You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Constantly being hurt

Waking up the next day I felt uneasy and shattered. My nights sleep had been restless due to worry about having to stay here with Draco.
Stupid me, I figured he may be even half interested in me after not seeing each other for all this time, but he couldn't wait to drop me. I felt hurt. In all my hate for him I had at least hoped he would see me and think 'wow look what I lost', as self obsessive and vain as it sounds.
I rubbed my eyes and got up out of bed, checking my alarm clock; 8:30AM. I glanced round my curtains quickly and checked the weather, absolutely gorgeous, sun everywhere, not a single cloud in the sky.
After setting out my bikini and outfit for the day on my bed, I entered the shared bathroom of me and Draco and turned on the shower.
I love taking showers, I just love the warmth you get from the water.
I was calming washing my hair when I heard the door open.
"Get out." I heard Draco bark at me.
"No way!" I washed the conditioner out of the hair quickly and grabbed my towel off the side, I knew he could be nasty and hiding my towel would be something he would do.
"Constanteasia, I mean it." He said turning on the cold taps. I jumped out of the water as it quickly turned to ice.
"For gods sake, Malfoy!" I fumed turning off the water and stepping out, wrapping the towel tightly round me. "Why don't you just grow up?" I hissed at him. He cracked a smirk, that infamous smirk.
"What?" I asked.
"You. Just in a towel." My face flushed red as I pushed past him but to my utter horror, my wet feet slipped on the floor and I started to fall.
"Whoa." Draco grabbed me quickly and held me up.
"Get off." I pushed him away and quickly ran into my bedroom.
"Argh." I growled sitting down on my bed, head in my hands.
Why can I be so embarrassing sometimes?!

I lay down on the sun recliner next to the gorgeous pool after enchanting my hair and makeup to make me look sweet and natual and put my hair up out of the way. I hate my hair sometimes. I have long, slightly curly black hair due to my Italian roots.
I relaxed in my pale blue bikini that showed off my tan so well, with my Ipod booming out Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown - No Air when I started to drift off in my own little world.
I started to dream I was back in Hogwarts, relaxing in my bikini on the shores of the lake, with some gorgeous guy walking past me thinking "my god, she is beautiful"
Hey its a day dream, I can live with it never coming true. I sighed deeply coming back to life as some one flicked water onto my bare stomach. I jumped, it was cold! I threw off the sunglasses to watch Draco swim away smirking.
"So immature" I mumbled, lying back down, rubbing the water into my skin.
I turned over and tried to relax again but Draco was playing on my mind, everytime I was back with that gorgeous guy he pushed himself into the frame and demanded my attention.
I sat up totally unable to switch off and took off my sunglasses and watched him splash about like a child in the pool.
"What you watching me for?" He shot at me smirking that irresitable - hey what am I doing? Malfoy, irresitable?! You have got to be kidding me.
"Hellooo Earth to Stonzie!" He shot, splashing water up at me.
"Dont! What about my ipod?" I jumped, moving the ipod safely out of the way of the water.
"Oh stop complaining, you love getting wet over me." Draco smirked and I shot him a disgusted look. A lesser girl would have blushed, but not me. I know how to handle guys like Draco.
"Wet? Over you? You have got to be kidding. Who could get wet over a weedy little boy like you?" I sneered, perfecting the famous Zolaris sneer. The Malfoys may have their dreaded smirk, we have the sneer my friends, oh yes we do.
"Many, many a girl would love to be here right now." He shot back
"Well invite them, I didn't ask to be here." I started to turn around and walk back towards the house when about a bucket of water tipped over me. I screeched and turned to see Draco swishing his wand.
"Your not meant to have them in water." I said, thinking desperately on my feet for a spell.
Aha, perfect, I thought of a mega-wave spell, yes okay I know it doesn't sound too fancy but think of a massive wave engulfing you. I pointed my finger as the wave swirled towards Draco and crashed down on him dragging him under the water then him coming straight back up, blonde hair dripping in his eyes.
"That. Was," He coughed. "Uncalled for."
"Bite me." I said walking away.
"GET BACK HERE" He shouted throwing a spell that pushed me backwards into the pool
I felt the pull of the spell rip me backwards through the air like some gravitational pull.
The water hit my back as hard as it could and made me gasp for air as it dragged me under and I struggled to regain to the surface.

I panicked and started to black out.