You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

The past haunts us all

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I sang bursting into Draco's room. For as long as I could remember me and my parents had stayed with the Malfoys every summer holiday.

Draco groaned turning over in his bed.

"Come on! Your 15! Practically an adult." I jumped onto his bed shaking him. He groaned sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you more excited for my birthday?" he grumbled. I just smiled at him.

"I'm a nice girl, what can I say?" He looked shifty. "What?" I asked confused.

"Listen, I have something to say to you." He mumbled looking down at his suddenly really interesting covers.

"What?" I asked confused. Draco never seemed nervous around me.

We had been best friends since we were six. We went to Hogwarts together. We were the closest friends could get. We always had been.

Always would be, I foolishly thought.

See I was a special kind of witch, a very rare type. I am what is known as a Vernosa. I know it sounds scientific.

It just means I don't have to use a wand to do my magic, a click of my fingers, thinking of the spell in my mind and its done; and the whole apparating busines... was normal. One click of my fingers and I am anywhere in the world. No test needed, no training. I've been doing this since I was a baby.
It's made school very difficult though. I got bullied, because once I learnt the spells I could do them, easily as anything. People said I was some kind of swot, class suck up, you name, I got it. They even referred to me as a 'mudblood' on one occasion although my bloods purer than anyone's in that goddamn hell hole.

Draco always stood by me though, always.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"Look i'm having a party tonight. And I just need you to kind of..." He sighed. "back off."

"What do you mean?" I asked moving away from him a bit.

"I mean come on Stonzie. You've burst into my room this morning when I'm asleep. Why couldn't you just wait for me to get up? What if I had met a fit girl last night and brought her back? What if we'd been in bed this morning? I don't want you ruining my chances tonight."

I was hurt.

"Ruining your chances? What do you mean?" I asked stung.

"Come on. Everyone thinks your a freak." He shrugged. "I don't want the hotties to get the impression I'm going out with you by the way you hang around me or anything. I don't want you to ruin when I have a hottie in my bed and you come clicking your way in."

"You think i'm a freak as well right?" Tears threatened to come to my eyes.

"I didn't say that." He sighed looking down guiltily.

"You didn't need to." I shot back.

"Fine okay. You are a freak. Who the fuck wants a Vernosa as a friend? Or worse, a girlfriend?" He said turning over in his bed.

I got up silently before the tears decided to pour down my face.

I threw his present and card on the bed, making sure the present hit him.
I walked out ignoring him calling my name.

I sent an owl that morning after sobbing a little in my bed to my other good friend, Adrienne.

'Hey. Need to see you tonight. Please help. Luv Stonzie. xo'

The reply was quick and effortless, it said a time. '6:30. luv A xo'
I stayed in my room all day, locking the door was a spell that blocked the old alohmora charm. I didn't want to talk to anyone, to see anyone.

However I had made an effort to go round to Adrienne's. I straightened my hair and put on a nice dress. I did my makeup prettily.

Clicking my finger, I materiliased to Adrienne's bedroom where her, and two other school friends were sat around. Two bottles of muggle vodka on the floor as well as firewhisky.

"We having a party?" I asked Adrienne who smiled at me.

"We figured since you weren't staying for Draco's 'party of the year' something bad had happened. And this is our friendly cheering up gesture. Shall we get started?" The girls started pouring glasses and I felt a little happier already.

After my fifth glass of vodka, having already downing three fire whiskeys in the process, I was gone. So drunk I just lay with my head in Adrienne's lap, sobbing.

"How could he? We were meant to be best friends!" I sobbed slurring my words.

"I know darling, he's a bastard." Adrienne rubbed my back and I realised how truly amazing my best girl friends were.

"Fuck him." I slurred sitting up and swaying. "I have you guys and I am so fuc-fu-fucking lucky." I stuttered.

"Darling, its half 4..." Adrienne said.

"Shhh. I better get-get home." I stood up swaying and nearly falling over.

"Are you sure you can get there?" Adrienne looked worriedly on at me.

"Yesssssssss" I giggled, thinking clearly as I could of home and clicking my fingers, the remaining bottle of vodka in my hand.

I fell into the middle of the living room. The room was dark showing the party had finished and I, stumbling and tripping, made my way to the stairs. Gripping the banister, I started to try and walk up silently. I reached the top and tripped over the last stair, falling flat on my face and giggling.

A bedroom down swung open and the light flooded the hallway and stairs.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you okay?" Draco said sniggering a little.

"Fuc-fuc-fuck you." I slurred stumbling to my feet.

"Whoa." Draco stared at me, eyes wide. "How drunk are you? Come on, let me help..." He came over to help me walk straight.

"Fuck off Draco." I slurred pushing him away.

"Where did you get fire whiskey? Where have you been?" He asked. "Your so drunk!" He said again.

"Dracoo!" A girl in a sing song voice called out and a shadow was cast in the hall way.

I glanced at his door way and saw a slutty girl just dressed in her bra and panties looking seductively at Draco.

"Uhm..." Draco shrugged at me. I felt hurt again, pushing past him and tripped over nothing at all.

She giggled and Draco sniggered along with her. Tears flooded my eyes and down my face as I was on the floor. I heard Draco walk away and the door shut.
I passed out on the floor there and then.

Two years had passed as silently as they could. Everytime I saw Draco in school I avoided him. I clicked my fingers and effortlessly slipped into another room, often on the other side of the school.

Not that I needed to bother, it's not like he tried to talk to me.

My father was furious of course and as much as it pained him to leave his best friend Lucius, we haven't returned to the Malfoy Manor since that night.