Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Eleven.

Andy woke up to Roxy's head, next to his arm, on his hospital bed. He didn't understand why Roxy was in a wheel chair.

"She should be fine, and unhurt." He whispered for no one but himself to hear. He ran his fingers through her hair, "You should be fine baby." He sobbed. She really should be fine, nothing should of went wrong. He had tried to protect her. What had gone wrong? Why was she in a wheel chair? What had happened to him?

"I am okay Andy." Roxy lifted her head up weakly. She looked like a wreck. "I just had to have stitches in my leg. I guess part of your car cut me." she slowed down.

"But I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt at all." He hung his head down, and sobbed. "Roxy, I'm so sorry. I should have been paying attention to the road."

"No, Andy its not your fault, its my fault too. I was distracting you. You protected me as much as you could. And right now I'm not the one we should be worrying about. You are." she touched his face gently. She couldn't believe how bruised and beat up he really was.

"How bad am I? I can't really tell." He looked himself over. His arms looked fine, except for where Roxy's couch had cut him.
Roxy moved the blankets over his legs. His left leg had a total of six cuts on it, with over 20 stitches. His right leg had one long cut on it and it was covered in bruises. With that one cut alone there was a total of 13 stitches.

"Got a pretty good idea how bad you are now?" Roxy looked at his head, she didn't want to have to point out the head wounds. He would find out sooner or later.

"Yeah. I do. And I know what your thinking, no I don't want to know what my head looks like, I can tell its bruised already." Andy cupped his hand over Roxys hand. "Roxy I love you."

"I love you to Andy." she sniffed. "Andy your mom is making you move. As soon as you are out of the hospital, your moving." She cried. No more holding back tears and staying strong. But tears, real flowing tears.

"Roxy, I know this is going to suck. I'll come back for you I promise." he lifted her chin, pulled her close and kissed her.

"Andy needs sleep now Roxy, you need to go to your room." A nurse with a bright blue name tag saying Barbera pushed Roxy in her wheel chair back to her room.

"God damn nurse!" Roxy cursed. She pushed herself in the wheel chair over to her bag full of the items she had asked her mom to bring.

She pulled out her pencil bag and saw her razor. It was nice and shinny just sitting there waiting to be used. It had been so long since Roxy had used it. Roxy pulled out her razor.

Cut yourself Roxy. Do it you know you want to.

"Hes leaving and everything is fucked up. Just one cut and I'll try stopping again." she whispered for no one to hear. Roxy pulled the razor next to her skin. She pushed it into her wrist, and dragged in on her skin. To her surprise it didn't hurt. But there was blood. Lots of blood. She grabbed the nearest towel and wiped the blood from her arm, putting pressure on it. She then realized there were two towels and set one in her lap. The cut began to bleed more.

"Shit! How the fuck am I susppose to hide this?" Roxy held her arm. It hurt now. She put the extra towel down, and rolled herself back to her bed.

Adding more pressure to the cut, she grabbed a gauze pad and put it over the cut. She took the medical tape in her pencil bag and taped her arm tightly. She lay in bed thinking about this. "I'm in a fucking hospital and I fucking cut myself. That's smart Roxy." She said this smacking her head.

Roxy layed her head down on the pillow and fell in to a deep sleep.