You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Party Time

I sat in my room, sulkily, the door charmed to lock it as I had no interest in any way or shape to even participate in this party at all. I even had my pyjama's on and was snuggled up in bed with some muggle hot chocolate watching muggle soaps to really highlight how much I was not coming down.
Someone muttered the unlocking charm on the other side of the door and opened it.

“Hey, what are you doing in bed? There's a party going on downstairs.” Malfoy leaned against the door frame, arms folded. I heard the music and the chatter downstairs and rolled my eyes at him.

“Go away.” I said simply, turning up the television volume.

“Stonzie, come on, come and enjoy yourself please.” He asked, nicely. He was actually asking me nicely. It was unbelievable. “And hey, to show you I'm serious, I haven't even flirted with any of the slutty girls downstairs.” He smiled, as if this was meant to make me feel better.

“I don't care, Malfoy.” I said turning back to the television. “Like I would want to spend time with bitchy slytherins anyway.” I mumbled. Malfoy shut the door and came and sat on the bed next to me.

“If your worried about them calling you names and stuff, I'll tell them to leave off you okay? I know that once you go downstairs all dressed up and looking as hot as you do, the guys will be drooling all over you okay?” He tried to make me feel better. It was tempting. I can't deny that the thought of all those lads, and admittedly some of the lads in Slytherin are damn hot – Hello Blaise Zabini – and it was so damn tempting to think that they would be thinking I was hot.

“Okay, you've twisted my arm.” I groaned, switching off the television. “Give me 15?” I went into our bathroom and took a very quick shower, using my new special strawberry shampoo, and special strawberry body wash. I jumped out and charmed my hair into soft curls that hung down around my shoulders and charmed my make up on softly. I charmed it so it was soft, soft foundation balancing out my skin, soft smokey eyes and sweet pale pink lipstick. I came out of the bathroom in just a towel and was surprised to see Draco still lying on the bed, television back on.

“Why do you watch these programs? All they do is argue constantly.” He said before he caught sight of me and couldn't take his eyes off me. “Wow. You look beautiful.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“You only think that because I'm in a towel. Stop gawping at me.” I snapped, opening my wardrobe up and picking out a summery, clingy cream dress. It was strappy and came down to mid thigh. It was a perfect summer's party dress. I wore my best underwear underneath, a push up white satin bra and matching white satin panties. I charmed them all on me, so I didn't have to bother trying to get changed in front of Draco's prying eyes.

“Now, you really do look stunning.” He smiled at me. “Ready to go?” I sprayed myself with some expensive perfume that my father bought me for my birthday and admired myself in the mirror. I did look good, it was true.

“Now, I am ready.” I smiled at Draco and he clicked the television off and opened the door up for me. I walked out confidently and down the stairs into the busy living room.

People were already nearly passing out from being so drunk, girls were top of the coffee table, grinding and writhing on each other, boys sat around with drinks watching them, lustily. I stood in the door way until some drunk lad came up to me, leering.

“Hey baby, can I get you a drink?” He slurred, winking. I scoffed and walked away to the drinks table picking up a large bottle of vodka, and a litre bottle of lemonade, and carried them off towards the kitchen to get a cup and pouring my drink.

In the kitchen, couples were stood around, making out. A girl was lying on the counters, lads taking shots off her body. It was actually disgusting how these girls were being used. I poured myself a large vodka and lemonade in a pint glass, filling half with vodka and half with lemonade. The only way I'd get through this ordeal was if I was drunk.

I had lost Draco somewhere through the maze of people and I stood on my own drinking my drink.

“So, if it isn't the freak herself, Constanteasia Zolaris.” Meleena Landen came up to me, dressed in a pair of hot pants and a bikini top, her long blonde hair flying wildly down her back, her face caked in make up. “What are you doing here, freak?” I ignored her, trying to walk past her. She pushed me back to the counter.

“Get away from me, Landen. I am living here over the summer. I have more of a right to be here, then you will ever have.” I said softly, angrily, getting up in her face. No one man handles me.

“Living here? So Draco was right about him getting a new house elf this year.” She giggled to herself, to her two idiot fiends who came to see what was going on.

“New house elf? Really? That is the best you can come up with?” I scoffed at her, growing more and more angry. She giggled to herself again.

“I know its hard having to be around all us normal witches all the time, you don't have to be so damn jealous of us, Zolaris.” I was just about to hex the hell out of her smug, satisfied, ugly, smutty face.

“Landen, get back on your lead.” Malfoy snarled at her. She spun around on her heel and faced him.

“Oh, Draco.” She giggled. “Don't take her side. You should send her back to her attic room or whenever you're keeping her.” She reached forward to flatteringly touch her arm.

“Get off me and get out Landen. You can not insult Constanteasia in my house.” Draco grabbed my hand, squeezing it and pulled me through them. He walked me into the quiet study.

“Are you okay?” He asked, looking me into my eyes softly. I took another large gulp of my clear liquid, finishing off my drink.

“I need another drink.” I said, trying to walk away from him. He closed the door before I had a chance to get out of the door.

“I just stuck up for you in front of one of the hottest girls out there, who by the way, is willing to sleep with me right here, right now. The least you could do is say thank you.” He said. I glanced at his face, he didn't look angry. He looked – hurt.

“Thank you, Malfoy, for standing up to me in front of some slut who you could have shagged senseless.” I opened the door and walked back into the kitchen. I heard Draco following me, so I snaked between people who I knew would grab him and converse with him. Pouring myself another drink, I noticed my hand-eye was a little off. A brilliant representation of being drunk.

Taking a large gulp, downing the drink easily, I got to pouring myself a third. I smiled across the kitchen at Blaise Zabini who was making eyes at me. He smiled back at me, sauntering over. I noticed Draco in the doorway of the kitchen, looking around.

“Hey, I haven't seen you for ages, Constanteasia. Your looking good.” He flirted, outrageously with me.

“Thank you, Blaise. Your looking good yourself.” I smiled back.

“Seriously, when Draco told us how beautiful you had become in the last couple of years, we didn't know what the hell to believe. I mean Draco thinks Pansy could look good in a nice light. But wow, Zolaris, you are looking so beautiful and stunning.” I smiled, acting coy and sweet, the way I had seen my mother do to wrap my father round her little finger.

“Why thank you, Zabini.” I giggled, placing my hand on his arm. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Draco fixing his eyes on us.

Blaise smiled at me, coming forward and whispering naughty, sweet nothing in my ear. I blushed and giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and enjoying his soft, teasing kisses on my neck. My eyes were fixed sternly on Draco as he was watching us.

Blaise held me around my waist, starting to kiss me gently on the lips. I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss.

Draco POV

I watched Blaise kissing my Stonzie. Okay, so that's worrying that I just referred to Stonzie as mine. The jealously twisted in my stomach, creating knots and wanting me to go and throw punches all over his slimly, sweaty body. I knew that he was getting lusty over her. It made me feel sick.

Maybe I am falling for her. Maybe I am.

No, I doubt it. I'm probably just enjoying the chase right? I mean, she doesn't want me. She is the one person in this whole stupid school, screw that, in this whole stupid world that doesn't want me.

And it is driving me absolutely out of my mind!

Stonzie POV

I broke away from Balise and walked through the house carrying my vodka and lemonade. I stepped past Draco who caught my arm easily.

“What are you playing at?” He snarled, angrily. I shook my arm out of his grip and faced him.

“Well, you said you weren't going to go off with any random girls, I never said I was going to be a nun all night when there's guys around me who so obviously what me.” I smirked at him, sauntering past him, past a group of eight years who wolf whistled as I walked past. I turned around, winking at them and carrying on into the living room. People were stinking drunk around the room, lying on top of each other, laughing away with the highness of the alcohol, and I suspected, a little something extra going by the smell in the air.

I was turning heads, for all the right reasons I knew. I drank a bit more alcohol, losing my inhabitions and becoming a confident, sexy, young woman. Guys were approaching me from every angle as muggle music blasted out of the stereo.
I dirty danced with one slytherin eighth years in the middle of the room, getting whistles from all over the room and soon the floor had cleared allowing us centre stage as guys and girls watched us enviously.

Sol Portesco, he was called, my dance partner. A tall, dread locked black boy of 18, six foot one inch, musclar from playing quidditch for years with the slytherin team. Girls from all over the school fancied the pants off him, and here I was in the moment of his pants dangerously close to me right now. He had a smile to die for, and toffee coloured eyes which sparkled dangerously. He was charming, he was manipulative, he was sexy. And for just this one moment in time, it felt like he was mine.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco being chatted up by some random brunette. I gave Sol my full attention. I knew, even in Draco was jealous of me and Sol there was absolutely no chance that he would come and try and break us apart. Draco may be one of the most powerful pureblood sons in the whole of England, he was no match physically to Sol. I smirked to myself, enjoying the idea that Draco may have been jealous of some guy being around me.

Sol picked me up, putting on the coffee table which I knew was the podium for the dirty dancing girls. I started gyrating and dirty dancing on the table, making eye contract and sexy faces at all the male attention. I managed to do this whilst still drinking out of my glass, getting steadily more drunk.

I stumbled, nearly falling off the table and found a strong pair of arms holding me.

“Get down off the table now.” Draco hissed in my ear, holding me up, and picking me up off the table. He was carrying out of the front room and into the quiet hallway. Placing down on the stairs, I sat down on them.

“I don't know what the hell your playing at.” He said, dangerously quiet. He was standing above me and looking down on me. I was drunk at this point. He was drinking from a bottle of firewhiskey, I could smell it on him.

“Your drunk Draco.” I giggled at him. He flashed me a smile.

“You are, Stonzie.” He leant down, his face close to mine. I smiled at him again.

“I'm not drunk enough yet.” I giggled, staring straight into his deep icy blue eyes. The chemistry was unbelievable between us. He smirked at me, leaning in to capture my lips with his own.

“Oi, Malfoy, brilliant party mate!” Marcus Flint came forward and clapped Draco on the shoulders. Draco spun around and greeted Flint. “Sorry, mate, didn't realise you had a girl here. Thought you were shagging around with that fit Meleena anyway? Phwoar mate, she well the fittest girl here right now.” Flint and Draco laughed about how fit she was while I sat ignored and forgotten on the stairs.

I sighed, getting up, forgetting all about the chemistry me and Draco had just shared. I walked into the living room, where everyone was still partying into the night. I grabbed another drink and got to getting extremely drunk on my own, watching everyone else party.
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Long One
I'm not going to beg for comments or whatever anymore. If you like it, thank you.