You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

The problem is the parents

"Father! No! Don't make me go back there!" I begged and pleaded.

"Constanteasia, pull yourself together." My father retorted. "There is no change in my mind."

"I am 17! I can be trusted to stay in our house alone for the summer." I tried to reason with him.

"Go and pack. Now." He said sternly. I knew there was no budging him.

This summer is going to be the worst. I can't believe him.

I packed angrily everything I could think I would need.

"Father" I pulled my trunk downstairs. "What if I need something from home?"

"Tell Lucius or Narcissa and they'll bring you here for you to collect whatever you need." He looked at me with pained eyes and hugged me.

"Don't worry Darling. I'm sure it'll be okay between you and Draco. Ready?" He asked letting go of me.

"Why do you have to go away? Can't I stay with a friend or with someone else? Crabbe? Goyle?" I asked hopefully, although sharing a house with Crabbe or Goyle would kill me. "The Parkinsons father! I would stay at Pansy Parkinsons house if it meant I would not have to stay with him!" I barginned.

"Constanteasia. There is no way in hell I would ever trust the Crabbe's or Goyle's to even try and look after you and the Parkinsons? Are you joking?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"No." I said sulkily. My father picked up my trunk and nodded towards the fireplace.

"Meet me there in five." He said. "Oh and if you're late, there will be consequences!" He threatened as he threw the floo powder into the fire and disappeared with my trunk to the Malfoy Manor.

I took one deep breath and checked myself out in the mirror. Wow I had changed since Draco had known me.


I clicked my fingers and landed on the front steps of the Malfoy Manor.
I sighed as I knocked on the great door hearing Narcissa's high heels click clack to the door.

"Constanteasia darling! Come on in!" She grinned hugging me tightly.

"Hello Narcissa." I smiled softly back. She looked at me and gasped.

"You look gorgeous!" I smiled a little embarassed, I was wearing a soft summer dress and small heels with my hair worn put up and a quiff at the right. I didn't look that bad. My makeup was toned down and natural, just my eye's highlighted with black eyeliner and mascara. "The men are in the living room. Come on." She hooked her arm through mine as we walked through the massive house to a comfortable elegant room.

My father was sat with a firewhiskey talking to Lucius. Next to Lucius, sat Draco.
He looked bored, smiling a little when he was included in the conversation.
The men stopped talking as me and Narcissa entered the room and they watched us, Lucius smiling at me and his wife and my dad also smiling.
Draco, however, wasn't smiling yet he looked shocked. It was like he didn't recognise me.

"Lucius, please allow me to reintroduce my daughter, Constanteasia Allessia Rosaria Zolaris." Lucius smiled at me.

"Welcome back." He smiled as the men laughed. "Lets try not to have any more drunken moments, eh, Constanteasia?" The men laughed some more, as they looked at me. I stood awkwardly and tried to smile, feeling embarrassed and mocked.

Keep your head up kid.

"Draco! Come and say hello to Constanteasia!" Lucius barked at his son. Draco stood up and came and mumbled a short hi.

I nodded at him.

"Make yourself at home Constanteasia, this is as much your home as ours. Draco, show her to her room. It's the one next door to yours." Narcissa put her arm around Draco's shoulders.

"Uhm. Right." Draco looked shifty. "come on." He set off walking in front of me as the adults got down to conversation.

We walked silently, me walking behind Draco staring at the floor in my own little world.

I was so engrossed in my own little world I didn't notice Draco had stopped and I walked straight into the back of him.

"Ouch!" I groaned, feeling him tumble forwards.

"Watch it." He swung around to look at me.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" I said defensively.

"Look you know where my room is. Your room is next to it on the right. We're connected by a bathroom. Just knock before you enter."
He opened his door and slammed it on me.

"Thanks for nuttttin'" I said in a mocking voice.

"I HEARD THAT!" He shouted from behind the door.