You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie


"Hey, wake up?" I felt some one whisper into my ear.
"Whaa-?" I groaned turning over, sleepy. I opened my eyes slowly to see Draco sitting on the side of my bed. "Hey." I smiled, thinking how sweet of him to come and say hi.
"Listen, Stonzie sweetie, do me a favour? I am going to this fit girls house today, you know... free house, and my god Ashleigh is so unbelievably amazingly fit," He smirked "Anyway, if the parents ask, tell them Zambini had an emergency and I needed to get there. I mean Father won't mind me knocking off some hot piece of arse, but Mother, well she's always had other ideas. Anyway, your a doll. Night!" He walked back into his room. This was getting ridiculous, this was the fourth night running he's woke me up to cover for him and its always a different girl. Where the hell does he get the energy to go and do all these different girls when he obviously isn't sleeping at night? He always returns around 7am, bursting in from Floo powder into his room and making a hell of a racket. He never could land easily whilst using Floo.
"DRACO!" I shouted after him jumping out of bed so quickly that it made my head spin. I heard his footsteps hurrying back.
"Can you keep your voice down please?" He hissed.
"No. I am not covering for you again." I said in my normal voice. "Fourth time in four days, I am sick of you waking me up to tell me about how fit some girl is." I was fuming at this point. "You have not changed at all!"
It's true, dear readers, he really has not changed. Through out the days he's tetchy from lack of sleep and stays holed up in his room till dinner when he emerges a different guy. A clear shaven, smelling lovely, kind of guy. The sort that, yes, my readers I will admit, makes girls like me fall for. How can I be so stupid? I should have known all along that Draco would be using and abusing my friendship for his own schemes. I doubt he has a real friend, he uses the closest ones to him for his personal slaves.
"Stonz, please, hush." He smiled at me, still whispering. "You know your my number one girl."
"Draco, save it!" I was angry now. How dare he think he was going to get round me by flattery. "You are using my friendship, Malfoy! And I'm sorry but thats this friendship over, again now." His face turned and I saw that icy cold glare return to his eyes.
"You can't just end a friendship like its a relationship. Maybe thats whats wrong with you, your jealous. Jealous little Zolaris. No one want to come and do you?" He snarled at me, bitter.
"Whats going on in here? What is all the arguing about?" My bedroom door was opened and my light switch flicked on by Lucius, with Narcissa close behind him.
"Ask him." I huffed sitting down on the bed with my arms crossed.
"Draco? What are you all dressed up for?" Narcissa pulled her dressing gown closely around her. "It's 3am!"
"Mother, I can explain-" Draco's sickly sweet voice came out and I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"No need son, I know what you were doing. Your getting ready to go and get some for some random girl aren't you?" Lucius spoke quietly smirking at Draco.
"Lucius! Don't congratulate him on it! You know the plan!" Narcissa hissed at her husband before realising what she said.
"What plan?" Draco asked quickly. "Mother, what plan?" Narcissa avoided Draco's eyes.
"Well, well, Narcissa, might as well let the children sort this out the childs way." Lucius smirked at us before pulling out his wand. He bewitched the bathroom door through to Draco's room with a charm I couldn't decipher, as well as bewitching the whole walls and bathroom with another charm. "Draco, you will sleep in here with Constanteasia until you can behave properly towards each other, there is no escape from these four walls and from the bathroom. The bathroom door is bewitched to stay closed for 10minutes at a time so no hiding in the bathroom either. You will stay here all summer if you have to." Narcissa giggled into her husband.
"Lucius! You are... wicked!" They shut the door and Draco ran to it and tried to open it.
"It's fucking locked as well!" He fumed. "Good going Constanteasia!"
"Don't blame me! I'm as happy about this as you!" I shouted, climbing back into bed. "I'm tired, shut up and go to sleep on the floor, fool." I shot at him, cuddling into my covers again.
"Screw you, I'll sleep on this side. Touch me and your dead." He hissed climbing into the other side of the bed and turning promptly on the side which didn't face me.
I stuck my tongue and turned over, thanking the good lord that I was blessed with a double bed.