You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

All about me

I feel dear readers, it is time for me to truly introduce myself.
I am Constanteasia Allessia Rosaria Zolaris, as you have already found out. I get called Stonzie and Connie, depends who is calling me. My father and his companions call me Stonzie yet I found that new friends don't want to be asscoiated with a Zolaris, so here I am, hidden under the guise of Connie Zola.
My father, Armando Zolaris, is famed for being the second most powerful dark wizard that ever was, second only to Lord Voldemort. Sounds something I'd make up, right?
Sadly not. The only way my father would triumph over Voldemort is if he was a Vernosa, like me.
He has great plans for me, my father. He wants me to overrule Voldemort and become one of the leaders of the world.
I don't see it happening.
My mother, she would do anything my father asked of her, "Lillibeth, give me another child" ... "Ok Armando!"
It's sickening the way she runs around after him, I've never once see my father do any sort of housework or any sort of parenting apart from throwing money at me. That all said and done though, I still love my father more than my mother, because he is powerful and he is strong and she is weak and spineless. That sounds horrible but I really have no time for her sometimes. You tell her to hush up and you won't hear a word from her the rest of the day. It annoys me.
I am 17 now, therefore able to magic outside of school, however the ministry can't trace Vernosa so I've been doing magic outside of school since I could talk. I am going into the seventh year at Hogwarts and my god I can not wait to leave, I swear to you.
Forget the lovely little slumber parties you had in your mind, Hogwarts is not pajami party central.
It's a cruel cold place where you can't run home and cry your heart out when a bully calls you a name, you got to sit there and take it. It can be one of the most loneliest places on God's green Earth.
My lovely friends got me through it, and Draco used to. Until he decided to mess me around and leave me be.
Adrienne has been my best friend since as long as I can remember, same with Lindsay. I wasn't a snob, I knew Lindsay came from mugle parents and Adrienne father is a wizard whereas her mother wasn't, yet I loved them. It was just upsetting they were both in Ravenclaw, leaving me at night to the hard horrible bitchy people in Slytherin.

So there you go, my dear readers, that is me. I am not the most interesting person, I'll admit, yet like you, I have dreams and I have hopes. It's just a pity I'm living in a world where they will never come true.
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Just a filler, to give you some background info. Enjoy.