You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

The Hunt Is On

Draco POV

“Where is she?!” Armando arrived at Hogwarts within minutes using Floo powder to arrive straight into the Slytherin common room. I had to run to keep up with him as he marched down to the Great Hall. The whole hall became silent and hushed as students nudged each other as he marched in, his coat catching wind as he walked so quickly and making him seem even more dangerous.

“WHERE IS SHE?!” He roared at Dumbledore, walking through the middle of the hall and arriving in front of the table.

“Welcome Mr. Zolaris. Shall we carry this conversation on in my office?” Dumbledore stood up calmly opening his arms to Armando.

“I do not want to speak in your office. I want to know what you've done with my daughter!” The teachers started trying to move the students out of the hall but no one would move. Everyone was completely enthralled with what was happening with Armando and Dumbledore.

“Your daughter has made her own decision and I am not at liberty to divulge what she's decided, especially in front of so many students.” Dumbledore stood his ground looking Armando straight in the eyes. I have seen grown men cry whilst just looking upon Armando, I have heard of him referred to as the Grim Reaper and I couldn't help be impressed with the way he was holding his ground. Armando breathed deeply, his bright green eyes flickering with fury.

“Dumbledore, I want my daughter. Now.” He spoke quietly.

“He said he can't tell you!” Potter stood up from his table, leaping to defend his precious Dumbledore. Armando turned around and looked at him,smirking.

“I was wondering how long it would be before you jumped in Potter.” Armando flicked his wand in Potters direction and he fell to the floor in pain, almost screaming. “Tell me where she is now.” Dumbledore looked down at Potter.

“I don't know where she is Armando. Like I said, she chose her own direction this time. She left this morning after a disruption with class mates. No one could have stopped her.” Armando flicked his wand again and Potter stopped his whining and lay panting on the floor. “I want you to leave my school now.”

“I could have stopped her.” He snarled at Dumbledore. “Malfoy, come.” He barked at me as he stormed down the middle of the hall. I followed him out of the hall which was still deadly silent except for the rush of teachers trying to tend to Potter. Armando smashed the Great Halls ceiling as the left the hall and he conjured my trunk for me, packed and ready.

“Your coming with me.” I stared at him.

“What about my father though?” I asked, not knowing who was worse when angry – Armando or my father.

“Your father will be joining us. You don't need here any more.” And with that, we left Hogwarts.

Stonzie POV

Me and Angel walked down to dinner that night, talking and laughing like we were old friends already. I was nervous but she was helping me along.

“What if they hate me because of what I am?” I asked her as we approached the doors.

“They won't. This ain't like Hogwarts, trust me.” She smiled as she opened the doors for us both. The dining room was set out with large round tables covering the room which seated 10 at a time. We made our way through the room to her and her friends table.

“You'll find out nearly everyone has a table. This is ours, and now yours. It's a good job we've always had extra space!” She laughed as she sat down, surrounded by girls and boys who equally had different looks about them.

“Hey, who's the new one?” A boy looked at me. I smiled shyly at him as I sat down next to Angel.

“Everyone Libintia, Libintia everyone.” Everyone started to introduce themselves to me.

“Hey nice name. Jake.” The guy to my right introduced himself. He had black hair that came down over his left eye and was long down to the end of his neck and spiked at the back. The guy next to him was Mathisen, who had blonde short spikey hair and the most lightest blue eyes I have ever seen. The girl next to him was Grace who was cute with shoulder length brunette hair and a nose ring. The girl next to her was Tillanthia who was had long black hair down to the middle of her back and was so pale. Next to Tillanthia was her twin brother Phineaus who also had long black hair down to his shoulders and was just as pale. He had both sides of his lip pierced and his eyebrow done also and she had her lip pierced too. Next to him was Angel.

“So tell us about yourself Libintia.” Jake asked me as the table looked expectantly at me. “What sort of music do you like?”

I shrugged. “I guess I don't have a favourite genre. I change a lot I guess. I really love Fall Out Boy though, I know they muggle but eh.” I shrugged as they handed me a menu. “What do I do?”

“You just press one of the options and then it'll appear for you.” Angel smiled at me. I pressed pasta carbonara and white wine and was amazed as the plate filled itself and my wine glass did also.

“You like Fall Out Boy?” Jake asked me. “You don't seem the... type I guess.” He looked down at my clothes.

“Stop stereotyping the poor girl.” Tillanthia snapped at him. “Just because she doesn't dress emo-fied doesn't mean she ain't a closet emo does it?” She smirked at him.

I looked at my clothes. I had changed since I had dressed for school. I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans tucked into white slouch boots, I had on a turquoise ruffled blouse and I had been wearing my white suede coat.

“What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?” I asked him.

“Well nothing, I guess.” He shrugged and tucked into his dinner.

“Ignore him, Libintia. He's just fussy.” Tillanthia smiled at me. I smiled back at her and tucked into my own food. We all ate silently and I was stuck in my own head. I had managed to keep my father from my mind all day but now left alone to think I couldn't keep him from my thoughts. What the hell was going to happen to me when he found out what I've done?

“What room you staying in?” Grace asked me.

“Uhm 309 with Angel.” I smiled at her.

“Oh cool, me and Tilly share 300. Phin and Jake has 625 share over in the boys area and Mathisen shares with Tristan Mozilla in 650 so if you ever need any of us that's where we usually are.” She smiled at me.

“Thanks.” I took a large drink of my wine trying to rid my head of Draco's image that had suddenly popped in to say hello.

“Are you okay? Your as pale as the twins!” Angel asked me.

“Yeah I'm fine, just tired I guess. My father put me on the train yesterday to Hogwarts not knowing that my mother had arranged for me to come here so this morning I got woken up and had to sort out everything at Hogwarts then travel here and sort out everything here.” I was getting too damn good at lying.

“God sounds like hell.” Phineaus talked. It was the first time he had talked the whole time I had been sitting with them. His voice immediately drew me in. It was smooth and deep, kind of husky on certain words. I just looked at him and his eyes captured me.

“I just realised, you guys are all English.” I said making everyone smile at me.

“We're not all English. Beauxbatons is enchanted so that everyone speaks the same language so everyone can understand each other.” My head spun. I was receiving so much information today that was completely overwhelming me.

“Wow.” Was all I said back. Angel patted my hand.

“I know its weird how different everything is suddenly but your going to love it here.”

“I think I am.” I smiled at her.


Later that night, we went up to bed after sitting at the table with everyone for hours on end catching up and making friends. I was surprised how easily I fitted in and quickly these new people let me into their lives just like that.

I got changed in the bathroom me and Angel shared into my pyjamas. The bathroom was gorgeous all white and gold fittings with a large beautiful shower and bath.

Entering the room again and seeing Angel already in bed made me happy.

“You know, I like this way of living a lot more than the dormitories at Hogwarts.” I smiled at her climbing into my own bed. It was like heaven, so comfortable and soft.

“I'm glad.” She yawned turning the light over her bed off by the switch by her bedside and turning over. “Night Libintia.” I turned off my own light and turned over.

“Night Angel.”

Draco POV

We arrived at my manor to find my father, mother and Stonzie's mother all waiting for us.

“What did he say?” Lillibeth ran to Armando.

“It appears our darling daughter has left of her own accord.” My father stood up and greeted us.

“What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to find her. Alert everyone. Get a picture out right now.” Armando snapped into action, Lillibeth pulling a recent picture of Stonzie from her purse.

“Lucius take that to the Daily Prophet right now and get them to publish it first thing tomorrow.” Lillibeth handed my father the picture who immediately left the house. Armando sat down on one of our luxurious sofa's and sighed.

“Don't worry, we'll find her.” Lillibeth consoled him, rubbing his shoulders. “Until then, you know how capable she is of looking after herself.”

“What, so if Voldemort finds her and attacks her, she can really hold her own? Don't be so stupid Lillibeth! She's ruined the plans, we all know it.” He stood back up and went to my fathers drinks cabinet pouring himself a firewhiskey neat. He gulped it down. “The sooner we get her back, the better.”