We Keep Ourselves A Secret


Monday morning went by quickly. I got up on schedule, without my mother even having to knock on my door. By the time she finally had, I was dressed and ready to leave. Since it was my first day, I wore those amazing pants Evan had given up for me, with my favorite black Batman t-shirt. Call me crazy, buy Batman was and still is my hero.

I didn't bother with breakfast this time, I was too anxious to start school, so with a quick kiss for my mother, I hoped into my car, and took off. The ride to school was short, unfortunately, but just incase Evan was outside, I decided to blast Aly and Aj when I pulled up. To my happiness, as I pulled into the parking lot, Evan snapped his head my way in search for the source that was carrying the music. Of course he didn't know what my car looked like yet, so he didn't know it was me. But that didn't stop him from approaching my car with a look of pure love twinkling in his eyes. As I turned off the car and stepped out and into his eye sight, a huge smile spread across his lips and he rushed forward.

"Oh Jakey, baby!" He giggled, flinging his arms around me, while kissing me on the cheek. It happened so fast I didn't get to truly enjoy it, and before I could even respond he had removed himself from my arms.

"You are definitely the hippest cat in school." He mused, smiling brightly.

"Oh, is that so?" I questioned leaning back against my car.

"Well, the 2nd hippest cat anyway. I hold first place, duh." He responded, matter-o-factly.

I just giggled. He was definitely right about that, I thought, as I took a look around. The parking lot was crawling with kids my age, some just pulling up, others lounging on their cars like me. A few I could tell right away were major dorks. There was a group of them surrounding the picnic table, books open, glasses on, while scribbling furiously in their notebooks. The other kids mostly dressed in casual clothes, none that stood out. There was however a group that immediately caught my attention. I couldn't quite make out what they were looked like, but they dressed mostly like Evan and I. From afar, the few guys and girls I could see looked pretty descent. Nothing compared to Evan of course.

"Ready for school, NIGGAH?!" He shouted the last word, drawing it out longer than necessary, but making me laugh. I hadn't noticed how much time had passed already.

"Only if we get to have kinky sex in the teachers lounge?" I questioned jokingly, eying him up and down. I wasn't surprised to see he was dressed in his usual attire; skinny jeans, and a t-shirt.

"Oh, you know it!" He slapped my ass, then grabbed my hand as we made our way into the school. I was a little surprised that he was showing so much affection towards me, but I figured it was just his thing. He probably was like this with every gay boy in the 10 mile radius. I didn't mind though, especially when I saw the looks of pure jealousy crossing every girl's face we passed as we headed to my new locker.

"So, let's see thee schedule." He said, pronouncing each word slowly, and sounding almost exactly like Dumbledore. Hey, I watch Harry Potter a lot, okay?

He reached out his hand, placing it directly in my view. I pulled out the little piece of white paper, and handed it to him as I shoved my empty book bag into the locker. I clicked it shut then, and twisted the lock a few times, before we both headed down the hall.

"Well aren't you lucky, hot stuff," He said gleefully. "We just so happen to have 3 whole classes together!"

I smiled, and relaxed a little at the thought. At least I would have someone to sit next to, and talk to the rest of the year. "Aren't I lucky?" I repeated as I took the now crinkled piece of paper back from him. I glanced it over, searching for my first class as we made our way up the staircase. I wasn't sure exactly where we were headed, but I figured Evan knew where he was taking me.

"Don't worry, doll. I'm taking you to your homeroom. Which just so happens to also be your first class." He explained, practically reading my thoughts. We finished the last steps and headed towards the right.

"Thank you, babe." I smiled at him, and he winked at me. As we approached my classroom, suddenly the grip he had on my hand got tighter, and a look of pure hatred scorched through his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling him tense up.

He shot someone a dirty look before turning his attention towards me. He released his hand from mine, and then brought his arms around my neck. "Nothing, you have to worry about." He whispered. "Just don't associate with that fucking scum in the back of the class." I followed to where his eyes were positioned to, and gave a slight gasp.

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned, confused as to why he could possibly hate someone so much.

"He's a fucking—" Before he could finish the rest of his sentence the bell rang. Rolling his eyes, he whispered see you later, doll, into my ear, then kissed me lightly on the cheek. He gave me another seductive smile, before grimacing at the kid in the back again. Then without another word, he skipped off, in the opposite direction.

Only one thought occupied my thoughts for the rest of homeroom.

Why the hell did he hate Riley?
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't exactly like this chapter too much.
I've been coming down with a bit of writers block,
sorry. :|
Comments always help though [:

It was important though for you guys to find out that Evan hates Riley.