You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Nightmares and Daydreams

I slept soundly until around 6am the next day. My sleep was disrupted by about 110 nightmares. All involving one person.
The most vivid nightmare was of the wedding day. I was dressed in a very tight white dress that was tight from my chest to my knees. It was a lovely dress, but I remember thinking that I could barely breathe let alone walk. My dad keep repeating over and over again to me at the start of the aisle “Don't disappoint me” and Draco was stood at an altar smirking down at me with his dad as the vicar. I was really scared and kept telling my dad “I can't do this. I can't do this.” but he pushed me down the aisle and I couldn't run away because the dress was too tight and was suffocating me and my mother was sat on the pews alone, crying tears of joy and sobbing about how beautiful I looked and how proud I made her. I woke up just before I reached Draco but as I got further towards him, his face got more freaky and distorted like a weird clown.

I stepped into one of the showers at around half6 after lying in bed replaying the weird dreams in my head. They had spooked me, and spooked me good. I bewitched my body and my hair dry and my make up on as soon as I stepped out of the shower, changing into some skinny dark denim jeans, and a plain white tee shirt with a cute dark grey cardigan over it. I didn't need to dress up for lessons like some of the girls tended to. We wore robes anyway, so what was the point? I wore plain black suede ankle boots on my feet.

“Hey, what was up with you last night?” I stepped back into the dormitory and was immediately was met with questioning from my room mates. I didn't mind them so much. Pansy was in the second girls dormitory. One of the girls I share with is Lucinda Parminder. A beautiful half asian girl who's short, bobbed black hair is constantly in amazing condition. She's one of the most bitchiest people you can ever meet. She can be totally cruel, mean and has known to make even teachers cry. Sometimes, she's nice – sometimes. I simply can not stress that 'sometimes' enough honestly. She is also the Slytherin whore – which believe me is a hard status to accomplish. Practically every girl in Slytherin is a whore. Me excluded, because I'm a nice girl.

She was lying in her bed, her friend sat on the end and they both stopped talking as soon as I walked in.

“What do you mean?” I asked, throwing my towel in the laundry basket at the end of the dormitory.

“I think you know exactly what we mean.” Lucinda sat up higher in bed, fixing me with a steely glare. “'Dad, don't make me!' 'Dad, please! Dad I can't do this! Daddy!'” Her and her friend snickered nastily as I felt my cheeks go red. “Is Daddy making his little princess do a mission for him?”

“Shut up Lucinda. It was just a dream. I suspect a snake doesn't ever get dreams though so I can't expect you to understand.” She rolled her eyes.

“A snake? Darling, I'm honoured to be a snake since I'm a Slytherin through and through, what would your daddy make of you hanging around with a Ravenclaw?” I saw a plan flicker across her eyes. “Maybe we should write him a letter and see how much in favour his princess is then.”

“Tough luck, my father knows my friends and he approves. Does your father know all your sexual conquests?” I shot back at her, lying completely through my teeth. She flashed red herself.

“Who do you think you are keeping who your father is secret anyway? If he was my father, I'd be bragging it around the school.” I rolled my eyes back at her. I couldn't be bothered discussing my family with her.

“Great reply. You two are going to be late.” I grabbed my robes, throwing them on and my book bag and made my way down to breakfast.

I sat on my own at breakfast. I was still engrossed in my own thoughts about my dreams. Draco's 'friends' were already down and there was no way they'd sit with me. My father reminds me every time he sees me that if I had acted like I was happy to be in Slytherin, I would be the most popular girl at Hogwarts. He believes with his name and influence, people would be scared of me. I don't want people scared of me.

“Hey.” A hand tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Adrienne stood behind me smiling. “You okay?” I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my toast of my plate and followed her to the Ravenclaw table. I grabbed myself an orange juice from the middle of the table and placed myself down next to Lindsay.

“Hi!” She turned excitedly to me, beaming from ear to ear. She is constantly amazingly too happy.

I smiled at her suddenly too tired to even begin to try and be hyper like her.

“What's up?” Lindsay's face fell.

“I just had a bad nights sleep, I kept having nightmares that's all.” The Ravenclaw table had gone quite eerily silent since I had sat down. I glanced around the table but most people were avoiding looking at me. Adrienne and Lindsay had also picked up on the vibes, looking around their house mates.

“Why is everyone so quiet?” Lindsay asked simply. A girl older than us was nudged into turning around.

“We don't want a murderer's daughter on our table.” She shot at me turning away quickly. I was shocked. I knew peoples reaction to my father was going to be hard, but I never knew it was going to be like this.

“A murderer?” I couldn't help myself. The girl turned to me angrily.

“Yeah, a murderer. A cold blooded bastard who happily murdered my aunt and uncle.” She stood up, grabbing her books and swishing away. I got up suddenly, all eyes of the hall on me.

“I have - I gotta go.” I ran from the hall trying to keep my cool and running straight into Professor Dumbledore.

“Miss Zolaris, in a rush?” He asked, his eyes twinkling.

“Everyone knows!” I burst out. He looked at me over the top of his glasses.
“We'll go to my office and talk.” We walked in silence to his office, my heart beating rapidly.

It felt like to took years to get there and when we were there, he silently paced to his chair and sat down.

“What's happened?” He finally spoke.

“They know. Everyone in the school knows that my father is who he is.” Dumbledore conjured a chair for me and I nearly collapsed into it. My eyes were filling up.

“How do they know? You fought so hard to keep it silent, we even changed your last name for you.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“He brought me to the station. Once one person knows, everyone knows don't they?”

“What has the reaction to the news been in the school so far?”

“I saw my friends and a girl shouted my father was a murderer at me. I get enough trouble here already for being what I am, and now my family is brought into it also. God this year is going to be the best.” Dumbledore fixed his eyes on me.

“You don't have to stay here this year.” My breath caught in my throat. “I can get you transferred straight away to another wizarding schools, or even you don't need to take N.E.W.T's.” I didn't know what to say.

“I'd love to leave here, but I need my N.E.W.T's. Plus I have my two only friends here. Father would never agree to me moving school. Not now. If you had asked me when I started he would have jumped at the chance but he wouldn't take the risk now.” I was more babbling to myself, trying to talk myself out of the move. But in my head I had already mentally packed my trunk.

“Costanteasia,” I looked up into Dumbledore's eyes “Your father need not to know.”