Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Two

Tonight was a sex night. Great she thought. At least she wouldn't have to go to school with the bruises from her fathers newest interest. Throwing her up and down the stairs. He called it her 'Exersize for the day.' He claimed that she was fat and needed excersize and that is why he dragged her to the top of the stairs and threw her down them. As her father had his way with her once again she started thinking of how to make a new concoction for tomorrows routine. She needed to have just enough to kill him, but not to much to where he could smell it.

As she was thinking of the concoction she felt an sharp stinging pain in her face.

"What the hell did you do that for" She screamed at her father.

Her father slowed down and stopped his newest sex game, looked her in the face and slapped her face again.

"You aren't enjoying this Roxy. You aren't getting into it, thats part of the fucking game" He slapped her face again harder this time, "Thats what this game is for. Now enjoy it!"

She blankly stared at him. He thought she needed to enjoy being fought with every night to have sex. She squirmed and tried to get away. She was pissed, she could not believe that he wanted h er to enjoy being raped by her own father. But as there was no way to get away with out the nights 'Excersize' she tried to enjoy being raped, or at least to act like she enjoyed it.

Thirty minutes later, he slowly climbed off of her, leaned down to her ear and whispered, "No one hears about it right? This our little secret." She didn't get why he always repeated that after he got done raping her. It wasn't like her mother didn't already know that her father raped and abused her. But she still kept it 'their little secret' because she knew her mother was not going to do anything about her fathers behavior. Her mother just thought that he had reasons enough to abuse her and rape her. She told Roxy that it was her fault that her father was that way that she never made him happy.

Her dad walked away silently like nothing happened. She sat up and wrote in her journal, 'Today was another sex night, he has gotten worse I have to enjoy it now.' and she closed the journal.

BOOM! She heard the door slam on the other side of the house. Then she heard the pounding of footsteps coming to her room. It was her father.

"Your gayfriend is here to see you Roxy. What did I tell you about your gayfriend? He needs to stay the hell outta my house" and he pounded off. She walked to the door to greet her friend Andy who her dad thought was gay. He wasn't gay he was her boyfriend. But if her dad found that out she would be dead. Andy and Roxy had been dating for a little over a year now and Roxy was sure she was in love with him.

She walked towards him, but she hated the look on his face. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong.