You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Aftermath and Realization

Draco POV

I left Flint after we had discussed quidditch plans for the next season now that I was captain of Slytherin and he had left Hogwarts. Walking through my kitchen and my dining room, I smiled at all the couples and all the drunken fools lying around. I didn't know where the hell Stonzie had gone. She had slipped off in the middle of mine and Flint's conversation, stupidly I hadn't seen where she had gone to. Part of me felt sick with worry that she was in another lads arms, making off with them, but part of me was happy that she was having a good time.

Girls hung around me as I made my way through the house.

“Have you seen Constanteasia?” I asked Meleena, who was flirting with some random Ravenclaw boy who I don't remember inviting.

“Who?” She giggled, ignoring me to go back to flirting with the boy. I walked back through the hallway into the living room.

I noticed Stonzie passed out on the floor in the corner of the room, no one was taking any notice of her. It sounds so damn stupid, but even though she was obviously passed out, she looked so peaceful and beautiful.

Fuck having to charm her, I don't want to try and trick her into fucking marrying me. I don't need to play that I love her, because my god, this is the first time I have ever seen my childhood best friend in this life and my god she's perfect.
I turned off the music and everyone groaned loudly.

“Everyone out. NOW.” I demanded, shooting fearful looks around the room to everyone. They grabbed floo powder and each started to make their way's home, often four or five people going together to carry on partying with each other. I carried on telling everyone to go home throughout the house and in around an hour, everyone had left, leaving me and Stonzie alone. Mother and Father had left the house in my care. I clicked my fingers and our house elf, Penny, appeared and I ordered her to get to work cleaning up all the empty bottles. I decided if she hadn't finished by the time we woke up tomorrow, I would finish up.

Scooping Stonzie off the floor easily into my arms she murmured a little bit and squirmed in my arms.

“Sshh, it's only me.” I whispered into her ear, kissing the top of her head as I carried her up to bed. Lying her down softly and gently, I covered her with the sheets and climbed in next to her, falling straight to sleep myself, not trying any funny business at all and not even trying to cuddle her at all.

Stonzie POV

I woke up the next day, headache banging in my skull and feeling quite sick to my stomach. My make up was smeared over my face, hair everywhere, dress pulled up around my waist, and a friend in the bed next to me, shirtless and barely being covered by a single thin sheet.

“Oh my god.” I gasped, pulling down my dress and holding my head. The person next to me mumbled something in their sleep and began to wake up gently. I tried to sneak out of bed before they called my name.

“Hey, where are you going?” Draco murmured sleepily at me. I shrugged, hangover gripping me nastily. “Come back to bed then.” He turned over and closed his eyes again, whilst facing me.

“Draco,” I began nervously. “We didn't, uhm, do anything did we?” His eyes flicked open.

“Can't you remember?” I felt sick to my stomach and shocked. Please tell me I did not sleep with him, please, please! A smirk spread over his face. “Relax, you passed out okay, and I brought you to bed and we slept all night.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Wow you sound so happy.” Draco sat up, letting the sheet fall off him and revealing himself just in a pair of black boxers. They contrasted fantastically with his skin tone and his beautiful hair and eyes.

“Of course I'm happy. Aren't you?” I shot back at him, glancing at my reflection in the bedside mirror and actually feeling sick looking at me.

“Why would I be happy?” He asked, sounding genuinely puzzled. I rolled my eyes, and ran my hands through my hair and grabbing some underwear from my drawer. “Stonzie.” He called out to me, making me turn around and look at him.

“What?” I moodily replied.

“Last night, I know if we hadn't have been interrupted, we would have gotten down to doing something last night, and my god I know you wanted me!” He got up out of the bed and walked so he was almost face to face with me. Although he was taller than me so therefore my face was straight in front of his chest. His bare chest. His bare chest that was lightly glistening with sweat from tossing and turning in his sleep, and muscular from all his working out with quidditch.

“It wasn't meant to be obviously.” I shrugged at him.

“No. It is meant to be.” He said forcefully, grabbing my cheeks and snatching a passionate kiss on my lips. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. My head was spinning. I couldn't believe Draco Malfoy was kissing me.
I broke away hastily, looking at him in shock and horror even. He smiled down at me, leaning in to kiss me again.

“What the hell are you doing?” I fumed, pushing him away from me, much to his disappointment. “You can't just shag me too you know! God, Malfoy, do you ever think of anything but your dick?” I stomped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and jumping straight into the shower.

“STONZIE! WE HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT TOGETHER, AND TRUST ME, BY THE END OF THEM YOU WILL BE SO DAMN IN LOVE WITH ME!” He shouted through the door and I heard him stomping away out of the room.

I sighed heavily, letting the hot water run over me, and hopefully wash away my utter amazement at what the hell just happened. What does he mean I will be in love with him? Hah that is impossible. Any alcohol related feelings where just that, alcohol related. I grew up with Malfoy for god's sake, like I am going to fall in love with someone I watched going through girls since he was old enough to know where to stick it, I've seen who he is, I know him. I know his manipulative ways, the way he uses his charm to make everyone be at his beck and call, I've seen the way his nasty remarks can change a person's perceptive of themselves.

I stepped out of the shower and charmed myself and my dripping wet hair dry. I glanced at myself in the mirror, pulling my towel tightly around myself. Walking out of the room, I found it silent. Draco was no where to be seen and I glanced out of the window. It was gorgeous day, ironic really. Ironic that it is so damn gorgeous and sunny and cloudless outside whilst in this house, it was grey and cloudy. There was a cloud hanging around me and Draco. It was no different to any other day though, the only difference was that he had kissed me.

I pulled on my bikini, throwing my underwear clumsily back into my drawer. I put my hair up in a messy bun and left my face make up free. Grabbing a beach towel from the airing cupboard in the vast hallway to lie on, I walked straight past the exhausted house elves cleaning up the party mess and past Draco who was sat with a cup of tea and some breakfast and straight onto the lawn next to the pool. I lay down my towel on one of the wooden sunbeds. Relaxing, I let my thoughts take over my mind.

Why the hell is Malfoy damn bothered that I fall in love with him? He can not seriously have feelings for me. Maybe him and his stupid friends have a bet on who can sleep with the biggest loser girl in Hogwarts? All though that would probably be Granger or that Weasely girl. Okay, a bet with who can sleep with the biggest loser in Slytherin then. I'll go with that one. Or maybe, maybe it's something more sinister.

My mind was working overload, trying to work out why the hell Malfoy was so damn obsessed with me. I turned onto my stomach and played with some of the grass in front of the sun bed, pulling it and ripping it out then.
I started to fall asleep a little, lost in my thoughts.

Why is Lucius and Narcissa being so nice to me this summer? I've never been treated so well by them before, ever. Maybe they want Draco to make me fall in love with him. Maybe – a light bulb went on in my head – of course it's so damn obvious now I think of it. I sat up, jolting straight out of my meditation. They want a pureblood marriage, and who better for Lucius Malfoy's son to marry than Zolaris's daughter? That would be a marriage made in heaven, it would be the most perfect marriage ever. The social standing, the fear both of us could evoke in everyday citizens, my god we would be the royalty of the wizarding world both of our families so damn high up.

Voices behind me alerted me to people walking down to the pool. I sat up and turned around, noticing Draco, Blaise and a few other Slytherin boys walking in summer clothes and broomsticks on their shoulders. The sight of them made me feel ill. I got up and marched over to Draco, making the boys stop their conversation and look at me, some of them leering at me.

“What?” Draco asked, puzzlement on his face.

“Your sick Malfoy. You and your father's plan is sick!” I hissed at him. “You wait till my father hears your plan, you wait.” I changed my clothes with a click of my fingers. Draco was staring at me, mouth wide open.

“What are you on about?” He asked me.

“You know!” I stormed at him, anger completely taking over me. He looked down at me, realisation taking over his face.

“Stonzie, calm down okay, you know it makes sense right?” He said, fear evident in his voice.

“Do not tell me to calm down. God I can't believe how utterly sick this is!” I flew at him, flailing my arms and hitting out at him. My force made us both tumble to the ground, until one of his friends pulled me off him. “I fucking hate you Malfoy!” I growled, before spitting on him on the floor and clicking my fingers to be reunited with my father.


I found father on his yacht in the south of France, my mother sunbathing and my father was sat on the padded seats on the deck, drinking from a glass of firewhiskey.

“Constanteasia! What are you doing here?” My mother jumped, as she saw me appear. My father stood up.

“What's happened?” He asked me, sensing something was wrong.

“Daddy,” I broke down crying. “I have the worst news. Lucius and Draco have been trying to trick me into falling in love with Draco so that they could marry us off for their own gain.” My father's face was unreadable, until I saw him pick up his wand and change his clothes into one of his trademark suits.

“Armando, what are you going to do?” My mother asked, using her elbows to prop herself up. Really, over a certain age, you just shouldn't see your mother wearing a bikini. I mentally gagged.

“Put some clothes on, mother.” I said, disgusted. She shot me a weird look and ignored me.

“Lillibeth, I am going to teach the Malfoy's a god damn lesson that there is no way on this Earth that they could ever try and even trick my daughter into a loveless marriage.” My father was furious. He was absolutely seeing red right now.

“Now, you listen to me right now Armando Zolaris. Could it really be that bad if our darling Stonzie married Draco? I mean think about it, they could become one of the biggest and most powerful union in the country.” I couldn't believe what my mother just said.

“Explain.” My father said, taking a seat on the padded seats on the deck.

“Think about it -”

“Father no.”

“Constanteasia Zolaris-Malfoy will be a name that will be feared because you know, she has the making of being the most powerful witch ever lived. Never before have a Vernosa had so much power. With the wealth of our family and the wealth of the Malfoy family both combined, think of the children they'll produce. Think of how our family name can carry on your work into great darkness.” My mother looked almost excited at this prospect.

“Father, no. I don't want to be the most feared witch in the world!” Father sat silently.

“Your mother has a point Constanteasia.” He said quietly. “You can't deny the blood in your veins, you can not deny the power you have, there is no way. I won't let you deny our family name.”

“So what? You want me to have a loveless marriage as you just yourself said that is what you don't want me in?” I argued with him. He stood up and looked at me, changing his clothes back to his easy going summer linen suit. A man of many clothes, my father.

“For god's sake, Stonzie. Not many people in this life will be in a loving marriage. Me and your mother had an arranged marriage and look, we fell in love. Give Draco a chance. At least I'm not trying to marry you off to Goyle or Crabbe.” He laughed easily with my mother.

“I won't go back there, Father! I just won't.” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Armando, let the girl stay for the last two weeks of her holiday. It'll be nice to spend this holiday as a family.” My mother sighed happily.

“Fine. I'll go and pick up your stuff, Constanteasia. But I want you to promise me, you will give Draco a chance.”

“Fine, I promise.” I smiled at my father sweetly, and was truly relieved when he Apparited to the Malfoy Manor to collect my belongings.

What I didn't let on was that I had my fingers crossed behind my back.
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I have been writing this up and forgetting to post. College has been a bitccccccccccch recently. Be nice?