Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Thirteen

The room was bright and cheery looking. If only Roxy could remember where she was. She looked around the room, nothing looked familiar. Wasn't she susppose to be in the hospital.

Roxy looked around more, deciding she really was in the hospital they had just moved her room. She looked to the left of her bed and saw a door. Thinking it led to the restroom she slowly lifted herself up feeling weak and made the six steps to the other door. Opening it she saw another patient in the room next to her.

"Oh shit!" Roxy whispered underneath her breath. She had no idea that this had been someone else's hospital room.The room was dark, all of the lights in this room were off and the blinds in the windows were closed. As Roxy looked closer at the girl in the room next to her she noticed something about the girl.

Roxy knew she had seen her before at school. So they went to the same school, what could be weird about that? Of course nothing would be weird about it, if this girl had been in the hospital for just an ordinary reason.

Roxy crept over to the bed in the dark. Just a few short minutes ago she had been in a bright room but now it felt like it was midnight again. On the end of the hospital bed there was a sign that read Tiffany Mills. Roxy read on to read that the reason Tiffany was in this hospital room was because she had overdosed on codeine, fourteen pills to be exact.

Wow....I never knew Tiffany was anything like that....
She should have finished it. She has an inner self. Just like you do.
I don't have an inner self Ally, I have you. You control me.
You control yourself dear.

Tiffany started to shift in her bed. She turned over on her side and opened her eyes wide. She stared right at Roxy, and blinked. "Who are you? Do I know you from somewhere you look familiar." Her voice was high pitched but weak.

Roxy looked over at her. She opened her mouth as to say something, but knew that if she said anything it would come out about the pills. About how much they had in common.

"Your Roxy Daniels from my third period Geometry class aren't you?" Tiffany sat up suddenly looking interested. She stretched her arms out and looked at the IV stuck in her wrist. Her wrist was lined with tons of perfectly straight scars.

"Wow..." Roxy looked at her wrist. She looked down feeling shameful. "I didn't as in...its just...I'll just shut up" Roxy trailed away trying not to make a scene.

"Haha, nah its alright. It really is. I get that from a lot of people. I got that when my mom brought me in for overdosing too. Bet you never met someone as crazy as me eh?" Tiffany looked at her wrist laughing. She didn't know what else to say. She figured Roxy had already looked at the profile at the end of her bed.

"Actually..." Roxy moved the sleeve of her long black sweater. She looked down at her arm, all bandaged up from the cut she had made so deeply last night. "I am partly here for the same reason." She held up her arm for Tiffany to see.

"Ah I see. Why only partly?" Tiffany looked at Roxy's arm wondering how bad Roxy had cut to have to have a professional bandage on her arm.

" boyfriend...and I we kinda got in a car accident. While we were already on our way to the hospital. It was horrible." Roxy just then remembered the reason that they had really been coming in the first place.

"Oh...I get it. Why were you coming to the hospital anyways?" Tiffany looked straight at Roxy trying to coax the reason out of her.

"I don't really want to talk about all the right now." Roxy sighed hoping Tiffany would understand. Right then Roxy's mom walked into Tiffany's room.

"Roxy come on we are getting you out of here. You are going back to school tomorrow." Roxy's mom glanced over Roxy's overly skinny shoulder to look at Tiffany. She waved at Tiffany, "Hi...I'm not sure that I know you." She felt a little uneasy.

"That's Tiffany she goes to my school. Mom don't I have to stay here a little longer for this?" Roxy held up her bandaged arm. And gave her mom a long glare.

"They...said..." Her mom was hesitant. "That, since this was something self inflicted...that they couldn't keep you here. Now get ready we have to go. See you later Tiffany." she turned on one foot and walked towards the door.

"Well...." Roxy started " I guess I will see you in school when you get back" She walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. She scraped up her bag and followed her mom to get checked out.