Status: Is completed. Can't find the hard-drive that has the end chapters on it. Will put up asap.

Forgotten Memories

Chapter Three

She pulled him outside, careful to make sure that he didn't make eye contact with her dad.

"Whats wrong?" Roxy asked Andy.

"Nothing's wrong. Why would you think somethings wrong?" He calmly answered, only half thinking that she would by it. He put his head down hoping that she would just leave it at that, but in all the time he had known her he shoulda known it wouldn't work she would hound on him till he told her. She said it kept her sane, that it was best for both of them.

"Fuck Andy! Don't give me this bullshit nothing. Its something I can see it in your eyes and you know I can." She eye balled him, looked him over again, and knew it was something she was going to regret knowing.

He slowly lifted his head to look her in the eyes, he saw her pain, that she knew something was wrong and wanted to know what. This was the first girl that he ever knew was true about what she said. That he really did love her. More than the world.

He leaned over to give her a hug but when he did she gave a small shove. She wasn't going to give him a hug till he told her what was wrong. He backed up and tried to look her in the eyes but she put her head down. He knew she was hurting and that he had to cheer her up.

"Look baby please just give me a hug," he lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. "I love you, you know that right? I love you more than anything, Can you please just give me a hug now?" He didn't know what else to say. He couldn't tell her he had overdosed again, that his mom had decided to move so he would be happier. His mom didn't know anything about him. What he wanted was to stay here with Roxy. If they moved everything was just going to be worse.

She looked up at the eyes that she had looked at many times before. Those eyes that calmed her down and let her know everything was going to be alright. And yet at the same time those eyes had told her over a million times, that th i ngs weren't going to be okay and that it was never going to be okay.

"Andy, I love you too, but I just scratch that! I just NEED to know what is wrong with you. Andy I've known you since grade 2, I can tell when somethings wrong, I can tell when your happy. You don't think that when you say nothing, I know that its not just a little something that I can get over fast, its something big. Would you stop hiding it from me and tell me please?" He stared at her scared of what was going to happen if he told her. He'd have to tell her sometime, why not tell her now when she knew something was wrong?

He sighed, and then cleared his throat and pulled her closer to him, "My mom...she thinks that I'm not happy here....and she thinks it would be a good idea...if..." He trailed off and started looking at the snow on the ground. It was getting cold he hadn't even realized they were both outside standing on her porch in the snow. Roxy didn't even have a jacket on, he rapped his arms around her, not realizing he had stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"ANDY!" He was jolted from his wonderland.

"What? O I'm sorry were you talking, gosh Roxy I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore you I'm so sorry, please don't be mad" He babbled on hopeing she wasn't mad for ignoring her.

Roxy looked at him laughing "Andy, silly YOU were talking, you were telling me what was wrong. Now, you mom thinks that your not happy and that it woudl be a good idea if...what?" She stopped and tried not to laugh knowing this was no longer a time to be laughing.

"O..damn Roxy. I don't wanna think about it. Can't we just not talk about it?" He was only half hoping she wouldn't wanna talk about it more. He wanted to tell her, he needed to tell her. It was something they needed to talk about.

"ROXY GET YOUR FAT ASS INSIDE NOW YOU NEED TO DO THE DAMN CLOTHES AND CLEAN THE WHOLE ****ING HOUSE GET IN HERE NOW!" Roxy's dad was a loud and voiceful person. He never asked someone to do something. He never even said something without yelling, no warning just a yell and then if you weren't doing what he wanted then you were dead.

"God Andy, why did you have to procrastinate? I wanted to know. Now I won't know till Monday. Great another weekend wondering whats wrong, stuck at home with a raping father." She started crying, quickly she wiped her eyes hoping Andy hadn't seen that, hadn't noticed or he would be even more worried then she was.

He didn't know what to say. He just stood there and looked at her. He had forgotten how beautiful she really looked. He hadn't got to spend time with her since her father started his new job. He missed those days. She was truly beautiful. Her long black hair with that slightest tint of red was perfect. There wasn't another girl here that had hair as perfect as that. And he had her, he had the most beautiful girl in their whole school. She didn't agree she always said ' So and So is prettier then me, she is so much skinnier' but as she did he always had his arm around her and simply stated 'Nah No one is as pretty as you' it was their way of communicating.

"ANDY, god what is wrong with you today everything I say you jsut tune out. Are you okay?" She gave him this blaring look. She couldn't get why he was being like this. If he would just answer her then everything would be as it should.

Apparently the overdose was getting to him he couldn't get focused on anything. "I'm sorry babe, I was thinking. Sorry" He didn't know what else to say..he really was thinking.

"What were you thinking about?" She pulled him close and looked at him the way she always did when she wanted something. She smiled

"I was thinking about you, and how beautiful you are and how much I love you. Wait I know that sounds cheesy but its true. I really do love you and you really are beautiful."

"Thanks hunnie," She lifted her hand to his face, and felt the scruffy hair growing back in from the last time he shaved. She didn't care this time though. She just wanted him to kiss her, and never stop. She wanted the pain of everything else to go away. She pulled his face closer to hers. She had to stand on the very tip of her toes for this. " I better go inside before dad comes out and litterally drags me inside. I love you?" She said it as it was a question.

"Yeah, I love you too Roxy. I'll see you Monday" He started to walk off but only got a few steps before she grabbed his hand and pulled him back around her.

"Just one more kiss?" she kissed him as if she was never going to get another kiss. And she loved it. "You should come sneak me out, then we can talk. Like old times? Please hunnie?"

She missed the old days where he would sneak her out so that they could just sit outside and watch the sky and talk and laugh.

"But what about..." He looked at the pleading look of her eyes, his knees got shaky, "Okay. I'll be here about eleven not a minute past, I'll see you then. I love you" he kissed her softly and ran off.