Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Ten

"Is she going to be okay? Listen to me, she better be fine. And if it starts looking like shes not going to be okay, then you fix her. I mean it." Roxy woke up to a bright white room not knowing where she was or what had happened. Her mom was standing right over her and she looked worried.

Sudden Roxy remembered, everything came flashing back. Her dad beating up Andy, then Andy and her trying to make it to the hospital because he arm was worse. Then lastly, the crash, how bad had it been? She hadn't seen any of the details. Had they hit that red car on the other side? Where was Andy?

"Mom..." she spoke softly, so softly she could hardly hear herself. She was still surprised she had said anything. "Mom, where is Andy? Is he okay?" She looked up at her mom, and tried sitting up. As she sat up she felt a slight pain in her leg, she touched the spot in her leg where it hurt. She noticed it felt bandaged and moved the sheets that were on her to revel a gigantic bandage on her leg.

Her mom looked at her, the reassuring look that she always put on when she was trying to make everything okay. "Andy is in the next room." She pointed to the door, that Roxy had decided led to his room. "Hes going to be fine, but he was banged up pretty bad. We don't know why the only thing that happened to you was your leg. But yet his head and his arms are horrid." She looked at Roxy searching her eyes for an answer.

"He....he had his arms and everyone around me to protect me. He tried to stop the car..." Roxy trailed off, trying not to cry. "He saved my life mom. If it wasn't for him that red car would of went right into me!" She hid her face in the blankets and cried. Her mom came to the bed and sat next to her rubbing her back.

"Hunny its okay. He's going to be fine. There's something I have to tell you though." Suddenly her moms voice changed from loving and caring, to sincere and serious.

"What mom? Nothing can get any worse just fucking tell me already" Roxy wiped her eyes, and got herself situated and ready for whatever her mom was trying to tell her.

"Andy's mom has decided to move. She told me as soon as Andy gets out they are moving. She thinks its all your fault that he was in this wreck." Roxy's mom rubbed her back more and kissed her forehead.

"NO! It wasn't my fault mom. It was...Damn it whatever I say no one is going to believe me." she sobbed, "Mom I have to go see him. Please help me get to see" She looked at her mom pleadingly. Her mom nodded and walked over the the wheel chair in the corner of the hospital room.

Her mom helped Roxy into the chair and pushed her to the door. But before she opened the door she told Roxy she must stay as calm as possible no matter what she saw in the next room. Roxy just gave her a half nod, wondering why she had said that.

Her mom opened the door, to Roxy's surprise, she kept her cool, but it was a very hard thing to do.

Look at what you did Roxy. No more boyfriend for you.
No Ally, hes going to be okay Mom already said so.
Your Mom doesn't know anything. She just told you that to keep you calm.
No. Shes right, hes going to be fine.
No hes not Roxy, look at him damn it. You did a good job. You always said you would get rid of him this way, I never knew that you had it in you.
What the hell are you talking about Ally? That was you who said it, you just don't like him.
I'm just your inner voice...maybe its you who doesn't like him.

Roxy looked at Andy. She couldn't pull her gaze away from him.

Stop crying and be a big girl Roxy.

Roxy felt her cheeks, she hadn't realized she was even crying. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

There you go, now go tell everyone what really happened.
They all know we got in a car crash going to the hospital because my dad beat him up and he was bleeding horribly.
Was it really your dad? Did your dad really do it? Or is that just what you want to believe?
I know what happened.
Do you? You weren't up...or were you? Were you there when he got beat up?