You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Shopping Trips And Evil Plans

A week past with insults flying from me and Draco and more often that not spending the nights sleeping on the floor, not even bringing myself to sleep next to him.

A knock on the door one morning jolted me up from where I was sitting on the floor, watching TV. Draco himself was in the bathroom yet came out dripping wet.

“Good morning children, and how are we feeling today?” Lucius stood in the door way and smiled that soft smiled down on me. “Use a chair Constanteasia, really.” He said turning to Draco.

“We are taking you children up Diagon Alley for school supplies. It's better to get them now than wait till the rush. Draco, you will be coming with me. Constanteasia, Narcissa will be along shortly and you will be going with her. Draco you have ten minutes. You better use this.” Lucius took Draco's wand out of his pocket and threw it at him. Draco caught it easily and stepped back inside the bathroom, shutting the door.

I sighed deeply, getting up slowly from the floor. I really did not feel like going school shopping with Narcissa. It was not my idea of fun. I checked my reflection in the mirror above the bedside table and sorted out my hair and make up when a knock on the door and a cheery 'hello' greeted me and Draco just as we had both finished up.

“Are you ready to get going Stonzie?” She smiled at me, showing me her teeth that had lipstick on them. I decided not to tell her. That was my revenge.

“Yes.” I smiled sweetly back, straightening out my white skinny jeans and my pale mint green camisole top.

We took the floo powder to Diagon Alley and fell out of the fireplace at the robe shop, Madame Malkin's. She herself greeted me and Narcissa and quickly started to take my robe measurements. Narcissa had apparently sent an owl ahead and arranged my robe fitting with Madame Malkin. I just smiled as the pins stuck into me and I let Narcissa boss around the poor Madame bitchly.

“Finally.” Narcissa huffed after around half an hour of me being fitted for two robes and Narcissa went to pay with Madame Malkin.

We left the shop quickly and Narcissa started going on about how bad Madame Malkins customer service was and how she should have treated us better because of who we are. I just smiled and kept my mouth shut. The fact is, I don't want people to know who I am because of my father being who he is. We walked in a posh clothes shop and I sighed, hoping this day would soon come to a quick end.

- Draco's POV -

“She's too clever. She'll work it out!” I hissed. I just couldn't believe what my father was asking me to do. Trick Stonzie? I grew up with the girl. You just couldn't fool her at all.

“Now, you listen to me boy! Can you imagine how your life will be when you marry Armando Zolaris baby girl! Imagine the riches you will get from our Dark Lord. Just think, you and Constanteasia will become the highest ranked couple in our society and one of the most feared and richest as well.” He's trying to charm me. I just knew it. It turned my stomach.

“Father, if Armando even found out what you were planning-” My father cut me off.

“He won't. You are going to have to be the sweetest, nicest boy she'll ever meet. Your mother wants a summer wedding, when you both leave Hogwarts next year. You have a year to make her fall in love with you.”