hand.

"There, that’s better." He smiled at me then carefully stepped back. He then proceeded to throw the cigarette on the ground, and crush it with his cute little dravens.

I blushed, and I imagine my face turned every shade of red there is. I could feel my face grow hot, and honestly I was shocked. If that had been any other boy that close to me, the urge for me to press his lips to mine would have been almost unbearable. It was different with him though, I didn't want that. Instead I just wanted to be in his arms, feel the warmth of his body. Never have him let me go. I didn't like that feeling, it was so foreign and unknown.

"Well, I imagine we'll be seeing each other again." He smiled as he started to walk away. I stared after him, unable to move or tear my glance away. "By the way, in case you were wondering, it was me that left you the note in your notebook."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kinda long, and I feel as if you guys might be getting bored?
but hey, every good story has to have a buildup, right?
Soo, who are you guys rooting for?

Evan vs. Riley ?

Woah, that was a lot of questions. Leave me comments please! I wont say that comments will give you updates, cause I update anyway, but it does make me feel better about updating.