Ashlee Surly in the Magic World of Harry Potter

Diagon alley

Today was the day Harry and me were going to Diagon Alley, well Dad’s coming, oh and them two people *erm what were their names? Oh Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Oh dam it’s nearly 10 I better get ready.* I had a shower, blow dried my hair then straighten it, then I put on a pair of white skinny jeans, a blue top and a black skinny jacket, with blue pumps to match, then I added my make-up, eyeliner and blue eye shadow, and brushed my teeth. I went down stairs and saw my dad ready and with a pot in his hands, “Oh Dad why do we have to travel by Floo Powder?” “Because it is quick and easy to use, go and get Harry and bring him back here I’ve got something to tell both of you,” “Ok Dad,” I said a little confused, but I didn’t waste any time.

I went to Harry’s house and knocked, the door opened, Harry stood there, “Hey Ashlee, ready to go?” “Yeah, let’s go, we’re going by Floo Powder oh and before we go Dad wants to talk to us about something” “Ok that’s fine”, We left Harry’s house and went back to mine, Dad waited for us in the living room, “Ah Ashlee, Harry please sit down I have to talk to you for a moment,” Harry and I sat down “Hi Dad what’s up?” “Well Ashlee I haven’t told you something, and it’s very important, Ashlee you know your scar on your hand and Harry’s scar you both got it from the same spell and by the same caster, Lord Voldemort.” Harry and I looked at each other, when our eyes met I felt a connection between us, something I haven’t felt before. “Ashlee you and Harry are really well known in the magical world as you two were the only two people to ever survive the killing curse, so when you go to Hogwarts and get sorted you might be looked at oddly as people thought you disappeared but when they’ll see you again they might start spreading rumours about you. I’m sure Harry and his friends will help you throughout the school years, oh and now that Voldemort has returned he would be coming after you and Harry, I’m sure Harry knows about this as he saw him return and that he wants revenge.” I was so shock when I heard this, *my dad kept a big part of my life away from me for 15 years,* “Of course I will look out for Ashlee Mr Surly you can trust me,” said Harry “Yes I know I can trust you” I was still shock so I didn’t say anything for a few minutes. “Right you two we better get going and get your school supplies” “Yeah lets go” I said.

We all stood up and went over to the fireplace. “Right I’ll go first then Harry can follow then you Ash Ok?” said Dad “Yeah that’s fine” said Harry and me at the same time, which made us laugh. So Dad grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace and shouted “DIAGON ALLEY” then he just disappeared in a green flame. “Harry,” I said “Yeah Ashlee,” “Erm thanks” “For what?” “For being really nice to me” I gave a sweet smile, which Harry returned, “That’s ok” our eyes met again and I felt that connection again. Harry grabbed himself a handful of powder a stepped into the fireplace, “see you there, DIAGON ALLEY!” Seconds he disappeared like Dad did, now it was my turn, I grabbed some powder and stepped into the fireplace, “DIAGON ALLEY” I was spinning in green flames then I fell and landed in a different fireplace, and I saw Harry smiling over me and offered his hand, I grabbed it and pulled my self up, I looked around and I think we landed in some sort of pub. “Oh this is The Leaky Cauldron, it leads to Diagon Alley,” said Harry. I rubbed the ash of myself and Harry did the same. “Where’s my dad?” “He’s right here” said Dad coming from behind, he bend down to my level and whispered so only me and Harry could here “Right, Ashlee you might have a lot of people starring at you as you have been gone along time, Harry knows how it feels and it might be more uncomfortable this time as people seeing you two together, but you’ll be fine” “Ok Dad thanks for the warning, so Harry where are we meeting Ron and Hermione?” “Oh we’re meeting them at Flourish & Blotts, the book store,” he added, as I look confused at him. “Oh right then lets go and get our books,” I said when we went through the pub Dad was right a lot of people did look at me and Harry, when we finally got through to Diagon Alley Harry told me and Dad that he’ll meet us at Flourish and Blotts as he went off to find Ron and Hermione.

So Dad and me headed for Flourish and Blotts slower as I kept on stopping to look at the different shops. We finally arrived at Flourish and Blotts and I saw Harry talking to a group of redheads and a girl with brown-frizzy hair. Harry saw me, he waved and started walking towards me, “Come on, I want you to meet a few people” He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him, Dad came as well. “Mr and Mrs Weasley this is my new friend Ashlee…” Harry started to say but a redheaded women in the group of redheads butted in and said “Oh it’s finally nice to see you again dear, oh and hello Andrew how are you?” she said, she hugged me then moved over to Dad. Harry dragged me over to two people about our age, “Ash, this is Ron Weasley,” pointing to the redheaded boy, “And this is Hermione Granger,” pointing to the brown haired girl, “They’re my best friends and they go to Hogwarts as well and in our year and the same house Gryffindor. Guys this is Ashlee, my other best friend” I smiled at that part, *other best friend,* cool. “Hi, nice to meet you” I said shaking their hands, then three other redheads came over, one girl about a year younger than us and two twin boys who look about two years older. “Oh thanks for the introduction Harry,” said one of the twins “Oh sorry, Ashlee this is Fred, that’s his twin George and their younger sister Ginny.” “Hi, so I’ll be seeing you lot a lot more often at school then.” I said, “Oh you might see us running around a lot” said the twin by the name of George, “Why’s that?” I asked, “Oh they’re always like to prank people and the teachers,” said Hermione. “Cool, I like to do pranks now and then” I said. Dad and the two adult redheads came over, “Hope everyone is alright,” said the redhead man, *I’m guessing he’s Mr Weasley,* “Yes Mr Weasley/Dad” we all said, we all burst out laughing. “Alright dears into the shop to get your books, then we’re head to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, as Ashlee would need to get some school robes then we’ll just look around to see what else Ashlee and the rest of you might need and after that we’re all going back to Andrew’s house,” said Mrs Weasley. I just look shocked, *eight people, seven of them I’ve just met coming round my house.* “Right let’s go,” said Mr Weasley.

We arrived at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, I got measured up, and while this was happening the door opened a stepped through the door was a boy with while blonde hair with a man with the same hair colour but longer way longer. “Oh look father it’s the blood traitor family, mudblood and who’s that father?” he said pointing to me “I believe that is young Miss Ashlee Surely” said the boy’s dad. “What do you want Malfoy?” said Harry angrily. “Just getting some new robes for the new school term, what about you Pothead what do you want?” said this Malfoy boy, “Waiting for Ashlee to get her new robes.” By the time Harry said this I was already, “Come guys lets go and leave this blonde bimbo he’s business” I said and the twins burst out laughing and we all walk out the door but I got pulled back by someone, Malfoy boy, “I wouldn’t say that if I was you, your cute, by the way the name is Draco.” I ripped my arm from his grip and went out the door, Harry walked up to me “Ash, you alright, what did he say?” putting an arm round my shoulders, “Well he just said ‘I wouldn’t say that if I was you, your cute anyway, by the way the name is Draco’” I said doing an impression of Malfoy, “Don’t worry Ash at school he wont come an arm’s length close to you when we’re around, and by the way nice nickname, ‘blonde bimbo’ where did you get it from” said the twins. “Oh I call Dudley that, you know Harry’s cousin, as he thinks he is a gentleman and that he fancies me,” I said “EWW” shouted the twins. We laughed, even the adults. So we all went around shops that we needed to go to, Dad got me a new broom stick, a firebolt, he knows I love the game Quidditch, I play chaser, and everyone told me that the school has house teams, and that there will be try outs this year for chasers and keeper. We all headed back to The Leaky Cauldron and went over to the fireplace, I got to know the Weasley family and Hermione a lot more now, and it felt like I’ve known them forever. So we all took it in turns to got by Floo Powder, first my Dad then Mr and Mrs Weasley, then Ginny, then the twins, then Ron, then Hermione, then Harry and finally myself, I stepped into the green flame and shouted “SURLY’S HOUSE” and I was spinning again in green flame, then with a thump I landed in my own fireplace at home, where Fred and George were waiting for me.

Each of them grabbed an arm and pulled me up “Up you comes Ash,” said Fred, “We don’t want our new best friend getting covered in ash,” said George. “Thanks guys,” I said to them. I rubbed the ash of myself. “Right, now that everyone is here why don’t the kids go upstairs in Ashlee’s room and the adults stay down here to talk,” said Dad. “What list do we come under, we can do magic when we want but we still have a joke around,” said the twins. “You can chose,” I said, “We’ll properly be talking about Hogwarts and I’ll be getting my stuff ready,” I continued. “Alright we vote upstairs,” said the twins, “Ok lets go, Ash lead the way” said Ron.

So I lead Fred, Ginny, George, Harry, Hermione and Ron to my room, lucky my room was tidy, when we walked through the door Twilight screeched with happiness when he saw all the people. Twilight likes attention. “Twilight calm down,” I said, when Harry came through the door he screeched even more, “Harry I think he knows who you are now”, I said walking over to Twilights cage, “Yeah because of Hedwig, I really think their in love,” said Harry smiling widely, “Aw that’s cute two owls in love” said Hermione. I got Twilight out of his cage and went over the window, “Right I’m only letting you out so you can go hunting not to see Hedwig ok?” I said to Twilight, he had a look of sadness in his eyes but he still nodded and flew out the window. I turned round to face everyone, “Guys you can sit down on my bed or the chair if you want,” I said, so Fred, George, Ginny and Ron sat on my bed, Hermione sat down on my chair, which just left me and Harry standing, “Oh Harry you haven’t got a seat, I’ll go get you one from down stairs,” I was about to walk over to my door, but Harry stopped me, “No it’s alright I’ll just help you pack,” he said smiling, I could see from the corner of my eye Ginny had a hateful expression on her face. “Oh ok thanks, I’ll be back I have to go and get my trunk from the attic and no Harry I don’t need any help”, I added the last part because Harry was about to say ‘I’ll come and help you’, so I went outside my bedroom and closed the door, and went up to the attic, I got my trunk from there and started pulling it to my bedroom. When I got to my door I heard people talking, so I waited outside for a bit to let them finish what they were saying also I wanted to find out what they were saying. “…Harry you really like Ashlee don’t you?” said Ron, “Yeah I do, but I’ve only known her for two days, and don’t even think about telling her, I want to get close to her first then ask her out,” said Harry, I blushed a dark shade of pink, *he likes me too and he wants to ask me out,* I opened the door and suddenly everyone stopped talking, “Hey guys what I miss?” I said sounding really happy, “Nothing really, just talking about normal stuff,” said Ginny who looked really mad now, *I think she likes Harry too,* “oh alright” I said, it was silent for a few moments so I started collecting my school stuff and placing them in the trunk, Harry helping of course.

“So Ash, what sort of pranks do you do then?” ask Fred breaking the silence, “Well, when I use to live in France and go to Beauxbatons I was known as the prankster queen there, I was a good student got good grades coming top of the year,” “Well you’ll be in competition with Hermione then,” said Ron “she’s always top in our year,” Hermione blushed, “Well I’m the only one who listens in class and bothers to study,” she said. “Shhh you two love birds I want to hear Ash’s story,” said George, Ron and Hermione blushed the same colour as Ron’s hair. “Anyway as I was saying, I was top of my year, while other people studied, I used to get bored so I started to prank people, mostly my teachers. They were really boring, but I had one main target at school though, you know how Draco Malfoy is a git, well I had someone like that at my old school but a female version, people loved her but I on the other hand hated her, I thinks she’s left now since she was in the Triwizard Tournament, it was held at your school wasn’t it last year?” “Yeah it was” said Ron, who stilled looked a little red. “Yeah this girl was chosen to be a champion, I do not know how she got chosen as she was a coward in every task.” “Wait a minute are you talking about Fleur Delacour?” said Hermione, “Yeah of course she is another member of the blonde bimbo group.” I said, Fred, Harry, George, Ginny and Hermione laughed but Ron didn’t, I saw this “Don’t tell me Ron that you like her, she isn’t worth it,” I said, “Thank you” said the twins at the same time, “Even Ashlee here agrees with us,” said George. “So what sort of pranks did you play on her Ash?” said Fred, “What didn’t I do is more like it, I turned her hair different colours, I gave her boils that would let a load full of pus if you popped them, I did every single prank that is in the prank book that I own” I said smiling proudly. “Wow, we better stay clear of your way then” said Harry laughing, I laughed as well, “Don’t worry Harry I only prank people I don’t like,” I said finishing off. “Ash can me and George borrow that prank book of yours we might find some new ideas,” said Fred, “Yeah sure” I grabbed the book from my desk and handed it to the twins “Wicked” they both said, I laughed.

“Kids time to go home” shouted Mrs Weasley from down stairs, “Yes Mum/Mrs Weasley” answered the Weasley kids and Hermione, “Oh Hermione are you staying with the Weasley’s?” said Harry, “Yeah I am, my parents are travelling at the moment, well see you soon” she said, “We’ll come and wave you off” I said heading to the door, the others followed, all you could hear was seven pairs of feet coming down the stairs, we went to the living room and saw Mr and Mrs Weasley standing with the pot of Floo powder, and Dad smiling really wide, “Right kids off we go, it was nice to see you again Andrew and you to Ashlee,” said Mrs Weasley who hugged me motherly and Dad, “It was nice to meet you Mrs Weasley and you to Mr Weasley,” I said shaking his hand, then I said bye to Ron, Fred, George, Ginny and Hermione, I got hugged from every single one of them, even one from Ginny, but the twins were the last to hug me and they wouldn’t let go, I was having trouble breathing, “G-u-y-s c-a-n-t b-r-e-a-t-h” I said gasping for air, “Oh sorry Ash.” They said “No problem” I said, so one by one they all went into the fireplace shout ‘THE BURROW’ “I take it they live at a place called the Burrow” I said, “Yeah they do,” said Harry who laughed. “Well Harry you better get back home or you will be shouted at by your aunt and uncle,” said Dad, “Yeah I better, thanks for taking me out and looking after me Mr Surly, oh Ashlee do you want to go to the park tomorrow?” said Harry, I turned to Dad who nodded and smiled “Yeah I would love to go Harry, what time should I come over?” I said smiling widely “Erm how about 9 then we can just hang around at the park for the rest of the day,” “Yeah that sounds cool, see you tomorrow then Harry,” I said then I gave Harry a hug, when we hugged I felt another connection between us when our eyes met, it seemed to last for ever, but then we broke apart. “See you tomorrow Ash,” Harry said, before he left he gave a quick peck on my cheek and left. “Bye” I said whispering while touching my cheek where I felt a tingle, “Well I think my daughter and Mr Potter are in love,” said Dad. “Dad, don’t tell anyone please, I’ve only known him for two days even though it feels like I’ve known him forever.” I said still touching my cheek. “Well night Dad,” I said, kissed him on the cheek.

I headed up stairs. When I got to my bedroom I saw an snowy white owl on my desk with Twilight, “Oh so this is Hedwig then” I said, I shut my door behind me and then I walked over to my desk and I saw a note tied to Hedwig’s leg, so I untied it and read the note from Harry:

Hi Ashlee,
I forgot to say something before I left, sleep tight and sweet dreams,
x x
P.S I think Twilight wants to stay with Hedwig the night, so who’s house are they staying at?

I placed the note in my note box and grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote back saying;

Hi Harry,
You too
x x x
P.S They can stay at my place but I think they might want to go out together to hunt, I’ve sent Twilight as well so let them out after you get this.

I gave the note to Hedwig, and told her to give it back to Harry and also I told both Hedwig and Twilight that they can go out hunting together after they took the note. They both nodded and hooted and left. I got changed into my pj’s I was about to go to bed when I heard my name being called from outside, I went to my window and looked out a saw Harry outside his window. “Ashlee, can I ask you something?” he said, “Sure what is it?” I was hoping he was going to ask me out but he said, “When’s your birthday?” “Oh Erm July the 31st” “That’s mine as well, well goodnight Ash,” “Night Harry,” I blew him a kiss and headed to bed. I felt so happy that night that I couldn’t really sleep but I knew I had to sleep as I’m going out with Harry tomorrow, so I finally fell asleep.