You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Moving On

I packed my trunk back up as soon as I left Dumbledore's office. He had sorted it out that in secret I was travel this afternoon to Beauxbaton's Academy. The headmistress of Beauxbaton's was informed that my identity was to be kept secret and I would be issued with a new name. I couldn't believe he had sorted it all out. I was over the moon and completely and utterly grateful to him. I could slip away from his office this afternoon while everyone was in class. My teachers would be secretly alerted tonight what had happened but my fellow classmates would not.

“Thank you so much.” Tears were in my eyes as Dumbledore threw the floo powder into the fire for me and he bewitched my trunk down to the smallest possible size so it would fit into my pocket for travelling.

“Your welcome Constanteasia. Don't worry about your father.” I stepped into the fire clearly speaking out my destination; Beauxbatons Headmistress Office and I was away from Hogwarts.


I entered the office at Beauxbatons after a stomach turning minute. The headmistress, Madame Olympe Maxime, greeted me after my initial shock of this giant woman sat calmly at the large light wooden desk in the corner. The office was large and square, unlike the oval office of Dumbledore. It was decorated in exquisite light blue shiny silky wallpaper. There was a large bookcase that took all the space of one of the walls behind the desk which was in the small light beech wood as the desk. It was full of books with the odd space with an ornament on it. On the wall opposite the desk was a huge massive portrait of the school itself with the motto across the top of the wall.

“Welcome Libintia. Welcome to Beauxbatons.” Libintia was the name that Dumbledore had given me. Libintia was a Roman Goddess. I thought with my heritage being Italian I should have at least a Roman name. I smiled shyly at the headmistress as she motioned for me to take a seat.

“Monsiour Dumbledore has of course alerted me to your situation and I am most happy to help. We here do not have houses like Hogwarts. You are given your room with one other room mate, we are a lot smaller than Hogwarts, the boys are in the west wing while the girls are in the east wing. You are a year ahead of all my students since we do not take our O.W.L's till year six while you are into your second year of N.E.W.T's that means you will join year eight.” She checked her room allocation chart and skimmed it quickly finding my room. “You will be sharing with Angel, she also came from England to us. You will find her a fair and happy friend. Your room is 309 on the third floor of the east wing.” She handed me a room key and for a minute it felt like I was in a hotel. “You will find everything easily. We are not as, how do you say... mystical as Hogwarts.” She smiled to me as I left the office to try and find my way around.


I found the east wing easily as she said, there were actually signs all around the old country manor pointing me where to go. I found my room just as easily and unlocked the door letting myself in. I didn't expect my room mate to be already in the room. It was a large room, with two double beds pushed against the left and the right wall. It had a dark blue carpet and light cream walls. One of the walls had posters of various muggle movies and music stars on it. I recognised quite a few of them and surprised myself. My room mate was a tall and slim girl who immediately stood up as I came into the room. She had short cropped blonde hair with a red fringe.

“Hey, I'm Angel.” She came forward and gave me a hug. This was weird. Me and Adrienne and Lindsay were never touchy feely friends, we never really hugged unless something really bad had happened. I stood awkwardly until she let go and gave her a short smile. “That bed is yours.” She pointed to the right bed and I took my tiny trunk out of my pocket. Clicking my fingers it became large again and I began unpacking. All my Hogwarts books were in my trunk so I made a mental note to see Madame Maxime tomorrow about it.

“I'm Libintia.” I introduced myself after I unpacked. Angel was lying on her bed watching me intently.

“Libintia. Nice name. Roman Goddess right?” I stared at her. How the hell did she know that?

“Yeah, that's right. You like Mythology?” I asked her.

“Your not the only one with special powers dear.” She smiled at me. “Why do you think Olympe put us together?” I looked at her, waiting for her to explain. “Your a Vermosa right?” I nodded. “I'm a shape shifter and have the ability to get any information by my mind as quick as the click of a button.” She smiled at me. “It's like I have wikipedia in my head.”

“What's wikipedia?” Stupid question I mentality scolded myself, really Constanteasia pick up on that part of the conversation to ask about.

“Are you a pure blood?” This girl was nosey. “What's your last name?”

“Yes. Armada. My name is Libintia Armada.” I smiled at her. I sat down on my bed.

“I'm Angel Porter. Pure blood also, the mixture of a shape shifter and my mother.” She laughed at her own joke.

“Do you not like your mother?” I asked. She made a face like a pig which amused me greatly and then turned back.

“No she's an idiot. She is actually stupid. God knows why I got my ability of getting information from, because its sure not from her.”

“Oh, my mother is the same. If she's not worried about what she's wearing, she's worrying about what she looks like when she wears it. Utterly vain.” She smiled at me.

“Dinner's soon.” She motioned at the clock above the door. It was now 5pm.

“Where do you have dinner?” I asked her. “I don't really know a lot about Beauxbatons, my mother just told me this morning she had transferred me here.” I lied.

“Dinner is at 6pm in the dining room. Lessons start at 7:30am and end at 1pm in the afternoon. That means we have all afternoon for homework, studying, and relaxing. Sometimes if your struggling with a class you can attend the evening catch up classes from 7pm till 8pm. What N.E.W.T's are you doing?” She smiled at me. I couldn't believe that lessons started at 7:30am.

“Uhm, herbology, potions, defence against the dark arts and care of magical creatures. How about you?” She looked at me in shock.

“Let's see your timetable.” I handed her one of the pieces of paper that Madame Maxime had handed me. She scanned it and beamed at me. “You are doing all the same lessons as me and we have all the same lesson times.” I smiled back at her.

Something told me we were going to be good friends.

Draco POV

Nobody had seen Stonzie since this morning, the girls in her dorm told me her stuff had gone, her drawers emptied. I walked calmly over to her friends table.

“Where is she?” I tapped Adrienne on the shoulder.

“What?” She turned around looking confused.

“Where is Stonzie?” She looked around her table for someone to help her out.

“I don't know. What do you mean where is she?” She answered genuinely confused.

“All her stuff is gone and no one has seen her since this morning.” My heart started to beat faster. “I have to go.” I almost raced to the common room, bursting into the girls dormitory and searching the whole of the Slytherin rooms for her. She couldn't have disappeared into thin air, could she?

I grabbed some parchment and my scroll and hastily wrote a note to Armando.

'Has Constanteasia returned home? All her stuff has gone from the dormitories and no one has seen her since this morning. Rumours are saying she didn't turn up to any lessons today and that she's left Hogwarts for good. Really worried.
I whistled to my owl to take my letter to him and had an anxious wait by the window for a hour before I got a reply.

'Constanteasia not here. I'm on my way. Armando.'
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Okay totally gone in another direction with this but I promise you it will all reveal itself pretty soon and will make sense and come together in the end! Keep reading (: and commenting hah! xo