You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

My Drakkie

Two weeks later, I was stood on platform 9 and three quarters waiting to board the train back to Hogwarts. My father was stood behind me, hand protectively on my shoulder and people avoided looking at us as they passed. I was livid that he had come with me to the station, now everyone would know who my father is – it was always going to come out however, I knew it was. I could hardly live a lie my whole life.

“Ah Constanteasia, there's Narcissa and Draco. Why don't we go over to say hello?” My fathers strong hand pushed me through the crowd towards the Malfoy's, amid my protesting.

“Armando! How lovely is it to see you!” Narcissa greeted my father warmly. He took her extended hand and kissed it gently.

“Narcissa, your looking even more beautiful every time I see you.” I gagged silently. He was such a sleaze sometimes. I stood awkwardly next to him. I was wearing tight black skinny jeans, tucked into white furry snow boots with a white suede cape coat. I had my long black hair naturally curly around my shoulders and my make up was minimal.

“Constanteasia, how nice to see you also.” Narcissa smiled tightly down at me, she had rather stupidly high heels on and therefore was taller than just about everyone on the god damn platform. “Draco, isn't it nice to see Constanteasia again?” She nudged her son, who was looking around the station.

“No, it's not.” He shot me a dirty look.

“Excuse me?” I shot back at him, my fathers hand squeezing down on my shoulder.

“You heard. It's not nice to see you. Not after how you left us. Shouting at me in front of my friends and then just storming off and not telling us where the hell you had gone.” He stared straight into my face.

“And you really expected me to drop you a nice letter to tell you where I had gone? 'Hi Draco, even though your father and you were trying to plan my life, I just thought I'd let you know where I was because you obviously care so deeply about me!'” Sarcasm dripped from every word that fell from my mouth.

“Constanteasia. Stop discussing family – here.” My father's stern voiced broke mine and Draco's bickering. “Narcissa, there is something I would like to discuss with you and Lucius. Perhaps you would like to join me and Lillibeth at ours tonight for a meal and we can discuss it then.” He smiled, before checking his watch. “Get on the train and behave.” His hand directed me towards to open train doors.

“I always do. It's often other people who don't.” I stepped onto the train and went to find myself a compartment. A foot stuck in the door as I went to close it. A hand pushed it back open and he came in and took a seat opposite me.

“What does your father want to talk to my parents about?”

“You should know he doesn't talk to me about business.” I looked away from him and looked out of the window onto the opposite platform.

“He told my father that he agrees with our plan. So me and you are pretty much set to marry next summer.” I rolled my eyes.

“Next summer, I will have my grades Draco and you really think I'll stay sat around in daddy's castle when I could be making a life for myself out in the real world with real people and experiencing real love?” I laughed, cruelly at him. “You won't see me for dust, never mind to be at a wedding.”

Draco's face stayed emotionless.

“And how do you think your fathers going to react when I tell him what you've just told me? Because you see, he's asked me to keep an eye on you and contact him the moment anything goes wrong.”

“So your his spy? Well done Draco, you've reached your fathers level. You must be so proud.” I scoffed at him. “You can tell him all you want, I'll deny it all, and who is he really going to believe? Me or you?”

The door was opened, putting an end to our conversation.

“What the hell are you doing sat with my Drakkie?”
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I am loving 'I'm A Celebrity...' at the moment! :D Goodtimes.
Also, I am loving Lady GaGa :)
ALSO I got my nose pierced last week. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat times!