Tainted Rose

happy face waffels?!

"Isabelle, hunny, its time to wake up, you have school" my mom cooned into my ear, while gently shaking me awake. Myself and my mom are very close. I can tell her anything, but she can also respect it when I need to keep something to myself.

"ugh, mom, I'm up, I'm up. Stop shaking me." I groaned. As close as we were, waking up at 6:00 AM rather than my normal summer awakening time, 12:00 PM was rather annoing.

"Oh, my little girl is all grown up! Off to high school..." she sighed.

"Mom..." I said in a warning tone, I can not stand it when she gets like this, its not like I'm going to go run off tomorrow and get married, and never see her again, I'll be back home in, what, 6 hours? Jeish, mothers.

"I no, hunny, get ready, im making breckfast for you. Dont be too long, or it will get cold!" she said while leaving my room, gently closing my door behind her.

I walked grogely over to my closet, the best part of the day, getting dressed. I sorted through all my clothes to come out with two options. The first was a pair of purple skinney jeans that I bought the other day, with a plain black T-shirt and my purple sneekers, with white and purple beads arround my neck. The seccond was a pair of black leggings, with my new purple dress, black converse with white stars on the side, with white, grey, and purple beads. I decided to go with option two. I mean, it is warm, and it is the first day of school, why not wear a dress? Well, it wasnt really a dress, just kindof, it was like a long T-shirt, but was poofey at the bottom, somehow, it made my short body look taller.

I bounded down the stairs, and encountered a delecious smell.

" Gasp! Waffels?! Mom, you no I love you, right?" I said to my mom, who was setting the table for two. She made my favorite! Happy face waffels! Yum.

"Only the best for my little girl on her first day." She said, choking up a bit. Her eyes were filling up, aw heck. She is going to cry.

"Mom, come on, I am still your little girl. Calm yourself! Jesh." I said. "Actually, mom, this is all so lovely, but can I eat in my room, im running a little but late." Mom nodded.

So i took off up the steps, waffels in hand, and went into my room, securly shutting my door before sighing. She got to stop with all this mushey stuff. Im not dying.

I turned on my I-pod, ate my waffels, which where amazing, and then turned to my vanity. Make-up time! The seccond best part of the day! I thought while applying my eyeliner and mascara. I ran into the bathroom, once that was done, to brush my teeth, then grabed my chap stick, applied some, and headed back downstairs for my bag, and then.. leave.

I grabed my book bag and my "London" tote bag and headed for the porch, yelling a good-bye through the door to a sad looking mom in the kitchen.

High school, its not like it will be any differnt from elementary or jr. high school. Why does everyone get so worked up over it? It is school, boring, predictable - school. It wont change me, wont make me want to go get married in Las Vagas one night and go buy 100 cats that I can throw at passers by. No, high school doesn't do that to people.

As I closed the door, I realized the bus had just passed my house and was now making its way down the street. "Well then, at least its nice out" I said quietly to myself as I began to walk towards my new school.