Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Twelve

Roxy looked up at the red light that was shining right into her eyes. The clock showed the number 3:02.

It was three o'clock in the morning. Roxy pulled her wrist toward her. She felt the newly made cut she had made only four hours ago. At least it had stopped bleeding she thought.

You chickened out again Roxy. Why didn't you just go all the way? End it all.
I promised I wouldn't cut. So when I broke my promise I wasn't about to kill myself doing it.
But then no one could get mad at you. No one could find out.
Fuck you Ally. They would all find out. As soon as they walked in, and they would be mad.
Get it through your head Roxy, no one cares.
...Thats just it...I know that...

And she did. Every second of every day Roxy seemed to believe that no one cared about her. That everyone just wanted her dead. So why didn't she just kill herself.

Roxy sat up in her hospital bed, and moved her legs over the side of her bed. Since she didn't have the needles and IV's in her arms anymore it was easier to move about. She leaned down and dug around in her bag.

"Damn it, she better of fucking brought one." she moved her head around a big more. There it was. Her black long sleeved shirt, that had belonged to her for three years. Roxy slipped the hospitals night gown off and pulled the shirt over her head. She dug around in her bag a little bit more looking for her scissors.

She got the scissors out and cut a whole in each of the sleeves so her thumb could go through. She then put the scissors back in her pencil bag and dug out her razor.

Just one more cut. But not to deep.
Make it deep Roxy.
Yeah...Make it deep...
You can do it. I know you can. I've taught you well.
Yeah...I'll make this cut really deep.

"I'll do it for dad. And for Andy's mom. They want to torture Well lets just see what they think after I do this." she whined a little as the blade went deeper in to her wrist.

Suddenly she couldn't see straight and she was dizzy. She laid back down in her bed with the towel against her newest cut.

She looked at the cut and realized why she was so dizzy. She had hit a vein. "SHIT!" Roxy almost screamed it this time. Roxy went to put pressure on her wrist but it was to late. By the time she had got the towel tight enough around her wrist, there was a nurse in the room and Roxy was seeing nothing but black.