You Could Love Me If I Learnt How to Lie

Life Or Death

We got back to the house after Narcissa had spent literally hundreds on new clothes for me and her. She'd also got me a few books that I needed from the school list. I felt really bad about her spending so much money on me, but she reassured me that my father had given her so much to keep me so therefore she's putting the money to good use on me. For all her faults, you know sometimes she surprises me and does something nice.
She bought me some really posh outfits, like she told me this year at the Malfoy Manor she was having a party at the end of Summer and it was going to be a black tie event and had bought me a beautiful prom style dress. It was baby blue and contrasted so nicely with my tanned skin and dark hair. It went down to my knees, and was strapless and it puffed out along the skirt to have a fifties effect on it. It was exquiste. I just wanted to look at it all the time. She told me not to show anyone it so it was a beautiful surprise for my father and mother at the black tie event.

“Hello?” She called out into the house as we arrived through the fireplace. Draco appeared quickly in the doorway.

“Mother, can I have a party tonight?” He asked sweetly. She sighed.

“Take these bags upstairs for Constanteasia, and I will go down to the muggle shop and buy all the alcohol.” She said wearily, taking out a purse from the cupboard in the dining room that held all the weird notes of muggle money.
Draco came over and took all the bags, kissing his mother nicely on the cheek and thanking her. I snatched the dress bag back off him.

“What's in that one?” He asked, teasing. His attitude was different now. I ignored him and zapped it quickly into my wardrobe at my house, therefore it would stay secret until the end of summer party.

“You'll never find out now.” I said nastily, taking the other bags off him too. “I don't need you to carry my bags for me.” I walked calmly and confidently up the stairs, taking out all of my new clothes onto the bed and starting to hang them up.

“This is nice.” Draco was touching my new winter coat that we had bought. It was white suede with a fur collar hood, and it made me look really high class.

“Go away.” I said simply.

“What's wrong with you? Look at how many new clothes you have! I thought girls were meant to be all happy and nice after shopping?” He smiled at me, sitting down on the bed, watching me.

“Your only being nice because your poor mother has to go and buy you so much alcohol and have your stupid friends in the house for the whole night getting drunk and being stupid.” I ranted, hanging the rest up with my powers.

“What? I just thought that we are stuck together having to sleep in the same room together for the rest of the summer. We might as well get along.” He shrugged, lying back on the bed. “You can't hate me that much. You never know, you could learn to love me.” I scoffed loudly and rolled my eyes.

“I could never learn how to love you, Draco.” I stalked out of the room, before I realised he was following me. “Don't you have people to invite instead of following me?” I rounded on him, making him stop so we were face to face.

“I think I'm falling for you, Stonzie.” I was shocked, but my god it made me laugh. Draco's face went hurt to angry.

“Don't you dare try and say your falling for me? My god, you're just going to sleep with some easy girl tonight anyway.” I laughed, carrying on down to the kitchen to get a drink.

“I'll show you I'm serious by not sleeping with any easy girls tonight.” Draco ran down the stairs next to me.

“No, Draco, because honestly I do not care about you having feelings. Trust me, there is not a chance in hell that we will ever get together. I'd have to be deaf, blind and stupid and believe your someone else to even consider going out with you.” Draco stopped on the stairs.

“Well. That's put me in my place. Fine. I got people to invite.” He stormed back up the stairs, and for a minute I actually felt terrible about what I'd just said. But then I caught myself and realised I have nothing to feel sorry about.

I got a glass of water and went and sat on the grass, soaking up the afternoon sun. I even rolled up my jeans to get the bottom of my legs a little bit browner. I was so lucky, I caught the sun so easily due to having Italian roots.

Draco's POV

I walked into my father's study and saw him writing a letter, feverishly. He looked scared, worried, and it scared me. I've never seen him like that before.

“Father, what's up?” His head shot up at me and he gave me a stern look.

“What are you doing in here?” He asked.

“I came to get some parchment to sent out some invitations, but I'll use my mobile instead.” I went to walk out.

“Draco, shut the door and get in here.” His voice was barely more than a whisper. I did as I was told and stood awkwardly in front of the massive oak desk.

“What's happened?” I asked, my voice barely audible also.

“Voldemort is coming for us. He wants us to do a mission for him. He says for you to become the newest recruit of the death eaters you have to do it.” He explained.


“It's potentially life threatening. If you got caught – they would throw you in Azkaban.” I stood, shocked to my very core. “Except. He says, if Constanteasia agrees to marry you. You don't have to do it.” I shook my head at my father. He rose from his desk in lightening speed and grabbed my shoulders.

“Draco! For God's sake! Will you listen to me?! He knows! He knows our plan and he is furious. He is hoping you DIE on this mission!” He voice broke with emotion. I'd never seen my father in this way before. “You have to marry her. You have no choice now! This isn't for the good of a reputation. This is life or death!” He shook my shoulders harshly. I felt my head go dizzy and my stomach drop.
How could I make a girl who hates every single breath I take fall in love with me?
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Since I've nearly finished ; Uncle Good Riddance ; I will be focusing on this story next. :)